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If an Atheist is wrong then he or she will personally pay a penalty... One most of us are more than willing to take a chance on...

But if the christians are wrong the effect on the LIVING earth is enormous...
When a christian asks, what if you are wrong, they don't ever take into consideration... what if we are right.. The consequences to the earth are enormous... Why should life itself depend on what happens when one dies? Death occurs no matter what, but what we do in life affects the world.... What if the christians are wrong... they are destroying the planet... they are promoting hatred, ignorance, bigotry, war, in a world our children will have to live on... What if the christians are wrong... they are leaving future generations in the lurch.. just as our parents left us... 2000 yrs of the same dead end debate... So christians don't assume that there is no consequences for your actions... For we Atheist know that what occurs in life is more important that death..

2007-10-26 02:25:34 · 41 answers · asked by Gyspy 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

the simple point I am trying to make is when christians say... what if you are wrong.. then you pay a personal penalty... but the effects of christians being wrong affects the living earth... foolish if you ask me... Even very selfish..

2007-10-26 03:52:19 · update #1

by andianap... its called having "faith" and that's our faith....leave it alone...you narrow minded ****....we don't judge you for not believing ...we just pray one day you will..........

2007-10-26 04:11:46 · update #2

MrMyers. who is it that prevents us from eating drinking and being merry? the christians make life hell on earth. I for one don't practice their way of life, I eat drink, smoke and do as I please. I beleive life is here to be enjoyed it gets hard to do with the religious oppressors breathing down our necks.

For those of you who say "I would not behave without my god" or "this life isn't worth living so I'm waiting for an eternal after life" let me tell you... do you think the oppression of your religion is going to give you what you want when it is the greatest reason that life isn't enjoyed? Life is a series of plans choices and opportunities. When religions limit your choices or mess up your plans because of rules by making you feel guilty for the things you actually enjoy about life. You choose slavery.. all religions produce slavery... but life is meant to be experienced in freedom... People who don't beleive in an after life are less likely to throw it away in war.

2007-10-26 04:26:41 · update #3

ledbette...."Why are things like destroying the earth or encouraging bigotry bad? Aren't those just your personal preferences?" this is what religion introduces and keeps in our societies.... We the human race were much more peaceful before it...

2007-10-26 04:28:32 · update #4

41 answers

Why is it always asumed that atheists will "pay"? I'm athiest, and I've read the Bible on many occasions...this link, might help..http://www.evilbible.com/christians_are_hypocrites.htm

2007-10-26 02:33:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You are being deceived.

Hatred, ignorance, bigotry....
Blaming religion and Christians for this is an example of these very things. Are you part of the solution or the problem?

Do you really believe that the consequences of our actions are responsible for wars and destroying the planet? You forgot to add advances in science and a few more. Get real.

Greed and power are not what Christianity is about.
It is coming into a personal relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ.
It is about living the best life possible while we are alive, and eternal life with God afterward, based on love.

What is wrong is when people make judgments and decisions that are not based on love and concern... if not for the living God, then at least for themselves and others. Did you?

The majority of Christians do consider the consequence of their actions... probably more than most people.

2007-10-26 03:03:11 · answer #2 · answered by Bill Mac 7 · 0 1

I'm not a Christian, but somebody who really considers what Jesus spoke about (Love, humility, peace) aren't the type that are going to be supporting wars or campaigning against gay marriage. They're going to be the sort that's always there to lend a hand, they're going to be the sort of person stands up for the weak.

I use gay marriage as an example here, it's one of the more potent and controversial topics.

There are a hell of a lot of people who are against gay marriage and such because they're trying to cling to what they thought was right, because they're trying to cling to the collective "Ew" the society has when they see a gay couple holding hands, because they can't see past the fact that it's two guys or two girls and see that the fact that they're in love is all that matters. Or, they themselves are gay, and they're calling it disgusting or sinful because they're conflicted, not sure if what they want is what society wants.

Having spoken with conservative Christians, neoconservative Christians, liberal Christians, and libertarian Christians, I have to say, Christianity can go a lot of different ways. An an honest, sensible person, Christian or no, is going to be fighting against things worse than gay marriage.

Many people, Christians and Nonchristians alike, claimed that some passages in the Bible supported slavery, back in the late 1800s. Honest and sincere men and women, and eventually society, were able to see through the facade and see that slavery was wrong, and upheld the rights of blacks. We now need to see through the lies and uphold the rights of gay men and women today.

2007-10-26 02:43:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think Paul answered that somewhere in his letters. I am too lazy to look it up, but he said that "If Christ was not raised from the dead, then we are the most pitiful creatures on earth" (or something like that).

I guess he meant that if Christians are wrong, they are missing out on all the fun.

Although, other religions do their share of hating and destroying - Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc, all have long, bloody, shameful histories. I guess it's just humanity that's the problem.

Also, atheism doesn't have such a great record. The Commies were (are) atheists, and they killed tens of millions of people, plus they royally screwed the environment (Chernobyl, for instance).

Love Jack

2007-10-26 03:15:14 · answer #4 · answered by Jack 5 · 1 0

Wrong about what...? What is IT that contributes to hatred, ignorance, bigotry, war etc....?
Many Christians have been contributors through the ages if you care to look into history. That doesn't describe a people who only focus on death and the afterlife. To think about it, the chinese focus a lot on death and afterlife, that's why money is so important during life! (joke! not being a bigot here - am a chinese myself).
Christians are extremely conscious of consequences - it's a whole study on it - consequence of sin (missing the mark of doing the right thing).
Christians more often than not promote life, not death. Hence the work of Mother Theresa who gives dignity to those who are left dying on the streets.
So.. again, what is it that Christians are wrong about???

