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You would go to your grave not believing it one bit or perhaps see the end of the world if it comes in your lifetime. By not believing in God you will go to Hell. God gave you the tools to learn and to listen but you chose to ignore them or not study them to find out the truth not just believing everything Science throughs at you. They are wrong all the time.You may think how can you believe if there is no proof to see. Well my friend Science did not see the beginning therefore Evolution is a theory and takes faith to believe in. You have a choice faith in Evolution (which will take you nowhere) or faith in God (which will let you live for ETERNITY in Heaven. If I am wrong and I Die Oh Well at least I lived a good life not fearing death. If your wrong and there really is a God you will regret it for ETERNITY in Hell, there's not turning back! There's no harm in Believing in God. By not believing your setting yourself up for Eternal Damnation. Just remember Could Science be wrong???

2007-10-26 02:11:06 · 25 answers · asked by ON FIRE 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

You might say it's religious rambling but most atheist just come on here to knock Christians down and don't say anything producive they are very negative. I just care about people if I wouldn't care about you I would never talk to an atheist and I wouldn't care what happened to them

2007-10-26 02:14:37 · update #1

I typed this in a hurry and I really don't care if all you have to say is I can't spell so that in not important to me!!!!

2007-10-26 02:15:36 · update #2

25 answers

I personally did not make a choice to not believe in God, it kind of chose me. I have gone to church with an open mind, I simply cannot believe. Maybe there is something missing in me or something, explain however you want, but it is what it is. You have to understand, I think, that it's not like we woke up one morning and decided that from now on we would not believe in God.

I didn't believe when I was 6 and I don't believe now that I am 40. I kind of envy you because religion is a powerful thing that can really help people make it through some tough times. People who really study Jesus' teachings (and he was a real person, there is no doubt of that, I just don't think that he is the son of any God) and really do follow his example are people to be admired and respected. There are many atheists like myself, who would do ANYTHING to help ANYONE and that truly have compassion for their fellow man, so Christians do not have the corner on that market.

We are people just lke you. On the otherhand there are people on YA with names like "I am an atheist" who clearly, in my mind, enjoy the shock value and the attention. People like me will ask questions without judging you and ask not to be judged in return. I do not start every conversation with "oh by the way, I'm an atheist" and I think that things like the separation of church and state has gone to far. If you want to pray in school you should have that right, if you want to display the 10 commandments in your courtroom go ahead, I am not threatened by it and respect your right to express yourself however you wish, as long as it is not hurtful to others.

2007-10-26 02:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by kmcpmgoodson 5 · 2 1

"Atheists what if your Wrong that there is no God?"

Then I'll be wrong, and I'll see what happens next. Remember, even if there is a God, it doesn't mean it's YOUR God.

"Are you ever wrong about anything?"

Of course. Are you? Are you prepared to admit that you might be wrong about your claim there is a God?

"By not believing in God you will go to Hell."

So says you. And at this point we would have to have a long debate as to whether God exists or not. Which would most likely be inconclusive, with neither person changing their views significantly.

"Well my friend Science did not see the beginning therefore Evolution is a theory and takes faith to believe in."

Non sequitur. And uninformed about the use of the term 'theory' in science.

"You have a choice faith in Evolution (which will take you nowhere) or faith in God (which will let you live for ETERNITY in Heaven."

Assuming God exists. And you pick the right God. And it's a God that rewards belief rather than action.

"and If I am wrong and I Die Oh Well at least I lived a good life not fearing death. If your wrong and there really is a God you will regret it for ETERNITY in Hell, there's not turning back!"

Pascals Wager (drink). What if we're BOTH wrong? What if the true God hates people who worship false Gods, but is indifferent towards atheism? What if the true God arbitrarily throws people into heaven or hell? This argument only works if there are only two options (A) God and (B) no God. In fact there is (A) No God (B) God 1 (C) God 2 (D) Goddess 1 (E) Pantheon 1..... etc etc ad infinitum

"There's no harm in Believing in God."

Questionable statement

"By not believing your setting yourself up for Eternal Damnation. Just remember Could Science be wrong???"

Could the Bible?

