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Tattoos - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

or do they totally turn you off.

2007-05-31 23:05:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anyone tried using the tattoo fade system from wrecking bomb? I was wondering if it was effective.

2007-05-31 23:01:17 · 9 answers · asked by cremedelacreme 3

i'm not talking about just like..at mcdonalds..or hot topic or something. i mean a job you can make a good living out of..

2007-05-31 21:36:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm sure this isn't a smart thing to do, but how feasible is it for a professional tattoo artist (not just some doof with a safety pin and ink) to tattoo himself? Have you known this to happen? With what results?

2007-05-31 19:55:24 · 12 answers · asked by Eric 3

I've been tattooing for eight years. I served a formal apprenticeship under a very reputable artist who has been published in many books, magazine, and has been on the discovery channel several times. Having said that, I wish to ask this simple question.
Is this forum necessary? All this forum will do is create problems for an already saturated business. I've seen people asking "how can a non-tattooer get some tattin' ink". the answer to that is quite simple...YOU DON'T YOU IDIOT!
What makes people think that they can just go out and buy some equipment and start tattooing? You have no idea what Universal Precautions even mean. You have no idea what cross contamination means. You have no idea what proper sterilization is, not to mention how to achieve it! All of you who are reading this who are guilty of the above...please, do humanity a favor...CUT OFF YOUR THUMBS! If you can't live with that...go find a person who knows what they are doing, serve an apprenticeship!!!!

2007-05-31 17:43:34 · 14 answers · asked by Jen 3

to let me get my tongue pierced? The only reason she doesn't want me to get one is because its "euuhhh so gross". So I think I can convince her.. I said to her something along the lines of, "Mom you just think that cuz you grew up when it WAS gross, but now its so common and I think its really cute". I also told her I just want it for me, not to impress anyone or fit in or anything. then she said she would think about it. Oh I also told her it was the least painful you can get.. she let me get my bellybutton pierced when I was 13, (now i'm 15) but she told me at the time that I couldn't get anymore piercings or anything til I"m 18. But recently I've been going through a lot and I"m not gonna be able to have a party or anything for my sweet 16 so I think she's coming around so that I can have SOMETHING eventful for my birthday. So I think its a convinceable thing, I'm just not sure what else I should say to do it. Oh and, does it hurt?

2007-05-31 16:44:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been wanting a beautiful side piece on my rib cage. I drew it up and took it to my artist and she said it'll probably take 4-6 hours. I'm a little worried about the pain. I already have two tattoos. One on my foot and one on my shoulder blade. I guess I'm not sure if I want to sit for a couple hours and come back the next day to finish it up. I heard that it hurts like hell coming back later and tattooing over it again. Is that true?

2007-05-31 16:28:45 · 8 answers · asked by Briana 2

A long story made short.
My biological mother died last August so i recently decided to get a tattoo to remind me of her presence and to never forget about her. I do not regret getting the tattoo but my family is relentless in harassing me about it. It seems like everytime some conversation about tattoos come to light im suddenly thrown into it in a negative perspective. Its starting to get me upset how my parents, and the rest of my family, cannot accept me for who i am and what my decisions are. So i guess my question is how can i alleviate the harassment and get my parents to understand my situation. I've tried talking it out but they are strict and have a one track mind when it comes to tattoos. Any suggestions would be great thanks.

2007-05-31 15:04:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wanna get a tattoo on my fore arm but im a skinny lil rat. i have the money but duno if its guan warp if i get it then gain weight. shall i wait first????

2007-05-31 10:38:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

does it bother you when the tattoo artist looks up tattoos on the net? i like it when they draw somethin up, for me it show thats not only can they tattoo, they have an artistic sense about them.

2007-05-31 07:11:52 · 17 answers · asked by million$? 4

2007-05-31 05:09:10 · 12 answers · asked by bex =] 1

Ok I have a HUGE tat on my waist. It was suppised to be a cross yet they made it sideways and looked like an X then went to go get it fixed and looked like an even bigger X. Now it lookes like a huge black blob. Has anyone had the skin colored ink and went over the old tat? does it work? Please help its made me so self concious! I wont even put on a bathing suit

2007-05-31 04:46:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it this is the only place it is okay bash people on the answer boards. Just like tattoos, if you don't like it then don't look or post. I hope you can get more creative with your answers. The same old I hate tattoos answers get really boring.

