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Religion & Spirituality - 26 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-26 04:48:02 · 16 answers · asked by inbetweendays 5

A friend of mine told me that in the christian way of things the order of thing that shouldbe of importance to you should be God, Spouse,Children, Career, Ministry. I agree, something that I was thinking all along and never heard anyone else say it,mostly people telling me that i was crazy to be thinking that way by puting your spouse before your children. I don't mean in any way that you should stand by your spouse if there are obsviously doing something wrong to your child but if there is no fault between the two, you according to the christian way of life are supposed to choose your spouse. Opinions, Thoughts, Answers?

2007-10-26 04:47:25 · 12 answers · asked by MG06 2

I mean, seriously, what's the appeal?
Tearing people down?
Showing us that a lot of you are haters and are arrogant?
If it's evolution you want to discuss, then why NOT the bio section? They could use some company.
I'm not saying atheists or other should be banned, but what is the appeal? The only people who ask actual religion questions about their faiths are Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. Atheists just ask each other, "Why do they believe this, why do they believe that. . ." It's sime, it's called FAITH.
No, I DON'T have proof of God, except his creation.

2007-10-26 04:47:15 · 21 answers · asked by ivy 3

I have been reading about he fires in California, burning thousands of homes and causing the evacuation of 1 million people.

And strong winds were fanning the fires, making them far worse.

Was it God punishing some one for not loving him enough or was it man's free will again?

Any convoluted explanations from born again Christians and brain washed Muslims, welcome.

2007-10-26 04:46:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please help, me and my friend are very stuck!
We know all about the funeral but we just need to know what happens after!

2007-10-26 04:46:01 · 8 answers · asked by Caroline 4

i heard that it's apparently the 4th largest religion in the uk (excluding 'atheist', 'no religion', and including all denominations of christian as 'christian').

is this true? even more so, is this right? any thoughts?

2007-10-26 04:45:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

"The souls that are incarnated in women's bodies have lessons to learn before they gain the right to incarnate in a man's body. A woman is naturally prepared to care and love for the ones close (Earthly bonds) and the man to care about all. The woman is more emotional and that makes her a better target for evil".

What do you think about this hierarchy and distinction, is it fair? Even if you don't believe in reincarnation, is there any base for such an assumption?
And ladies, could you live happily with a man that has such a believe? I'm with some serious trouble reconciling my love towards this person with some of his believes which go against my basic principles. In general he respects me and his actions wouldn't reveal such a radical view but i'd interpret them in a different way knowing the believe behind. I wish i'd be stronger and not affected by what he thinks but it's being a hard job to feel close and connected with such a frame of mind :(

2007-10-26 04:45:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Good idea or doesn't matter?

I know it's two months away but it seems like that would be a particularly frustrating time to be here. Thoughts?

2007-10-26 04:43:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did he know something I don't?

2007-10-26 04:42:28 · 24 answers · asked by LordVader 4

Do you find it offensive to hear people make jokes about your system of believing, whatever it may be? What about people who agree with your system, but still make jokes in the name of light hearted humor?

2007-10-26 04:41:01 · 33 answers · asked by Blossom 2

[This is not an attack, but an observation.]

Why do some theists try to prove the existence of their irrational God by using weak pseudo-philosophical arguments, many of which have been successfully refuted?

Why are some Christians so quick to forget that their position is the position of FAITH, not reasoning or logic. The belief in the Judeo-Christian God falls apart at the first sign of any critical thinking, so why try to rationalise your belief with worn-out arguments?

Surely the Christian should recognise that their belief is not rational?

I am just very curious as to why the Christians in R&S are eager to engage in debate, yet approach from a logical perspective, which cannot justify their belief in God?

I think that the Christians should focus their arguments around faith and belief rather than reasonable argument that is ill-suited to their belief.

Please share your opinions with me.

2007-10-26 04:40:34 · 17 answers · asked by The Bassline Libertine 3

2007-10-26 04:39:27 · 18 answers · asked by Hello 4

i am Muslim and i just wanted to know where is all the free will. really, i have seen so many so called Q refering to Atheiests. just leave them alone...if your trying to get them to see eye to eye with ur religion, bashing them isn't going to help. they have the free will to believe as they want. don't u have free will too?? i know some of the Atheists are not nice either but ppl this is a little childish to throw stabs at one another. ppl been doing it for years....has it helped mankind yet!? star if u find the interesting

2007-10-26 04:38:12 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

can you explain it? and no they are not the same... so that is not the answer... so don't bother posting it....

2007-10-26 04:36:57 · 26 answers · asked by Gyspy 4

2007-10-26 04:34:58 · 14 answers · asked by STFU Dude 6

My thoughts are that the key word is 'Uninvitied'. That is what changes it from sharing to diatribe, IMHO.


2007-10-26 04:32:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see several people referring to themselves as former atheists. I was wondering just what changed your mind into believing? These are both 2 opposite extremes, and I imagine the reasoning must be very powerful.

2007-10-26 04:32:13 · 10 answers · asked by mrr86 5

I'm not sure who the Athiest are but they seem to get a lot of attention from people.



Do my fellow atheists have any theories on this?

2007-10-26 04:29:35 · 24 answers · asked by Murazor 6

On R&S I see many people debating which religion is right and which is wrong (I'm counting aethist as a religion as it is belief) and I can't help but wonder if it really matters. If you have a kind person who embodies the virtues of kindness compassion and morality found in most religions, does it matter what name they call out or which rituals they peform?

To an extent are not all religions just a path to personal development and betterment, therefore is it not more important that we are moving forward as opposed to which path we take? (rember atheism is a belief in itself and directed in the right way can lead us to the same conclusions)

I like the Idea of kindness as a religion, peace and love to all and I hope this ateast makes for a nice thought.

2007-10-26 04:27:51 · 16 answers · asked by Erebus 4

Oh im not sure, but this I must know thank you :)

2007-10-26 04:22:58 · 26 answers · asked by Pierce 2

do they actually realise the true meaning of the word...if they did...it should be of no interest to them WHATSOEVER....or do you think maybe God is leading them here.....
There are so many other sections.....

2007-10-26 04:21:04 · 22 answers · asked by andianaplus3 2

Why do FORMER Witnesses FEEL THE NEED 2 constantly Ask ANTI JW Questions ?

If they Feel they SOMEHOW found "the TRUTH" Elsewhere; why don't they put their TOTAL EFFORTS into (THEIR) New Truth and "GO ON with their Lives" INSTEAD of "Constantly" Living in the Past by Being Critical of What they FORMALLY Believed !

In OTHER WORDS why do they spend SO MUCH of their time talking about what THEY Consider 2 Be OLD Truth when SUPPOSEDLY they NOW have NEW TRUTH ???

2007-10-26 04:19:59 · 35 answers · asked by . 7

if rational beliefs are based on scientific method which uses empirical data and at the same time pi is known to be an "irrational" number can it still be said that basing your beliefs on science is rational?

just a thought that occured to me - not a shot at any one group. thanks.



2007-10-26 04:18:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Christian but I have seen this too many times...espesially when the KKK claim to be saved.(which they are not saved nor are they educated).

2007-10-26 04:17:46 · 52 answers · asked by bella s 3

What seperates your denomination from the others?

2007-10-26 04:16:16 · 17 answers · asked by Green 7

How did you come to know your current belief structure (or structure of non-belief as applicable) as truth? What other belief structures/religions have you studied before determining that yours was right for you? Or did the first one you learned stick? If you learned from your parents/family/etc... how do you KNOW that it is the only one out there with so many choices?

2007-10-26 04:14:08 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

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