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[This is not an attack, but an observation.]

Why do some theists try to prove the existence of their irrational God by using weak pseudo-philosophical arguments, many of which have been successfully refuted?

Why are some Christians so quick to forget that their position is the position of FAITH, not reasoning or logic. The belief in the Judeo-Christian God falls apart at the first sign of any critical thinking, so why try to rationalise your belief with worn-out arguments?

Surely the Christian should recognise that their belief is not rational?

I am just very curious as to why the Christians in R&S are eager to engage in debate, yet approach from a logical perspective, which cannot justify their belief in God?

I think that the Christians should focus their arguments around faith and belief rather than reasonable argument that is ill-suited to their belief.

Please share your opinions with me.

2007-10-26 04:40:34 · 17 answers · asked by The Bassline Libertine 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

my opinion is: the christian's just an opinion...like mine...and
everybody else...an opinion. believe what U like...

2007-11-02 21:06:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why do people like you, persist on bad mouthing their beliefs?
Does not everone have a right to chose to believe or not? Just because you can't justify your belief, that their God does not exist.
You have still haven't proven God doesn't. You people keep making allegations. Yet not one of you have come up with any solid proof, that God does not exist. Just as no one can show solid proof, that God does.
And besides. People, have a right to live the way they chose.
If you don't want to believe, that their God exist. then why do you care if they do or not?
Yet not one of you, have ever bother to prove beyond reasonal doubt, that God does not exist.
And not one of you , have been able to back up your belief that God doesn't.
Why do people like you keep on insisting, they prove to you God exist.
And what make you think anyone would believe them.
Even if they did?
Why can't you just leave them alone?
And let them believe, what they chose. Just as you chose not to believe. What is wrong with you people?

2007-10-26 12:26:41 · answer #2 · answered by jc7 6 · 1 0

In the old days, u can cheat and lie to people using faith argument but as u can see we're all leaving in the modern days and education help us to understand such kind of lies by teaching us logic and rationality, so they have to try a new approach and bring their argument from the logic point of view so that it can match with our level of education.

2007-10-26 11:55:38 · answer #3 · answered by oketak 2 · 0 0

I don't think that we're not trying to PROVE anything. It's just like you said it's about FAITH. We share our experiences and why WE believe there is a God. I'm not going to try to convince anyone that there is a God. I know there is because I BELIEVE there is. Get on board or not, doesn't matter to me. I'm just going to live by example (Jesus's example) Some people just get mad and can't handle it because of our experiences. That is what we share (at least I do). I don't expect to convert anyone because I don't have that kinda power. I can only plant a seed, it's up to GOD to make it grow! Have a wonderful day. :)

2007-10-26 11:50:27 · answer #4 · answered by Gail R 4 · 0 0

To the Christian, the world's rationale is lacking. Although mankind often seems to lean unto their own understanding and wisdom, a Christian is to lean on the wisdom and understanding of God. If one believes in an all knowing God, His wisdom and rationale would far exceed any attempt we, as limited human beings, could strive for. It is like comparing the understanding of an earthworm to that of Einstein. So, in answer to your question, Christians are not all blind to the teachings and learnings of mankind. Many are quite knowledgeable and are intelligent people who simply believe that God trumps science.

2007-10-26 11:57:46 · answer #5 · answered by padwinlearner 5 · 0 0

Christianity itself is rooted in Greek philosophy, not in Hebrew philosophy or any other superstition. The very concept of the soul or mind/body dualism is rooted in Aristotle. It would be impossible to understand Christianity in any sense at all if you didn't understand the rational distinction between body and spirit, for example. Rationality is therefore an indespensible part of the Christian faith.

The Christian who engages a debate in thought is establishing an environment in which rationality and irrationality are not exclusive with each other and they are also developing and engaging in the praxis of ethics, which requires rationality be included.

2007-10-26 11:56:34 · answer #6 · answered by ledbetter 4 · 0 1

Your question assumes that faith and reasoning/logic are mutually exclusive. Everybody has faith in something.
So you're saying we Christians don't have the right to defend our beliefs using reasoning and logic?
You have made several claims about faith and Christianity, but you haven't really offered any proof for your claims.

2007-10-26 11:48:08 · answer #7 · answered by David S 5 · 3 0

All scientific experiments start with faith. Faith in the theory that is being explored. Through repeated experiments principles are found that can be depended upon to repeat themselves. These principles are then accepted as facts.

Religion works the same way.

2007-10-26 11:53:34 · answer #8 · answered by Nora Explora 6 · 0 0

Because the alternative sinks

The “Evolutionist’s” religion, like other religions, is governed by its law described in “the law of the jungle.” This religion believes it is a “kill or be killed” or “dog eat dog” world.

“When you aren’t the lead dog, the view is the same” is still applicable today as noted by those jealous "have nots" of “kiss ups” with “brown noses” who were thrown a small trinket . Anyone stating that humans have evolved past the a "pecking order" has never been in the "real corporate world" or read how slow evolutionist scientists claim the evolutionary process really is.

In an effort to censor opposing beliefs, Atheists call their beliefs “opinions” or “theories.” Then, Atheists use the phrase “separation of church and state” in hopes of eliminating the opinions and theories of people with world views that oppose their religion. At the same time, Atheists cram their own beliefs down others throats as if their beliefs were magically transform to scientific facts that all scientists agree upon.

Unlike what Disney’s “Lion King” movie teaches, it simply isn’t logical to expect a hungry lion to eat bugs instead of steak. According to Atheists, the “Do as I say and not as I do” philosophy runs from the king of beast to politicians to CEOs to parents.

According to the “Survival of the Fittest’s” religion, there is no basis for human rights or animal rights of any kind as afforded by the “law of the jungle.” Can you tell a lion /dictator/ mob boss what he can or can’t do with his prey? There are only favors that the king chooses to extend to the “pawns” / “patsies” with brown noses. And when you are king of beasts, you can count on a quick fall once you are dethroned internally …or on a rare occasion, an enemy.

No matter how intelligent an Atheist claims to be, they never ask if the sand castle he/she is building in front of the incoming tide called “time” is worth the effort. The “want-a-be lions” will spend a lifetime ignoring their reflection, the claw marks they received physically and mentally, and the screams of aguish of those closest them being eaten alive ….on the all but impossible chance that someday things will be different without knowing why or how.

Song leader, Tina Turner, lead millions of this religion in singing, “What’s love got to do with it? What’s love but a second hand emotion?” And then the God haters wonder why peace, hope, and love aren’t a part of their world even though these aren’t allowed in their world view. One can not underestimate the importance of these lines in understanding what “survival of the fittest” is all about.

The survival of the fittest religion is the most depressing religion I know.

2007-10-26 11:44:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

The ones who can't use logic and or reasoning don't know.
They simply can't debate because they don't have the tools or proper knowledge.
A true christian will use their faith along with reason and logic.

2007-10-26 11:52:37 · answer #10 · answered by bongobeat25 5 · 0 0

The vast majority of christians, just like the vast majority of any other people really don't have that much education in the realms of theology, philosophy, logic, rhetoric, etc...

but christian feel impelled to defend their faith when presented with ideas they know to be false, they just don't know how.

2007-10-26 12:03:11 · answer #11 · answered by esoteric_knight 3 · 3 1

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