I think we all agree that Fred Phelps and his band of loonies does not represent the Christian faith, but there are a few things that are quite widespread and do tend to rise to that level of lunacy but which people don't seem to be appalled by. I think their lack of outrage comes from just not knowing how big a problem it is.
I the brand of Christianity I'm speaking of usually claims no "denomination" like Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, LDS, but they just refer to themselves as "Christians," which makes it hard for people to say how crazy they are because we come off insulting the entire religion, which is not the intent. Sometimes they claim to be Evangelical, but the same problem applies: not all Evangelicals fall into this category. I *think* Pentecostal may be the closest we have, but the same situation may still exist.
(to be continued...)
21 answers
asked by
ZombieTrix 2012