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Religion & Spirituality - 7 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sometimes we pontificate and 'relax' thinking that certainly we do good things for others and we'll gladly tell others how to get to God and Heaven , but how often do we also remind others that we are sinners too ?

Those without faith see those posts and get the impression that we think we are without sin . Some of those very same people see us as hypocrites and give-up on their search for God . And others see the self-righteousness as unattainable for themselves and give-up . That's not good .

Go ahead and answer as you wish , but I'd like to ask every God-fearing and loving Christian to add the fact that they themselves are sinners too when they answer questions on this site .

A little humility could go a long way .

What prompted this question ? -- My own self reminder that I am a sinner and fall short of grace . . . .but for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ !

2007-10-07 03:56:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-07 03:50:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious and thought it might be interesting to see, if the Presidential election were today, what the trends would be by belief system.
So... if you are an atheist, who would you vote for?
If you are a Christian, or have other religious beliefs you follow,
who would you vote for?
Indicate as above, and if you wish, add any thoughts or explanation.

2007-10-07 03:49:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not, why aren't muslims getting upset at the people that do these things?

2007-10-07 03:48:32 · 15 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5

one can always wonder...

2007-10-07 03:45:32 · 10 answers · asked by Ťango 3

The question was posted recently and I couldn't find it later to respond. For anyone who responded that there's a difference, that "black" magic is Satanic, while white magic is not, what you would say to the following?

Direct quote from Anton Lavey (founder of the church of Satan) in "The Satanic Bible":

"There is no difference between "white" and "black" magic, except in the smug hypocrisy, guilt-ridden righteousness and self-deceit of the "white" magician himself."

Lavey reiterates this many times, having researched the roots of all these things. He's also made statements regarding neither being from God, so these powers can only come from one other source. Christians agree.

Also, in tracing the roots of these and all related religions/magic/religious philosophies (including New Age) to their genesis, we find they all sprung from ancient mystery religions, esp. Egyptian & Babylonian.

According to Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 11: 3, 4, all such are deception from Satan.

2007-10-07 03:42:21 · 37 answers · asked by Simon Peter 5

2007-10-07 03:42:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Add me at IM

It's a fine challenege

2007-10-07 03:41:03 · 13 answers · asked by Acid 3

Friends, in what other life are you going to go all out? We all have one shot and one shot only to leave a lasting legacy—a definitive mark on this world that reflects our decision to lean into, not away from, our areas of holy discontent. A legacy that says, "I have been trusted to carry God's message of hope to an aching, fractured world in need, and I refuse to rest until my role in that is fulfilled."

2007-10-07 03:40:44 · 1 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5

Catholic teaching says we all have Guardian Angels. But what I wans to know is what happens to an Angel after their charge dies? Does the Angel just go back to Heaven and retire, or is the Angel reassigned to some newly-concieved baby to protect through his/her life?

2007-10-07 03:34:26 · 7 answers · asked by Deadman 666 2

I used to be a Christian (a fading one at that...like Ghandi said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."...anyways, then I took a Philosophy class and discovered that there is no scientific proof that God actually exists...and was unsure what the truth was so I became Agnostic because I just don't know anymore...but here is what I have noticed...since leaving my faith behind...my life really sux, like EVERYTHING has gone wrong...is it just a coincidence or what?
What do I do? I'm totally lost...

2007-10-07 03:32:37 · 27 answers · asked by Believe 3

This is a serious question. Why do monotheists always conceive of their gods as perfect? Why not just pretty impressive?

2007-10-07 03:32:03 · 11 answers · asked by garik 5

That's saying that they obey someone else ABOVE the nation, RIGHT IN the PLEDGE to that nation. I can't believe they added this back in the 50's. That's whacked, for a country to officially adopt a message of subserviance to a particular religion's diety. That's not encouraging for religious freedom. I wouldn't be surprised if they were having OTHER freedom "issues" back then too (wink, wink).

2007-10-07 03:30:12 · 11 answers · asked by primary_chem 4

in the last twenty years has the Church of Jesus Christ not been visibly present? This is a chuch of service. As a non member you can be served. As a member, you can serve and be served. Apostle Benson was Secretary of Agriculture for President Eisenhower for two terms and then he became President of the church.

2007-10-07 03:29:29 · 1 answers · asked by scotty_84116 4

We did this massive house cleaning project this weekend, only we didn't get it finished last night. There are things left to do , but it Sunday and we shouldn't be working right?. Its it OK to clean up on Sunday or should we wallow in it until Monday?

