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Religion & Spirituality - 22 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2007-10-22 05:22:32 · 11 answers · asked by JWill 4

Please make the list as long as you can! Thank you for your participation!

Example: Earth's location: If it were a few miles closer or further from the sun, we would burn or freeze!

2007-10-22 05:20:34 · 16 answers · asked by jackhighbluff 3

your argument of faith healings dose not hold water because the bible says Gods ways change not
How do you explain the lack of miracles today them

2007-10-22 05:19:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

and they are all the prettiest and nicest people of this site. Is it that Chuck Norris only attracts interesting people?

What will happen to those who don't answer Chuck Norris questions?

2007-10-22 05:16:10 · 16 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 3

2007-10-22 05:15:29 · 43 answers · asked by Page 4

Is it okay to honor more than one pantheon?
After reading "Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe" by H. R. Ellis Davidson, it seemed valid (to me anyway) to honor both Celtic and Norse pantheons - being of primarily Celtic (Irish) and Teutonic cultural extraction.

Is there anywhere in the Eddas, sagas, or any historical records where it states that this is not allowed or is frowned upon? Please cite your sources if possible - Thanks!

2007-10-22 05:15:00 · 20 answers · asked by wee falorie man 6

What is freedom?

Religion and politics seem to have differing views on what freedom may or may not be.

Take for example freedom of speech, if a country does not have freedom of speech you will be punished for saying something like “this government sucks and Mr dictator is a Idiot” in public.
Of course you were free to say it, your mouth is your own – but you will be severely punished for your actions.
Freedom of speech would then not exist in this country by modern definition (and neither would you, if the penalties were harsh enough).

From a religious point of view though, it seems to work differently.

Free will means you are able to do or say what you want, yet you will be punished accordingly – free will allows me to blaspheme, but I will be pulled up by god if I do so.

Surely that is exactly the same as lack of freedom by legal standards – you can, but you will be punished.

Have I missed something out here, is freedom and free will totally different?

2007-10-22 05:13:42 · 12 answers · asked by HP 5

I'm not targeting Christans to answer this, but people who study the Christian stories. No offence, but those "Christians" that call themselves such because they listen to a preacher lecture them once, maybe twice, a week don't really know much about the religion's hows - simply the whats.

Here's one story I've heard -

Adam and Eve created original sin. They, and all their offspring, went to Christian hell upon death (except for a few men that were taken directly to heaven). It didn't matter how well they lived, they went to hell due to the original sin. Jesus, being a man, went to hell as well - he was ment to suffer as a man after all. But, becuase he was "God", he was able to open the gates of hell to release all the souls there to be able to go to heaven. This is, supposeily, what Jesus did durning those three days.

What is your opinion of this?

2007-10-22 05:12:13 · 16 answers · asked by Heathen Mage 3

... it becomes the Word of God when it moves us to serve others. Otherwise, it is merely printing on paper.

Would you agree or disagree?

2007-10-22 05:11:36 · 11 answers · asked by Green is my Favorite Color 4

Yes, I know that Atheism is without theism or belief in God. What about the supernatural like ghosts?

2007-10-22 05:11:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

than why aren't christians walking around lame or blind
and dont say he was speaking figuratively because jesus either told parables or gave direct commands witch the one I mentioned is a direct command .
(just so you know I have a BTH if you dont know what that is ask your pastor

2007-10-22 05:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

And why?

Aren't they both "logically absurd"?

2007-10-22 05:10:11 · 18 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

We don't control the forces of the winds, the moon in relation to the current of the water, nor do we control the when it will be night or day. Truly we have no dominance no control of the forces that move us and that we are subjugated to as Navigators of the vast sea of life. These laws/forces have precedence over us, but this does not relive us of acquiring and applying what we can to maximize our journey and ensure our reaching of our destinations. We must tend to our OWN SHIP! Make sure it is thoroughly prepared for the long journey, make sure the crew in our "ship" works in harmony as to maintain our course and not go off course. Sure difficulty will come, it is expected on the high seas, however a true Cosmic Navigator has perfected awareness through observation and the many travels he has had before, knowing the old ways from the new, acquiring the ancient knowledge of reading the skies, the moon, the currents, the sun, the birds of skies, yes he can read the forces...

2007-10-22 05:08:42 · 11 answers · asked by Automaton 5

Do you find yourself constantly seeking approval from the outside world? Do you create a persona that is different from the real you that you use in social situations? Are you always fishing for compliments? Why do you not love yourself enough to be content with your self approval. Do you know why you seek it from others?

2007-10-22 05:06:45 · 17 answers · asked by MOL 3

Would birds suddenly appear whenever I heard Richard Dawkin's sweet voice?
Would life become colorful, vibrant, bright and full of hope?
Would I find a reason for living?
Would I be more willing to love monkeys? (I hate them now.)
Would I become more forgiving, less judgemental? Less angry? Less bitter?
What's so great about being and atheist? Is it truly so much better on the other side of the fence?
And don't tell me, "Oh we're free from delusion."
Someone's delusion is another person's reality. How does being an atheist make you better as a human being? How does does it make you so "right" and and everyone else so wrong? Why are you angry when people flaunt their religiosity, and yet you flaunt your godlessness?

2007-10-22 05:06:28 · 27 answers · asked by ivy 3

did jesus not say if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains

2007-10-22 05:05:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'am a new member at my church i have been a menber for 2 years i love doing the lords work but i would also like help in doing so some times but seems all the members at my church say they are too tired or too old to do it now some are my age are younger 59 what can be done to get these people to do what the lord reqire of them?

2007-10-22 05:04:13 · 12 answers · asked by mishoney 4

if you have, I show my respect and condolences to you **acting serious and respectful**

2007-10-22 05:03:53 · 14 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 3

I want to see it written in plain English that says you must not drink alcohol

2007-10-22 05:02:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-22 05:01:24 · 18 answers · asked by HelloSunshine:) 2

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

Mark Twain said there are "upwards of a thousand lies" in the Bible. But this is probably the biggest. How many desperate, frightened, broken-hearted parents have watched their children die while begging God to help?

I mean, as per Matthew 7:7....any pious Christian who asks for something earthly will be given it? Or is this NOT TRUE?

2007-10-22 04:59:49 · 17 answers · asked by Lex Fok B.M.F. 3

You can see that parts get omitted and altered, from poor translation, misprints and just leaving out unfashionable bits. My best example would be the changing of 'thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live', to 'thou shalt not suffer a witch to live' by the King James bible.

So how can it be said that it is 100% the word of god? One bible was notoriously sent into print saying 'thou SHALT commit adultery'. Reading translations of Genesis make it pretty clear that some words only have approximate translations into English.

How many commited Christians actually study older bible texts to compare them? How many compare them to the Torah and Qu'ran? Are you just accepting the latest version as gospel?

2007-10-22 04:58:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

when did jesus ever say that the bible is the only word of god

options implications and interpretations are not acceptable
and your answer has specifically say that the bible is the only written word of god

2007-10-22 04:58:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example:- Tom makes promise on Jack and Tom breaks it one day,does it mean Jack is dead for Tom?

Is it a sin if anyone breaks the promise?

Is there any way to cancel the given promise?

Pls explain it to me in brief.

2007-10-22 04:57:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-22 04:57:30 · 10 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

NOTE: 1 is defined here as half of two. Can God make 1+1=3 without redefining "1", "+" or "3"?

2007-10-22 04:56:29 · 19 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

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