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Religion & Spirituality - 12 December 2007

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John Lennon disliked Elvis,his band, and God....he wrote Christmas song...and so this is christmas, give peace a chance? how can a person have peace without Christ?...I say, yes this is Christmas and we are happy to celebrate HIs birth, hey Lennon you have a problem with that!!!!go rot in hell for eternity

2007-12-12 03:27:21 · 8 answers · asked by M & M'S 1

How do you explain love? Do you believe that it is just a bunch of chemical reactions in your brain? If so, then what triggers the neurotransmitters to activate their respected receptors? Does this mean that when you fall in love with someone, then he/she just so happens to create the right balance of neurotransmitters in your brain compared to partners in your past?

2007-12-12 03:25:30 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Read this guy's profile ["whcwarrior..."]


This guy is in law enforcement, yet he is homophobic,
Pro Hate, Anti Immigration, Anti LIberal
Anti Abortion, Anti Gay marriage, Anti green movement,
Anti Islam. Pro gun, and CLEARLY racist, ignorant and close-minded.....

So, if he stopped you for something routine, and you had a bumper sticker on your car showing you supported one of the things he was clearly against, would you be worried that he would treat you unfairly .... ??

And -- is "bejeesus" even a word ...?
Thanks for your thoughtful repsonses ..........

2007-12-12 03:24:34 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

what if you repent before commenting suicide it's doesn't say you will go to hell in the bible.

2007-12-12 03:22:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 03:22:32 · 11 answers · asked by Atom 4

How do you picture God's appearance? That is, what do you think he/she/it looks like?

2007-12-12 03:21:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many people deny that Jesus even existed. So, for those of you who do not believe that Jesus was a real person, do you believe that Alexander the Great was a real person? The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written 50-90 years or so after the death of Jesus. However, the most reliable source concerning the historical record of Alexander the Great was written in the 2nd century AD (4 centuries or so after his death). It was written by Arrian of Nicomedia. With this said, why is it hard to believe that Jesus was a real figure? His history was written much sooner after His death compared to Alexander the Great.

2007-12-12 03:20:50 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Disease, where does it come from? Man's pain, what is the cause? What on Earth could love so much misery?

The answer is within itself, man is man's disease.
Man has always since the birth of time has tried to cause his own demise.
Some men aren't happy living in our world, and view the world as hollow.
Men like that believe the only success they could ever know is destroying the world around them.

My gift to all the innocent, is the question that reveals what's behind the promises of evolution and most importantly it reveals what's behind the mask.

Think. Evolution is the process of reaching man's peak, what they don't tell you which is simple enough to understand from all levels of intelligence is: what goes up, must come down.

Man reaching it's peak of existence has nowhere to go but down.

Evolution: when one reaches evolution, his existence is near it's END.

All that Evolves is glorious; but soon after it dies. So men of science, is that your goal. The End?

2007-12-12 03:20:27 · 39 answers · asked by Adversity 3

Can you be Christian, AND Buddhist if you don't accept Buddha as a God, just a great teacher?

2007-12-12 03:20:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just wondering how many people would openly admit to following a pagan based religion (or at least a religion based upon more then one god/goddess.)

I myself, am a Teutonic Majician (I know that is not the spelling of Magician, but I use that spelling to distinguish between the stage craft and the true majic that I practice.)

Both my parents are Teutonic Majicians, and I was initiated when I was very young. I wont discuss any more about my beliefs and practices other then that, but I was just wondering how many people would openly admit if they were asked that they were of a pagan, or (multiple God/Goddess) based religion.

The reason I ask this is because it seems to me that even today, in this enlightened word, people are afraid to admit who they really are and hide behind the curtain of falsehood.

2007-12-12 03:17:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should I start a Muslims-in-the-news website?

I could start with today's news...


2007-12-12 03:16:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

See details and make your replies to the original posting of this question. By the way, I've ammended the original answer to give the correct answer since none of the first 14 people who replied knew the correct answer.

