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Why do FORMER Witnesses FEEL THE NEED 2 constantly Ask ANTI JW Questions ?

If they Feel they SOMEHOW found "the TRUTH" Elsewhere; why don't they put their TOTAL EFFORTS into (THEIR) New Truth and "GO ON with their Lives" INSTEAD of "Constantly" Living in the Past by Being Critical of What they FORMALLY Believed !

In OTHER WORDS why do they spend SO MUCH of their time talking about what THEY Consider 2 Be OLD Truth when SUPPOSEDLY they NOW have NEW TRUTH ???

2007-10-26 04:19:59 · 35 answers · asked by . 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Ruth; that is DEFINITELY a "Touching" Story that I've SEEN Happen in (DIFFERENT) Forms & Ways MANY; MANY Times ! ! !

MANY Times Children "Raised" in the TRUTH don't Know that "the World" is JUST a "Shallow" VENEER Until they Xperience it 4 Themselves !

Then When They COME BACK to "tHE TRUTH" they ALWAYS say that there's NOTHING There ! ! !


2007-10-26 12:33:27 · update #1


Why did "tHE ALTER EGO" (STAR) this Question & "Then" (ALL) the Apostates SHOW UP at this Quesion ???

WHAT "IS" tHE ALTER EGO (UP TO) ??? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-26 16:04:18 · update #2


It Has Something 2 Do With "HERE COME the (CHILDREN) ! ! !

HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-26 16:06:36 · update #3

Because the unXPECTED (TREMEMDOUS) Repounce 2 this Question I Feel that I "OWE IT" 2 my BELOVED brothers & Sistier 2 take the time 2 (Somehow) "Show My" APPRECIATION ! I've Decided 2 do this by Picking (ONE) "Sentence" from EVERY Paragraph Answer that was "Long Enough" & PICK OUT the "ONE Best" Sentence from it !


1. bratiskim -- (WOW)...SURELY you MUST'VE "Known" that this Question would Just make Someone's HAIRS "Stand on End" !

2. conundur--"EXCELLENT" Question & Reasoning !

3. Vot Ana--It Becomes an OBSESSION. I Quess they CAN'T help themselves !

4. trk--"The DOG has Returned 2 His VOMIT !

5. Vegas un LAMB--Just SHOWS how "TOTALLY" (MISERABLE) they R !

6. JR--Shows they are "FULL of HATE" !

7. achtung--Christ's enemies Were MOTIVATED by "Self-Importnace" !

8. SisterCF--They demean us as people who STAND FIRM 4 our Beliefs !

9. Jason W--Fully Acomplish Your Ministry

2007-11-03 02:08:45 · update #4

10. Ruth--They(APOSTATES) come Up with MANY "Reason" 4 They're infidelity !

11. Agape--Think of Satan. When he left Jehovah he just didn't sit in a corner and WAIT 4 his Judgement !

12. debbri48--They(APOSTATES) feel ANGER at "not Being ACCEPTED" at what they're Doing NOW !

13. misplace--I Quess it's their NEW Religion (TO BASH) ! ! !

14. BabyDoll--APOSTATES (REALLY WANT) what "We Have" ! ! !

15. Aiden & Elijah' meemaw--"Anger & Hate" are the first words that come 2 mind !

16. Bar enos--Apostates ARE KNOWN to be fundamentally MISERABLE people NO MATTER "How Loudly" they Proclaim Otherwise !

17. Sugarbee--They are MISERABLE as "Many" Brothers and Sisters have stated in there Posts !

18. Icyelene R--apostates TRY 2 Convert us; BUT (we STAY) in"the TRUTH !

19. Lost Sheep--apostates are happy; YET (MISERABLE) ! Free; BUT (SLAVES) of their OWN (SELFISH) Desires ! ! !

With SO MUCH Responce I'm Sorry if I left ANYONE (OUT)


2007-11-03 02:28:23 · update #5

35 answers

Think of Satan. When he left Jehovah and was thrown out of heaven, he didn't just sit in the corner and wait for his judgement.

He is so angry of what Jah and Jesus did to him, he is trying to get everyone else to turn others away from God. So, he asks questions such as: "is it really so that you have the truth? Is it really so that God is using the Watchtower organization, a man-made organization to lead his people?" Is it really so that God said you must not take in blood even when your life in in danger?"

Aren't these questions for JWs familiar in this forum---

Why are these people-- former Witnesses of God or apostates and a few who just hate JWs all together are spending so much time on us--- same reason as Satan. They are so angry and so utterly desperate that instead of spending time on their own found "truth" and encourage others to their truth, they just find it a lot easier to follow the tactics of Satan.

Just like Satan, they are just like a roaring lion waiting to devour someone!

They should just follow the footsteps of Christ and preach what they believe is truth about their new found faith.

