OK, here’s my version of events that transpired last Saturday at an Under 10 Soccer match. I am not claiming in any way that I am perfect but wanted some other peoples view on this.
During an Under 10 boys recreational soccer game last Saturday, there was a vicious foul where one of my team had his legs taken out from under him and was shoved to the ground, where he landed face first in the dirt and was unable to get his hands out to protect himself. The referee didn’t blow up for the foul or even stop play as this lad was on the floor screaming and in obvious distress. I am the assistant coach on the team and waited as long as I could (Approx 15-20 seconds), before running on to the pitch to check on the lad. As I was running onto the pitch in the heat of the moment I evidently said “God Damn” out loud, not at the top of my voice, but probably loud enough that some people heard it. The referee then blew his whistle, turned to me and told me to watch my language, to which I replied “you blow your whistle”.
When I reached the lad who was in distress it was plain to see he was hurt, so I carried him off the field and helped him out.
After the game the Head coach of the team came to me and said she was offended by my language as I ran onto the field, to which I said I was sorry but it was a pure exclamation due to the fact there was a kid hurt and nobody was taking any notice.
Here’s where it get’s interesting, I thought it was all over and settled, but come Wednesday I get a call from the league Director of Coaching who says that my Coach has complained that I ran onto the pitch and cursed out the referee, without mentioning that someone had been fouled and injured and that she (The Coach) wants me suspended for 1 week. I told this guy my side of the story, but he wasn’t receptive to hearing anything different from what he had been told and told me that my presence at games and practices this week is not welcome. After this, later on Wednesday I receive an e-mail from the Coach telling me that unless I apologize to the whole team for my language she doesn’t want me back on the team, in her words there was no justification for saying the 2 words that I said.
There have been multiple e-mails back and forth but the main gist is I have already apologized to her for inadvertently offending her and explained again it was an outburst in a stressful situation where the kids wellbeing was foremost in my mind, not the language I used.
The end result is I have now been kicked off the team because one person (in my opinion), is putting 2 words which can be heard everyday in the real world above the safety of the kids we coach, after already having had an apology.
Sorry that this has dragged on but I am very interested in others opinions.
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