2007-10-26 02:48:05 · answer #5 · answered by founteterne 2 · 0 1

What if you're both wrong and Atheism and Christianity are the wrong belief systems? What if the Muslims are right? What if the Hindus are right? What if the Buddhists are right? What if Animism is right? It's not a matter of who's right and who's wrong, it's about what is right for you personally. One would hope that, whatever your beliefs, you would think that the earth needs protection, you should treat others as you want them to treat you, and that hatred in any form does the world absolutely no good.

2007-10-26 03:41:13 · answer #6 · answered by Laoshu Laoshi 5 · 0 0

Your assuming way too much. Hatred,ignorance, bigotry,war? Please. Why is it that theres a stereotype that christians have no value for this life? Its because its temporary that we value it more. Thank God that christ gives life after death. If the christian is wrong, then we really dont have nothing to lose. If, emphasis on "If" but highly doubt it but for the sake of this question, it happens like the atheist says it would, We would simply dissappear and not remember anything would we? I wouldnt remember if I was a believer or a non-believer. It would be irrelevant, so it wouldnt make a difference. Yes, people would remember you but you wouldnt even know if you existed in the first place.

2007-10-26 02:35:48 · answer #7 · answered by ReliableLogic 5 · 2 1

I have seen this question just as many times as I have seen it from the Christians.

probably the reason it isn't ask more often is because we are as tired of seeing it, as the true Atheist are of see the reverse of it.

I will not answer it for other Christians, but there are more like me than there are Atheist like you.

I have taken into consideration, the question of "what if I am wrong"
so what if I am wrong,
I have never started a fight because of my belief.
I have not condemned anyone to hell for their beliefs.
to me sin is my disobedience of what my God tells me not to do, as well as not doing what He tells me to do.
I do not push my morality on others,
in February I will have been married for 40 years, to the same Woman.
I drive a fuel efficient Auto,
I take care of the forest that I live next to,
i recycle.
and I use energy saving devices in my home.
if I am right I will spend eternity with my family, and a lot of my friends, and my God.
If I am wrong I will have lived a moral life, doing what I can to help my fellow man. taking care of my environment.
If I am wrong I will have left a heritage for my grandchildren.

you say 2000 years of the same dead end debate,
but it is you that is perpetuating the debate with your question.
If I am wrong, then my body will rot in the grave, without reward for my beliefs, but also without any penalties.
if I am wrong there is no God,
and if there is no God there is no Satan,
and if there is no Satan then Satan will never rule the Earth,

as you have stated in your profile.

you have call me Ignorant,
and perhaps I am,
but It is not because of my belief in God.

2007-10-26 03:12:38 · answer #8 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 0 1

They will answer if they are wrong they have lived good lives and served God and if there is no God then they have lost nothing an only gained good quality life.

I think that is bull, but they are wrong and we all are suffering for their poor chooses in environmental issues. Global warming high cost of oil. Our forests and jungles are disappearing. Wild life is vanishing or being seen in cities because we destroy their habitat.

Many helpless and hurting people go un helped because they are told they are going to hell if they cannot believe so they just keep hurting. Gay people are mistreated . Gays cannot even marry their life partner.

2007-10-26 02:42:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Completely and totally wrong.

For one thing we are not promoting hatred, any one who believes that is a moron.

And No we are not destroying the planet, any evidence you have regardless of what credibility YOU and the world assigns to it is rejected with rock solid evidence that blows away anything you have with all due deliberate force.

We are not promoting ignorance, that is a total lie, accept it, get over it.

Atheist are just as responsible for War as those who have taken Religion in the wrong Context and used for their own agenda and not after Christ, or did you forget about what Stalin did with his purges.

And to say that you are more than willing to take a chance on paying a penalty if you are wrong about God, is stupidity at it's worse,
And to say that what occur es in Life is more important than Death, that is utter lunacy, Life is Finite, after death is Eternity, something you obviously do not understand.

2007-10-26 02:37:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The universe is vast and we are discover a little; the earth is protected by our atmosphere, by gravity, you were provided with everything that you need to survive; sunshine, food , water etc; and you still don't think that someone did that on purpose; the universe and earth was here before man; man has no input into our protection, nor the universe working daily without our hand; our bodies work in amazement from a single cell that is triggered to specialize into a brain, heart, organs that remove toxins, pump blood, digest food etc etc and still you believe that all that is by accident by chance with no divine design; you can see the divine design in everything; in its function if you stop, look and listen; we don't know what sparks life at that moment and you didn't have any input into your own design; you didn't do but you were done ; even now , the life force in you works without any effort by you; your heart is beating , your lungs are breathing ; we care about life , to live a good life ; to choose God by message which isn't hard to be kind to others , if you really look at the message , it isn't life binding ; in fact the message is telling you to live , to appreciate life, people and not things ; to enjoy his gifts, a sunshining day, the sounds of the waves on the beach, the songs of birds, the beauty in clouds , the sound of the greatest music; to give thanks and to acknowledge that he gave you these gifts ; protects you daily, provides for you; made you like no other person on this planet ; why is that so hard; the negatives that you point out is mankind choosing evil , selfishness ; in everything , there are people who don't follow the rules , they will have to answer to their maker and they know who they are; our choice is to live the life and promote the message by our actions. You can't make generalizations because you don't know what is in the heart of someone; mankind ; every person needs to step up , we are all responsible for what we do here on Earth.

2007-10-26 02:35:49 · answer #11 · answered by sml 6 · 1 2

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