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I am a Christian but I have seen this too many times...espesially when the KKK claim to be saved.(which they are not saved nor are they educated).

2007-10-26 04:17:46 · 52 answers · asked by bella s 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

52 answers

Some Christians have not matured to the point of loving everyone and not being judgemental. Some people also claim to be a Christian and are not. Just because you believe there is a God or Jesus, does not make you a Christian. You have to know Him personally, then that is when the changes in the heart start to take place.

2007-10-26 04:23:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I heard an interesting thing on Christian radio the other day. It was a comment made by one of the higher ranking leaders within the Southern Baptist church about the stagnation of evangelical outreach amongst Southern Baptists. From what they said, their bringing in of new members has been stunted since around the mid to late 50's. The leader actually said...
"nearly half of the 11 million Southern Baptists who profess to be, may not actually be SAVED". (because they lack the heart to 'reach out'..which is evident in a true christian)

Its a harsh indictment on the Body of Christ but if the behavior that you exhibit is not one of Christ...then one has to question whether you even are a follower.

I think the problem with the KKK is they equate their race with divine superiority (as man has manipulated God to advance his own desires throughout history). So their behavior is not suprising to me...but it is frustrating because non-believers tend to paint Christians with a brush based on the most extreme 'representatives' who may not be that at all.

2007-10-26 04:30:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You can have racist tendencies and be a Christian, but you should be working to overcome those tendencies. If you were raised you entire life in ignorance and hatred, but then were saved later in life, then it could take many years to get rid of the beliefs you were raised with. If you are actively seeking out racist views, like the KKK, then I don't believe you are any more a Christian than Hitler was.

Cyndee: I am from the south too and have attended churches where many parishioners were inter-racial couples. Please don't llump all of us together. Very few Southerners feel the way you described and they give the rest of us a bad name.

2007-10-26 04:26:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Can a man be a sinner and still be saved? Yes of course. The Bible says we are all sinners. Christianity is about the forgivness of sin, not the elimination of it. Is racism a sin? Yes, of course.

With that said, I do not see how a man who lives and practices a lifestyle of hate toward another race, could be a Christian. Because once you truly accept Christ, you are compelled to follow his teachings and lead a Christian life. This life will still be flawed and wrought with sin, but it cannot co-exist along a "practicing lifestyle" of hatred and bigotry. If it could, then a career rapist or murderer could live a Christian life as well.

Bottomline? People who are in the KKK that claim to be Christians are putting their racism above everything including Christ. Their racism is their God. A false god. They twist scripture to accomodate, justify and support their sin. Christians don't do this.

2007-10-26 05:01:22 · answer #4 · answered by Ian D 5 · 2 0

Those people just claim to be Christians, but they don't really know what christianity entails. Being a true Christian means accepting Christ as Savior, and also accepting the Word of God and following what God wants us to do! The KKK is majorly based on hatred, so in NO WAY, SHAPE, or FORM can anyone who is involved w/ KKK be considered a Christian....for God is Love...NOT HATE!!! You cannot consider yourself SAVED if you don't accept the fact that we are ALL GOD'S Children, no matter what color we are!!

, You say that sinful people are saved..and this is true since we are ALL sinners, but one thing that you are forgetting is that in order to please God and to be TRULY saved, you must also repent of your sins. So, you are admitting that homosexuality, racism, and repeat offenders of breaking the 10 Commandments are sinners...but isn't it true that to call yourself a "True Christian" that those who blatenly commit these sins should also repent of these sins??

2007-10-26 04:47:36 · answer #5 · answered by Linda M 4 · 1 0

It's not just Christians. Everyone claims not to be racist and yet every person will have a racist thought at one point in their life. It still makes you racist. It's not right but you're not perfect. It's ok to condemn someone for taking it to the extreme of the KKK but don't get on your high horse just quite yet.

2007-10-26 04:22:25 · answer #6 · answered by kiki 3 · 1 0

I don't know the justifications, but I don't think claiming to be a Christian automatically makes you perfect. You don't call yourself a Christian and then become perfect. I understand what you mean, about the different views not seeming compatible, but I guess you just have to wonder what people mean sometimes when they claim to be Christians (or KKK members, I guess?).

2007-10-26 04:21:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Everybody that claims to be a Christian isn't actually a Christian. That's one of Satan's clever ways of deceiving God's people. You'll find some so called Christians in church service every Sunday, bible study every Wednesday, volunteering at the food bank, knowing the bible from the table of contents to the maps in the back, but hate the person on the pew in front of them. These are people that may fool many people and think they can fool God too. God is looking down on them and will deal with them justly. It is even asked in the bible how you can say that you love God whom we have never seen, yet you can't love your brother whom you see. It's not possible.

2007-10-26 04:34:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Once, I had a business trip to Tenn. A man came around, asking what church each of us would like to be transported to on Sunday. I thought that was very, very nice. Most business trip people do not even consider this nice thing. So, I answered, "Any mass will do, Thank you!"................the man gasped! "Do you know where you ARE?"............me: "Yes, I do.".........(I didn't understand why he was asking me this)........."You are in the National Headquarters of the KKK........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"................I, honestly, had to stop and think what the heck he was talking about! Then, it hit me, that Catholics are on the KKK list of 'bad', too! THAT was an experience I will never forget! It's not Christianity that would cause a person to believe anything like this.

2007-10-26 04:24:07 · answer #9 · answered by laurel g 6 · 2 0

Just because you are a christian doesn't mean you have to like other people you don't consider to be as good as you. Human beings are extremely fallible creatures and most of the time don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong. Everybody is racist in some form or another. African-Americans are very prejudicial towards caucasian people for the many obvious reasons. People are similiar to elephants in this regard, they don't forget and in most cases don't forgive. For example it seems to be okay to say, black power. On the other hand it is not okay to say, white power. Why can't white people be just as proud of their heritage?

2007-10-26 04:54:16 · answer #10 · answered by paul s 2 · 0 1

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