How do you feel about displaying - to friends, at the gym, etc - works in progress? I don't mean tats you want to add on to, but rather ones where one or more further visits are required to complete the work. Ones where some sections are colored, shaded, filled in, whatever, while others are waiting their turn. Mine & others back pieces (or anything of moderate size or larger) are good examples of this.
From one perspective I think many of us want to show off the work, but there are cons to it. What will be fine in the end piece may look so-so, or even off, before it's done. There's a certain amount of fairness due to the artist (and oneself) - kind of like judging a cook before the soup is done.
Smart people probably will not have a problem, but there's enough bias against body modification in the first place. People can be less than observant & fair.
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