2007-10-26 12:18:06 · answer #1 · answered by Agape 3 · 20 10

I am very happy with my life now that I am no longer a JW. I would like to point out that Carol D made an excellent point. The word "apostate" by definition means "a person who forsakes their religion" and wouldn't that be most of the people who become JW? If you used to be Catholic, then by becoming a JW you are now an apostate. You can throw your words around all you want, but if you truly KNOW you have the "truth", why would anything that anyone says bother you? Why do you feel the need to bash others the way you are accusing "apostates" of bashing you? Is that they way Christ would have acted? And if you believe you are being persecuted in fulfillment of bible prophecy, then why get all worked up about it? If it is the "truth", nothing anyone says will matter in the long run, right? Face it, we are ALL apostates in one regard or another. Sticks and stones people, sticks and stones!

2007-10-30 01:39:27 · answer #2 · answered by Elphaba 4 · 4 4

Sad, so sad. I am an ex JW and I know that I will recieve lots of thumbs down just because of that and probably none of you will even bother to read my answer, but here goes. Contrary to most of you who have claimed that we are lost, lonely, angry, missing the truth, etc. etc I can categorically tell you that I am happier now than I have been for a long time and have absolutely no yearning to ever return to the organisation. I am studying the Bible with new eyes and the gift of spirit. Yesterday, I attended my worship group and left full of joy and love and peace, something I rarely did when attending the Kingdom hall, all I ever left there with a smug and arrogant attitude, a self righteousness that Jesus would have abhored. I see that same attitude in many of the answers on here. Why do I ask questions of JW's, not because I am anti them as individuals but because I am filled with sadness and love for my brothers and sisters (NB, not my ex brothers and sisters). I want them to at least have the oportunity that I had to discern the truth for themselves. not just accept what the WTBTS tells them. The society well knows that if members do that many will see for themselves that what they have is not the truth. I am doing what Christ commanded when I answer questions and that is to tell people the good news about the true gospel of Christ as told in the Bible. I feel that your question is somewhat hypocritical, do JW's not criticise what they formerly believed? Do they not give testimony about their former lives and how they have changed? Do they not spend enormous amounts of time being critical of other religions and trying to persuade people that what they have is truth? Do you somehow think that you have a corner on the market when it comes to evangelizing? Many of the answers on here display the very attitudes you accuse ex JW's of, namely hatred, bitterness and anger; not very Christian are they. I am fortunate, a true Christian gave me answers that made me think and opened my eyes, the Holy Spirit then worked on my heart and set me free. I will continue to pray that the same can happen to others and will continue to speak of what I believe in the hope that just one more soul might be saved for Christ.

2007-10-28 21:44:50 · answer #3 · answered by the truth has set me free 4 · 6 5

Wow...surely you must've known that this question would just make someone's hairs stand on end...lol.

I agree with what many others above me have stated, namely that misery loves company and that these apostates are following in the footsteps of Satan in persecuting and nit-picking at what Jehovah's servants do. They want to cast doubt and fear into our minds and the minds of others by twisting the facts while sounding like the truth.

RATHER than focus on what they do, we should put our energies into the preaching work, regular personal study and regular meeting attendance. Lets focus on those of us who are doing their best to stay in the truth {which would probably be all of us! LOL} and to help honest-hearted ones come into the truth.

2007-10-28 14:41:38 · answer #4 · answered by ♥☺ bratiskim∞! ☺♥ 6 · 8 3

PLEASE READ ME: I used to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was never disfellowshipped but worse! I disassociated myself. Being in the organization as one of JWs made me feel like i was a robot. I have to this and that in a certain way. I had to attend all 5 meetings + go out in the field ministry at leasat 10 hours a week. In many ways, i felt my life was a routine of spritual activities. I worked with people who had negative feelings towards the JWs and the organization. As a matter of fact, deep inside, i had the same negative thoughts about my own religion. I would attend the meetings but i would leave feeling nothing when the meetings are supposedly a source of encouragment.

I felt that the organization and it's rules were too restrictive. I felt only the JWs were the only religion thats so different and extremely restrictive, compare to others.

I started to slowly fall away from the meetings and the ministry and started to spend more time with people outside the Kingdom hall.

I felt like a bird that was set free! I didn't have to follow so many rules and i didn't have to follow any schedule! I was so happy to be out!!!


that happiness only lasted a short time .

I was happy yet something was empty. I was happy yet i was incomplete. I laughed with my new found friends but my laughter had no meaning to it. I tried to study other religions hoping to fill the emptiness. I was definitely not going back to the organization. But nothing. The more i read into different religions and the more i attended "church" the more i realized ....

........how much I missed Jehovah and the organization. I realized right then and there that the world outside the orgization had nothing to offer. Happiness, maybe....but only temporary. I missed my weekly schedule of attending the meetings and having to meet with the brothers and sisters for field ministry. I saw the world and it is ugly out there. There is no real future.

I realized why Jehovah very protective and restrictive. It is for our own protection and good health just like how a father would do everything to protect his children.

I came out of the organization and had a taste of how the world is like. Yes, they are happy....yet miserable. Yes, they are free but slaves of their own selfish desires. I was one of the people who said, i'm glad to be out!! i am free at last..'

but what a fool i was to think i can mock God. It was foolish of me to find God elsewhere....where it had less rules and less restrictions.

I am still not back in the organization. Too ashamed to show myself but i am taking baby steps to gain back Jehovah's love.