2007-10-07 03:29:00 · 12 answers · asked by Sarah 2

historical artifacts under the temple mount? This makes even me angry. At least 2 temples are buried under the Islamic mosques.

2007-10-07 03:27:22 · 16 answers · asked by Jeancommunicates 7

I am a bastard child. My parents were getting married when my mom was 8 months pregnant. My dad died a few years ago. I have been extremly depressed for years. I quit school. I dont go outside anymore because of my anxiety. Everyone hates me lately. I feel alone. I feel like God purposly set me to hell. Like in the womb of my mother being created out of pure hatred. I am left handed so I think thats a sign of my hell destination. I USED to be christian until the spirit convicted me then left me behind. It let me believe that it was evil. Now if he didnt want me to go to hell he wuld of not let me beleive that it was the devils spirit dwelling love in me. He hated me from the begining, like esau. People who say God is love thats bs. he hates more people than you think. He expects us to be perfect, pshhh. yeah right. its 2007. look around you. cant you see the world you let the devil corrupt is being destroyed. i know your plans to destroy my dreams. you hated me. i hate you god.

2007-10-07 03:22:54 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ministry, which helps people coming out of cults find recovery, is currently called "Soundness of Mind". Most of the people who come in are ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, although there are a few others as well. I was thinking about changing the name to something that better reflects the direction the ministry has grown. I have two ideas and wanted to see how many votes come in for each option.

Should it be "Theocratic Warfare Ministries", which reflects the Watch Tower doctrine regarding lying to the enemy being okay? Or,

Should it be "New Light" Ministries, which reflects their doctrine that attempts to cover up for mistakes and doctrinal changes?

I can't decide between the two because both reflect what the ministry does, from the opposite perspective: We are in a theocratic warfare on God's side, when we fight for His truth. And, the correct Gospel message is the new light that people find when they escape cults.

What does everyone else think? Or additional options?

2007-10-07 03:22:20 · 15 answers · asked by Simon Peter 5

I've seen it many times on the R+S board and not always on my questions where if a matter of evolution or the Earth's age comes up they'll post a link to the one scientist who disagree's with the mainstream thought. To me the fact that you can link to one or two scientists who have become famous because they say stuff like "the earth cannot be older than 10,000 years old" is a negative sign and often their sciene is either flawed or "not up for appraisel by the sceintific community,"

Then again perhaps we should encourage these people, the longer they pretend to be scientists perhaps the better chance they might stumble upon real science and see their errors.

2007-10-07 03:19:25 · 17 answers · asked by setsunaandkurai 2

What would be immediately after death? Would there already be judgment? I am confused to hear some people say whenever a person dies that he has "gone up to heaven" or something. But then I've also heard that we still need to wait to be resurrected and judged accordingly when the Revelation times come.

2007-10-07 03:19:21 · 10 answers · asked by benjediman 2

' I'm sorry but your at the wrong section, you have nothing to do with the heaven section'

2007-10-07 03:19:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

For those who don't know Pascal's wager, it's the argument that says that the expected utility of belief in God outweighs the expected utility of disbelief in God, so we ought to believe.

I was wondering, do any Christians believe in their God because of this argument?

More info on Pascal's Wager:

2007-10-07 03:18:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the bible in the begining it says if Eve ate the apple she will die. Satan told her she will be like God therefore knowing evil. so if she became like God then why would she die? Afterall it says she was like God in the begining, so how could she become like God again is she already was like God? Is she was already like god she would have known the difference between good and evil before eating the apple. Also, I am convinced that if God does exist and sent his son to die, he didnt die for everyone. Only the elect, because God assumed that noly those he lvoes, and lvoe him will turn to him. regardless on how much a person wants to come to God, cant. Because God hates them. What a nice God we have hm?

2007-10-07 03:14:30 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was bored, so instead of sitting around this room and answering the same questions over and over again I thought it might be fun to go to a local ward and say hi to a few friends.. I got there and they were all gone! Was there a Mormon rapture? Or a general conference? I was going to go to a Methodist church, but their service does not start till 11:00am. I thought about a JW service, but have no clue where they are located.. Perhaps hang out with a few Muslims, but I have no clue where they are either. So I am stuck with you guys..

This is the second time this has happened, I think there is a Mormon conspiracy going on.. hmmm

2007-10-07 03:13:21 · 12 answers · asked by Green 7

2007-10-07 03:11:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

cause if we dont sin, then jesus died for no reason!

2007-10-07 03:06:44 · 22 answers · asked by Liliana G 2

2007-10-07 03:05:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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