Since 2000, ESPN has poisoned baseball lexicon by calling a home team scoring a game winning run (via base hit or homerun) a walk off. No one "walks" in the process of getting a game winner. It totally insults the intelligence of a baseball fan. Whatever happened to sipmly calling a game ending RBI a game winner?
Also a side question: Is anyone else annoyed with ESPN in general? The "Who's Now" popularity contest is a joke. Simply crown LeBron James and get it over with (it's what they're going to do anyway). While I'm not a Sidney Crosby fan, he was totally railroaded by "voters" and the so-called "panelists" (a washed up NFL crybaby, a loser of a college quarterback who never made it in the NFL, and a hack Washington Post writer), not to mention the overrated Stuart Scott (boo-ya got old a loooooong time ago, fella). Totally diminished Crosby's accomplishments ("Jeter is on the Yankees, after all", that and I don't recall Jeter ever winning a regular season MVP). Weigh in people!
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