I am one of many who claims to be happy to be out yet, miserable, desperate and empty inside. I do not have anger just sadness.

I was never a robot in the organization because i still had my own free will to choose what i want to do in my life. I did choose. I chose the wrong path to the real life. I am trying to find my way back to that narrow road before it is too late.

2007-10-29 19:11:09 · answer #5 · answered by Lost sheep 1 · 4 2

Maybe because people love deluding themselves. As some above have commented, they think that they now have something "better" than the Truth, or that they have "truth" Jehovah's Witnesses don't have.

So, why aren't they just content to believe and practice their new "truth"?

They are like the scribes and Pharisees who, Jesus said, traversed land and sea to make one proselyte, only to make him more a child of Gehenna than themselves.

Misery loves company. Apostates I have known are fundamentally miserable people, no matter how loudly they proclaim otherwise. They would feel much better about themselves if they could get loyal Witnesses to join them, thereby vindicating and validating their apostasy.

But that just ain't happening....

2007-10-27 04:40:27 · answer #6 · answered by בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh) 6 · 16 5

if you look at the definition of a cult, you will see that it totally describes the jw's. i am no longer an jw. the elders came to my door to try to get me back. they said that it is just like homework and kids. you have to keep pushing them to study and one day they will learn to love school. this was their reasoning to get me to go back. when you are in the jw's, "church" law says you cannot look on the internet or where ever to test out your faith. once you are out of there, you start doing your own research and find out the "REAL TRUTH" about jw's and they try to save whoever is seeking to join this cult. i have, other then this post, moved past all that and chalk it up as a learning experience

2007-10-29 07:15:11 · answer #7 · answered by jeepnuk 4 · 5 5

As a former JW, let me turn the question in the other direction and you might see from what people in "the world" who become JW's are doing, or in fact all of the JW's

JW's spend BILLIONS of hours doing EXACTLY what you are questioning what ex JW's do. JW's believe they have found "new truth" as they have left their "old truth" and now spend those BILLIONS of hours criticizing their "old truth" teachers and leaders. So, WHY do JW's spend SO MUCH of thier time talking about what THEY consider 2 be OLD truth when SUPPOSEDL they NOW have NEW TRUTH???

The answer is very simple. When truth is discovered, you are now free as the truth has set you free from your former enslavement as you now see it, so you want to share or witness or preach that "new truth" to those who are still blinded by the "old truth" which translates into false teachings. You, out of love for their eternal future, want to spare those you love or may not even really know from what their false teachings are leading them too which is eternal seperation from God and His mercy, grace, forgiveness and salvation.

It's THAT simple. And if you have read any of the JW's Kingdom Ministries, that's EXACT why YOU are told to preach.

Simple enough huh???


I and we are not being used by Satan as some have accussed above. I or we are not miserably returning to "vomit" as some have accused above. I do not miss "the warmth of the congregation."

2007-10-28 11:10:56 · answer #8 · answered by Carol D 5 · 8 8

I guess it's because we're not bothering them.....actually if they are happy with what they've found, then we're happy for them. But in reality, they are very miserable as many of the sisters and brothers stated in their posts. These ex JW's are so filled with hate until it's sad!

Yes SisterCF, you would think that they would take all that effort that they use to TRY and smear us, and put into their newfound faith.......but they are like a scorned lover......can't let go.....needing to hurt because they perceive that someone or something has hurt them.

The fault lies with them ONLY. They HAD to do something to be REMOVED from Jehovah's house, and their ugly pride has prevented them from returning........they are much like the one they serve, Satan.....his pride got him where he is today....nowhere, and they are in hot pursuit behind him.

We live in peace among ourselves and others, but they are in a spiritual turmoil. Jehovah will deal with them in His own time. Let's not let them get us down.......we have too much to look forward to than to listen to satanic lies spewing forth from their lost mouths.
Peace brothers.

2007-10-27 05:13:04 · answer #9 · answered by sugarbee 7 · 17 4

They should heed the wise words of Gamaliel at Acts 5:38 "And so, under the present circumstances, I say to you, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them:) otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God."

Could they be unhappy because they have done what Peter said at 2 Peter 2: 19 - 22 " Certainly if, after havng escaped from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, the final conditions have become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it accurately to turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them. The saying
of the true proverb has happened to them: "The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire."

2007-10-26 04:54:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 22 8

It's very strange. There are numerous sites that deal specifically with bashing JWs. I guess that is their religion, trying to prove the truth wrong so that they can continue with their worldly traditions with a good conscience. The ex witnesses may get special attention because they supposedly have inside information. If some were raised in the truth, then they would be babes to the world, and very easy to be taken advantage of, and their perspective of other religions would be off not having come out of them.

It is definitely a sign that we are in the very last days.

Edit: Bugs Bunny quoted a lot of scriptures down below me, but none of them refer to this "grace" and new covenant he is spouting about. The only grace I know is the one my credit card gives me before payment is due. You are in fact earning your salvation if you are following the command given at Mt. There's no such thing as a "free" lunch.

2007-10-26 15:32:10 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 14 9

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