Here is a link to the original question:


Please post your reply to the original question, not this one.

Thank you.

2007-12-12 03:15:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you please explain to me what your beliefs are? Also, if you teach and live by the Bible, why did your religion write a whole new one? Also, I am a little confused why you cant celebrate a holiday or birthday. Its tradition and there is no where in the Bible that states that it is a sin. You say that you dont need "one day" to celebrate something, yet you have no problem celebrating a wedding. It just makes no sense to me.

2007-12-12 03:13:42 · 11 answers · asked by clbowman06 4

because when you walk in the dark you cant see but, when you live by the light you know where you're going.

2007-12-12 03:13:39 · 19 answers · asked by how2live 1

today in medicine people are diagnosed with have multiple personalities or hearing voices and are given drugs or treatments to help them.

well if one were to not be diagnosed or treated and found by some religious people and the person were to ether look like he/she is possesed or he/she is saying that god is talking to them
would you think they are crazy, possesed or prophet? how would you know the difference?

2007-12-12 03:11:55 · 7 answers · asked by Wes: i dont give thumbs down 7

A conundrum...

2007-12-12 03:11:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Luke 11:27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."
28He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."
Just like they call her a virgin still even thougth the Bible says she had sex? My point being only Christ is worthy of our complete attention.

2007-12-12 03:11:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians would have a hard time collating a cohesive set of rules rather than cherry-picking from the OT and NT, which are rife with contradictory ideas. I hear many Christians speak of the rules of the OT as "fulfilled" by Jesus, so they don't have to follow OT rules, then they insist that the 10 commandments are still viable. That's inconsistent. Unless there is someone who can straighten me out? Are we supposed to love everyone, or eye for an eye? Are we supposed to turn our cheeks or fight in wars? Are we supposed to abstain from mixed fibers since Jesus only revoked the dietary laws specifically? Do you even know, and if so, how?

2007-12-12 03:10:12 · 21 answers · asked by chem sickle 3

2007-12-12 03:09:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

which could be considered as a message from God?

2007-12-12 03:09:05 · 17 answers · asked by Nicole N 1

even though its not formal witnessing? Just a question I would like to know about.

2007-12-12 03:06:52 · 21 answers · asked by ladybugwith7up 3

I will lose my home and everything I have without a job. Please pray for me.

Thank you and God Bless You.

2007-12-12 03:06:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'd like to hear what people have to say about it. I am only trying to enlighten my horizons by listening to both sides.

They say that the only cause of suffering is '' craving ''.
What are your thoughts?

2007-12-12 03:05:59 · 20 answers · asked by Poetry 2

2007-12-12 03:05:44 · 26 answers · asked by tumesforme 1

he says he is forgiven and has no sins even though he done this to his wife - and said to his wife god has forgiven me -

punshiment in this world and next

2007-12-12 03:04:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 03:03:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long have you been in the truth? Where are you located? What do you appriciate about Jehovahs organzation?

I have been in the truth my whole life. :) I am in the south east of the U.S. :)))
I love worldwide brotherhood! It amazes me! I know I can go ANYWHERE and I will be welcomed and loved by you brothers and sisters.

2007-12-12 03:02:28 · 38 answers · asked by Learn about the one true God 3

I celebrate Christmas, but it is more for my daughters. I don't want to rob them of all the presents they receive..... great reason, I know. However, I don't treat it as a religious holiday.... just a great time to help out others and give to those who don't have.
However, I do feel like I am forced to celebrate it by my family and society. If you don't celebrate Xmas people act like you just told them Hitler was your grandfather. They act like I am doing my children harm if I don't put up a tree and buy gifts for everyone I know.

Do any other Atheists feel forced to celebrate this holiday, or do you choose to do so willingly? Or do you simply choose not to celebrate it at all?

2007-12-12 03:02:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you feel about Casablanca?

2007-12-12 03:01:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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