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Religion & Spirituality - 6 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This is an honest question.

2007-10-06 23:59:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've got SRC coursework and I don't understand why christians wear formal clothes to church so maybe you lot dO.

2007-10-06 23:58:25 · 35 answers · asked by alisha 1

Other than sacrificing his only Son for them? He already did that, Jesus healed the sick, and raised the dead. What more could God, and Jesus do to bring faith and belief in Him?

2007-10-06 23:51:30 · 26 answers · asked by xenypoo 7

I am going home in an Hour ,after a16 hour shift sleep for 4 hours and then I have to go back to work until 11pm!

2007-10-06 23:48:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-06 23:47:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

mm just wondering

2007-10-06 23:43:22 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you really really manage to fast the whole entire Ramadan, or do you sometimes cheat? And if you really fast - how does it affect your physical and mental health?

2007-10-06 23:40:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


if christians say that jesus is god begotten son then they should also agree that every women who give birth twin babies one is begotten son or daughter of god because in their first symtomb of pregnancy they dont know they will have twin babies?

2007-10-06 23:38:31 · 12 answers · asked by Ilhaan U 1

I mean this with total respect to each and every religion and their followers...
I have been trying to understand why Religion is such a strong thing... Who cares and why.
Why does a book writen thousands of years ago, which has been translated however many times, had bits removed by diffrent british kings and added and all-sorts have the power to controle droans of people world wide in a churches every sunday... ( and where in that book do it say, sit on rock hard wooden seats).
why should the Muslim scriptures, again with there age and posibal outside inteferience and (with depest respect) so easy to cross interpret have the power to make someone actualy blow them selves up.

I appologise to christians and muslims, you are the most well known to me at the moment please do not take this as me picking on you.
at the heart of all religion is there not pece (with the exception of saidism) yet no religion is willing to stop and say, "pece" also does anyone have the real answers?

2007-10-06 23:34:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it OK to say that 'atheists' are proof that the end of the world is here?

Is it OK to say that 'blacks' are proof that the end of a neighbourhood is imminent?

Is there any difference between religious hate speech and racial hate speech?

2007-10-06 23:28:12 · 14 answers · asked by Bajingo 6

i could really careless what happens when i die...i mean im dead! and to me if christains are right then. when i die ill go to hell inless i have been forgiven by jesus then ill go to heaven and live forever. Now there are 100s or thousands that die everyday. what percent of them do you think make it to heavan? im thinking less than 5 percent. so are you telling me that it matters how i live my life? (which compared to erturnity is like a blink of an eye) why would i worship a god that gives people a small chance to succeed and stands by while more than half his creation burn in aggony? and you will say god gave us all a choice. so tell me where was our choice when god decided that he was lonly and would make a whole new species (human) and even new before hand that more than half of them would be tortured for eternity? its my opion that all relgion is rediclious. my grandfather just passed away and my grandmother doesnt know if he was saved or not.

2007-10-06 23:20:55 · 18 answers · asked by Ispeakfreely 2

This is a question bout a project of mine and pls no bad sayings...

2007-10-06 23:08:01 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

When someone says they'll get a task completed, and that was 10 months ago, but when I call them on it, they come back with "Patience is a virtue". Only fellow Christians please answer. I think the above saying is to steer away from impulsiveness. I think waiting around 10 months is being patient enough and starting to lean towards being naive. What if someone does not get the task done? How long do we let that continue? Or, was I right in saying that as far as I'm concerned, the person will not complete the task and will only see otherwise if they actually complete it one day? Why should I continue to expect that they will complete the task if over the past 10 months they haven't? The task is getting a quilt to someone. The quilt has been complete and in their posession now for 10 months.

2007-10-06 23:06:51 · 7 answers · asked by Sly Girl 3

2007-10-06 23:03:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

In our town we have a special needs school that was a bit run down. A group of local mormons have spent the last 2 weeks building playgrounds and planting trees. As a devout athiest I would like to say thanks to the mormons for this kind gesture.

2007-10-06 22:56:07 · 16 answers · asked by spils 3

what I mean is

for catholicism and Christianity it is usually wine so, "alcohol"

and for the Rastafarian it is the cannabis sativa plant
praise Jah "marijuana"

do you know of any other mind altering substances instituted in any of the other religions?

what about Buddhism?

2007-10-06 22:55:55 · 3 answers · asked by Follow The 9 2

For example, Homeland Security (Y!A Member) wrote in response to one of my questions:

"Do atheists? And do they also like burning forever? That's not a threat. That's a promise of God.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, **and unbelieving**, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death

Read it and weep sweetie"

It doesn't really sound like he regrets the loss of my soul to the lake of fire, does it? It almost sounds like, "Ha, well YOU'RE going to Hell and I'M not. Hope you like your fire, sweetie!" Reading it, I can actually imagine HIM poking me with a pitch fork while I roast in magma, and dancing around laughing with little devil horns.

Definitely not how you'd imagine a good Christian would WANT to be seen, right? So what's the deal, Christians? Do you love us or are you happy that we're going to burn?

2007-10-06 22:53:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hypothetical situation:
Someone's dying and despite many people praying for their health they kick the bucket. The reason that person dies depsite all the prayers is because it's in gods plan.
Question: If god has a devine plan, which will not be changed despite prayer, what's the point of praying for things?

2007-10-06 22:44:10 · 11 answers · asked by jacque_sue89 3

I believe the rapture will come soon and Jesus will return. Just look at all the countries that have nuclear weapons.

The end times are near.

2007-10-06 22:31:34 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look at the polls in Europe. Look at the percentage of atheists and agnostics in America that have slowly been rising these last few decades.

Why do you think this is?

Does the doctrine of "be a Christian or burn in Hell forever when you die even if you're a good person" have anything to do with it?

2007-10-06 22:24:10 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

if we know smoking will kill us, and we keep doing so until we die from it, (if that ends up being the cause) is it suicide?

2007-10-06 22:04:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do you mumble it under your breath when someone asks you about your religion? Did you always feel this way? If not, what changed how you feel about your atheism?

Personally, I'm very proud to be able to call myself an atheist. I was raised in a Jewish home but always knew in the back of my mind that I didn't actually believe any of it. I stopped considering myself Jewish in my teens but never said anything about it to anyone else, not because I was ashamed but because I didn't know how they would react. Finally I just decided that I didn't really care what people had to say about my beliefs (or lack thereof) and their reactions weren't my problem. Now, I'll tell anyone who asks that yes, I am an atheist. You can either deal with it and respect me regardless or move along.

That's my story, what's yours?

2007-10-06 22:00:44 · 32 answers · asked by Two quarters & a heart down 5

I know a amount of persecution goes on against religious types, but look at this verse:

"If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you... because they do not know Him who sent Me"

That's Jesus talking, and Jesus was definitely persecuted.

Now then...

How many Christians do you know that lived like Jesus did, and follow his law to the letter?

Christians aren't persecuted because there's nothing to persecute, most Christians don't follow the bible as well as they should and an absolutely horrendous amount of them are hypocrites.

2007-10-06 21:59:19 · 8 answers · asked by David H 3

my personal favorite is 8trackmind ,very hot!

2007-10-06 21:51:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do Muslims reconcile the contradiction that Islam is a religion of "peace" but still condones, endorses, and even insists upon the actions of "honor killings" for women who get pregnant out of wedlock?

2007-10-06 21:48:14 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I call the justice system the injustice system because it is the justice systems place to protect criminals from justice.

Where I live the people judge and sentence you, crime is almost nonexistant for good reason.

If you commit a crime and the police can't get to you fast enough to protect and serve you, you'll know the true justice system is swift and unmerciful.

The community caught a rapist a few years ago and hung him, while he was being hung they stuck lit matches up his nose and told him to smell hell. They are in the process of tracking down a thief at the present time, wonder what fate awaits them.

Do you think the world would be a better place if everyone answered to the people for thier crimes?

2007-10-06 21:47:50 · 11 answers · asked by Sean 7

'Caise I'm getting a sneeeeaking suspicion...

2007-10-06 21:47:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is kinda strange to me how people are so quick to shun away from this concept. Wouldnt you think God still cares about the people this day as he did of old and want to reveal the truth unto us?

2007-10-06 21:43:45 · 12 answers · asked by Stetson R 2

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