2007-10-26 02:34:00 · answer #2 · answered by Tom :: Athier than Thou 6 · 0 2

You are talking about "Pascals Wager"
Pascal says, its a better bet to believe in god, then not.

I say, its a better bet to not believe in god.
Lets say I am wrong and lose the bet. So what does that mean ? I lived my life without going to church, and not paying taxes to the church, not praying to god. But I am a good person, I am married and try to help my friends. I am not stealing mot abusing or such.
So if I am wrong, and there is a god, what do I have to lose ?
He is a forgiving god, right ? So the first thing he will do is to forgive me. Then, he created human with a free mind. So he gave me actually the choice to not believe in him. So I did nothing wrong.

Now lets assume YOU are wrong, and there is no god.
That means, that you wasted all that money you paid to the church, you wasted all that time going to church and pray.
You could do better things with that money and your time. You could donate that money to victims of an earthquake or something, if you want to do a good thing. With your extra time, you can go help out an old lady carry their bags.

You see, if YOU are wrong, than you wasted a big portion of your wonderful life in terms of money and time, but I did not.

2007-10-26 02:31:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Isn't that a religious cop out... What if we are wrong? Why don't christians ever ask what if they are wrong?... what is the consequences... the bible says..."Satan shall be called god of this earth" "Satan shall deceive many" Satan shall be called the only god" so while you are seeking to enslave the human race as you uplift Satan through your blind faith the rest of us are subject to your constant harrasement and abuse... Is is right for you to deman from us blindness when our eyes can see the truth... here's a news flash for you... Although we do not have all the answers we have enough to sufficiently understand that truth never requires blindness.... What if what you are doing christians are messing up the world so much that it keeps the world in the path of anger, hatred and destruction... Why is it you seek to preserve your lies beyond death yet care not for the actual life that exists.... When your truth and benefits of life depends on your death there is clearly something wrong with your thinking....

2007-10-26 02:19:15 · answer #4 · answered by Gyspy 4 · 2 2

You're saying you have a choice to beleive and that's what I'm doing. I'm chosing not to beleive in God. You're talking about purgatory and such but if you think about it, who cares honestly. If you beleive, then good but other people have different opinions. Let's say you're right about all this; Atheists go to "Hell" and you who has faith and beleifs go to "Heaven". Then what is there to worry about? You'll be up there and that's all there is to it.

No one knows about what happened in the past nor will anyone know about the future 'till the time comes so anyone can be wrong about absolutely anything in the end.

2007-10-26 02:30:03 · answer #5 · answered by Mika 1 · 1 2

It's hard to take someone seriously when they don't know the difference between your and you're.

Edit: Your lack of taking time to think out your questions shows that you have not rationally thought about what you're asking. If you took the time instead of just blurting out whatever rattled around inside your head you might come to realize that atheists don't believe in god, therefore you threatening them with hell means nothing to them. That is like telling someone they will get a lump of coal in their stocking for christmas if they are bad. If you don't care about the language you use to communicate your ideas, your ideas will not be communicated.

2007-10-26 02:13:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Yeah, I've never been wrong about anything ever. I'm just ultra-cool like that.

Telling atheists that "god" exists really does nothing to change our minds. Give us some real proof and then maybe we'll take you seriously.

2007-10-26 02:22:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Isn't the only reason religion exists in the first place so you don't live your life being scared of dying? It's just a comforting explanation. And if it makes you feel better, so be it. To bad your too weak to accept reality.

2007-10-26 02:23:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

so its ok for u to beleive in some thing and live a non fearfull life but when we dont beleive in it u think we are freafull of dying well in not illjust wait and see what comes along .if there was a god then he wont send us to the big bad fire now would he would god be that nasty lol

2007-10-26 02:16:11 · answer #9 · answered by sexxyscotlass 3 · 0 2

Assuming you are right and there is a god:
If I don't believe in god because the fine intellectual mind that god gave me allows me to see that there is no evidence for believing in him and that is completely in accordance with my belief system which is also a function of that fine intellect he gave me, why would he then punish me for using that intellect by sending me to hell?

2007-10-26 02:17:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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