2007-05-31 01:06:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want a tattoo but cannot tolerate much pain, how can I reduce the pain when having it done, some people have said that there is a cream that you can buy that numbs the area, is this true?

2007-05-30 22:13:47 · 11 answers · asked by Des M 1

I'am looking into getting a tattoo, i really love little ones on the back of your neck or a dainty little one on my inner wrist, i have had a look a few places, but haven't really had any luck finding anything i like, I just though you guys might be able to send some pictures or advise what is a good site to look at.

2007-05-30 21:13:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband wants to get our sons name tattooed on him, but he wants it to be different. Any suggestions or websites we could look at...thank you....

2007-05-30 08:40:28 · 18 answers · asked by AJay 2

please don't use the same answer as the one before

2007-05-30 05:09:14 · 5 answers · asked by NA3000 3

I am scared that the tattooist may mess up my tattoo and then have to look at it for the rest of my life when it is something I hate.

2007-05-30 03:34:39 · 21 answers · asked by Hoodoo 3

i would like a tattoo of tigger a cute picture does any one know of a web site please

2007-05-30 03:31:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-30 03:21:47 · 11 answers · asked by chocolateaffair 1

I've had tattoos before where the shop sold me Tattoo Lube, a salve designed for tattoos... but for whatever reason, I couldn't find any shops that sold such stuff anymore. They all recommend stuff like Aquaphor (and sometimes A&D). I went shopping for some Aquaphor this morning to put on my tattoo, but discovered that both it and A&D contain lanolin... and isn't lanolin bad for the health and quality of a tattoo?

2007-05-30 02:30:10 · 6 answers · asked by Jonathan W 2

I want to get a tat on the inside of my thigh, but I have a few stretch marks there. Can you tattoo over stretch marks without it looking all stretched out. I have had these stretch marks for probably 18 years now and they have gotten no worse (serious growth spurt when I was 13) so I figure the tattoo will probably not stretch from the stretch marks later in life. I am just worried that tattoo-ing over them now will make it looked blurred or something. What do you think?

2007-05-30 00:02:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

aint it the bestest thing,

i had mine done for 7 months

whats your favorite if you have any more

2007-05-29 22:06:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

sorry, i never had tattoos but am thinking about it

2007-05-29 20:06:29 · 18 answers · asked by Rock 4

does anyone know how painfull it would be to get a tattoo on there shoulder blade....ive been condidering getting one there so if anyone has any imput it would be great


2007-05-29 19:35:41 · 12 answers · asked by angel_44614 1

a few weeks ago i made the stupid decision of letting a friend with no tattoo experience and no apprenticeship do a tattoo on me... while he was doing the tattoo he kept dipping the needle and coming back to my skin and as he started going over the stencil, no ink was going into my skin?... its like he was just using a needle with no ink, i went to a local artist (which i know is what i should of done in the first place) and got the tattoo i wanted... im not here to get criticized for going to an unprofessional... im just curious as why the ink was not going into my skin? what was being done wrong? the machine looked to be set up right... if anyone has any idea please let me know what you think mighta been the problem... im not gonna go back there... i learned from my mistakes and will go to a professional from now on....

thanks in advance...

2007-05-29 19:23:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people think nose rings are ugly but i have 1 and I think it looks cute. What do you think about them? Be honest it's ok.
Thanks, Hannah!

2007-05-29 18:40:00 · 27 answers · asked by Hannah 1

I got a tattoo on my shoulder blade about a year ago. I though of every possible place on my body to get the tattoo, and the shoulder seemed the best aside from the lower belly. I decided against the lower belly area because I didn't want it to stretch when I have children. Last October my fiance proposed to me. As I was looking for wedding dresses I realized that I neglected to think of my tattoo showing on my wedding day.

I plan to wear my hair down and have a veil, but I fee like that may not cover it well enough. Though it is a nice, pretty tattoo that represents my number one priority, "Family" I don't really want that to be what people are talking about while I'm saying, "I do."

Any ideas? Is there any heavy-duty make-up out there?

2007-05-29 18:26:30 · 21 answers · asked by Sera B 3

Tattoos that are just curvy outlines and very simple of hearts, butterflies, people or whatever? I like really simple and very small tattoos.

2007-05-29 17:12:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous