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"The souls that are incarnated in women's bodies have lessons to learn before they gain the right to incarnate in a man's body. A woman is naturally prepared to care and love for the ones close (Earthly bonds) and the man to care about all. The woman is more emotional and that makes her a better target for evil".

What do you think about this hierarchy and distinction, is it fair? Even if you don't believe in reincarnation, is there any base for such an assumption?
And ladies, could you live happily with a man that has such a believe? I'm with some serious trouble reconciling my love towards this person with some of his believes which go against my basic principles. In general he respects me and his actions wouldn't reveal such a radical view but i'd interpret them in a different way knowing the believe behind. I wish i'd be stronger and not affected by what he thinks but it's being a hard job to feel close and connected with such a frame of mind :(

2007-10-26 04:45:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This person is not "attached" to any religion but considers the bible/koran to be the word of God (at least his interpretation of it...)

2007-10-26 05:11:05 · update #1

18 answers

hi jomira...sorry you are having trouble with this! the first thing to say is that your friend is strongly identified with his ego- and thus not speaking from the soul underneath...

only ego makes such claims, as well the belief that there is only one correct way to believe or worship...

while we do have different characteristics that IN GENERAL make women more nurturing and men less emotional, this does not have anything to to with how well we can spiritually connect...

in fact some would say it's exactly these things that are to our advantage when connecting with the Divine- our ablity to LOVE and have compassion vs. man's disconnectedness, and identification with the mind- (we each have advantages and disadvantages in general)

i tell you this- the pathway to the Divine is NOT in the mind, but rather in trancendence of it

the truth is we all have the same hidden potential, and each of us can be at a certain level of awarness, depending upon multiple factors such as past karma, (where you could have been either sex) and the many circumstances of each of those lives...

it's not true that once you become a man you will always then incarnate as a man- in fact i have heard the opposite in many spiritual books i have read- that being a woman is a priveledge that you have to earn- i don't think either is a set in stone truth, it all depends on what your soul wants to experience in a certain lifetime

i reccommend a really great very advanced book that talks about all of ths-
The Power of Now, ~ Eckhart Tolle

he goes into great detail about the mind, the ego, and the true essence of who you are, as well as the difference between men and women spiritually, and their obstacles to reaching enlightenment...

as far as being with someone who thinks this way- the most important thing is that you are truly respected, and can voice those opinions without fear

you say he respects you in general...but if he uses this belief in anyway to make fun of you, put you down, etc...i'd consider seeking someone who is on your level of love, respect & openmindedness...your relationship will be much more harmonious

but if you love him, and you think he's just stuck in a belief, you may be able to help open him up to new ideas..but he has to be willing...if he is on a spiritual path that is male dominated and promotes these beliefs, it may be super difficult to do this..but i believe anything is possible when Love is the motivation

yet, i stress again, if you are in any way fearful of him or his reaction, let him go- move on

may you be blessed with Divine Light, Love and Power, clear thought, inner strength, peace, happiness and joy


2007-10-26 07:24:57 · answer #1 · answered by zentrinity 4 · 5 0

I'm not going to 'start' with this one, or I'll be going on all night. My good friends have said most of what I would say, and have been quite charitable about it, Zentrinity in particular, takes very much the same position I would.

I answered a question a few days ago about 'comparative' influences on the male and female incarnations, and I said my piece then and I don't really care to repeat it all again. There are differences, and these are generalisations, which, as always, have exceptions.

On the whole there is no 'superior' or 'inferior', and anyone who either thinks there is, and/or uses any kind of 'religious' text to support such a point of view needs much compassion and therapy.

{{{{{{{Cosmic Equality}}}}}}}

2007-10-26 09:34:50 · answer #2 · answered by cosmicvoyager 5 · 2 0

This person is is severely mistaken ,or a sexist pig hiding behind a "spiritual" explanation, or both. Hitler twisted the teachings of Blavatsky,the founder of Theosophy, to justify his idea of the master race, and subsequent ethnic cleansing and murder of Jews. I definitely believe in reincarnation, and have never heard ANY spiritual teacher speak such nonsense. Men and women have different lessons, so do gay and straight, Black and White, etc. But None are superior, or inferior. Some individuals are more evolved than others, but gender , race, sexuality, or station in life have nothing to do with it. I could love such a person as a human being, but I would find it hard to be in close association, and never in an intimate relationship with them.

2016-04-10 07:14:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually spiritually speaking, women are more naturally inclined. They have much greater intuition perceiving life at levels that most men can not if they aren't developed. Women are naturally charged positive in the upper centers/chakra's while men are naturally charged negative in the lower centers/chakra's.

That little quote imo is from one who doesn't really know about male/female or reincarnation. One can reincarnate as a male or female and it has nothing to do with a specific level of development, but more so to do with what one is working on in their life in regards to mind, as these conditions are the filters for the mind, to vibration the mind moves through. What is true is this males are more imbued with their lower nature, so they work on this nature in a more intimate manner, as in more closely. A female doesn't have to deal with this, like a man does. A man can be completely ruled by his animal nature entirely. A female in mind operates at a higher vibration naturally, but they need to be grounded as fields in regards to men can affect them. Females are naturally nurturing, and there is great power in nurturing and that concept of nurturing is much more then what people would think.

Females are the savior to men actually, both are a savior to one another. And being emotional is not bad, one can breath out emotion so it doesn't become fossilized in the body. What attracts things to yourself is your lifestyle and mindset, what you think, how you act, and how you live, not if you are female or male. Although females because of their natural inclined are more able to tap into the disincarnate realms, I believe. Hence why most of those New Age'rs who channel, who are psychics are female.

2007-10-26 10:25:41 · answer #4 · answered by Automaton 5 · 3 0

My dear, oh my, this makes me want to take you in my arms & tell you of the power you possess as a woman that a man will seldom see & fewer understand. It is not that one is ever better than the other, one is never greater or lesser than the other, we are just 2 halves of a whole. There is no such hierarchy, & if your mate truly believes what you express here he has missed the mark altogether. Women tend to feel more it is true, but is not our weakness, but in reality our strength, & something that for some men is difficult to understand & possibly even fearful. It is this intution that tells us when & what our children & our mates need, that can guide us in a world that many times is very harsh & cruel, & that can love & forgive even in the face of some of lifes cruelest jokes. I can not presume to advise you on your mate, but only as to you. Remember always that you are both egual in the Fathers eyes. Remember who you are, never let anyone make you feel less than or lower due to gender. Be who & what you are, & teach this to others by learning to live this Truth. My experience has been that I teach very little by words, nor do my words usually change anothers point of view, but if I will quietly, honestly, & without fear be my truith, sometimes even in silence, others will see my walk & be changed also. I can not change anothers point of view, but when I change mine & live in truth, I will bring those close to me up with me as I continue to grow & progress. Good luck to you, & remember you are never alone.

2007-10-26 08:42:19 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 7 0

I'd love to go into namecalling about this, but that's just more namecalling. Instead, I'll describe the innate flaws in this form of thinking.

It's a standard human failing to try and prove ourselves right instead of trying to find a correct answer, and that's what this person is doing. Your friend has come to conclusions, and is looking for a basis for them. One of the Koran's strengths as a meme is that it appeals to male supremacy over females, casting females as soulless automatons or animals put here for the purpose of succumbing to men's desires and wishes.

There is philosophically no basis for this. Men and women each have their strengths and weaknesses, but neither is actually superior or inferior to the other. Any meaningful difference between men and women is based on cultural factors more than anything else.

Take intelligence, for example. If you plot the total sum of intelligence between men and women you find that they average about the same. Men have a broader spread, which means that men have both a higher upper end and a lower bottom end.

As far as emotional maturity is concerned, women develop faster than men, but tend to stall out at around 20-22. Men develop more slowly, but have a more steady progression through all ages, catching up to and surpassing the female "average" at around 28. This is because our culture encourages our women to find some man who will support them, and people who have someone else to protect them from consequences mature much more slowly on average.

In any case, this philosophy is wishful thinking on the part of a misogynist. In today's world, if women are in an inferior role to men, it's because they put themselves there.

2007-10-26 08:47:36 · answer #6 · answered by Mythological Beast 4 · 4 1

It's wrong and you are right to question it.
Anyone who still seriously believes that women are anything other than an equal partner in a relationship does not deserve reciprocal unadulterated admiration from you. Women are only ever at risk from men who believe on some level that females are inferior and can be dominated or must be protected.

2007-10-26 04:55:05 · answer #7 · answered by Peter A 5 · 6 0

Women are not Anything-inferior to men. We are all individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses. Man, woman--doesn't matter. What we have in these bodies is only temporary, anyway. And I don't believe our souls are really all that gendered.

2013-10-07 14:28:51 · answer #8 · answered by Wizlet 2 · 0 0

He is sorely mistaken. You are right to question his delusions and feel the distance this attitude naturally causes. It is indicative of severe ego problems that you should steer clear of. They will only get worse.

Jesus says on a couple of occasions - that a woman has to become a man referring to Mary Magdalene - but you have to understand the mystical/psychological metaphor he is using. It is unrelated to incarnations as a female or male but rather to the internal process of transcendence of the physical and conditioned identity.

Ultimately we all have to become the "son of man(reason)" before transitioning to the "son of god" unity consciousness. (Most of us have childish/distant father figures to get over but the feminine relationships are the key.)

We each have a feminine and masculine aspect of mind to contend with. The feminine - vulnerable/creator aspect which is susceptible to being indoctrinated with duality (others' ideas of what is good/bad about us) while the masculine aspect - reason - sleeps (Adam & Eve are perfectly described in the Genesis story as psychological metaphor). This occurs primarily because biologically, our reasoning/thinking brain develops later than the vulnerable defensive reptilian/old mammalian brain. This is true for men and women and makes us susceptible to the conditioned ego identity which is vulnerable to lack of female nurture. I suspect your friend has a BIG problem related to this.

HOWEVER, the Creator aspect of mind - the most powerful - is the feminine. Unless your male friend has encountered and integrated this archetype (Jesus had the three Marys in his experience, unconditional - virgin - pure love of mother, supporter, and seer of his authentic nature) he's out of luck and will never fulfill his purpose in this life.

Another feminine component of the potential for higher consciousness is the genetic coding for nurturing which makes us more connected to our own body chemistry and thus capable of more empathic abilities. A male has to learn to connect to this through his feminine relationships. If I were you, I would skip even TRYING to take on that task and saving him from himself. He's too far gone in this incarnation.

2007-10-26 09:45:37 · answer #9 · answered by MysticMaze 6 · 4 0

As I said in an answer to another spiritual gender question:
I'm a Zen Buddhist, I have known great Masters of both sexes. We are different. Neither is superior to the other.

2007-10-26 09:03:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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