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Religion & Spirituality - 29 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-29 13:53:42 · 10 answers · asked by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6

Are Mega-Preachers Scandal-Prone?
Problems of sex abuse in the Catholic Church?
Warren Jeffs?

Maybe they got too much prayer in school?

2007-09-29 13:53:19 · 9 answers · asked by Steve B 6

Is the right of self-determination a basic human right?

I am an American Muslim woman who was raised to be a patriot American. I was raised to think that The U.S. was an advocate of human rights- including the right of All peoples to have self-determination.
What is self- determination? What does it involve? Is it a right which is conditional or unconditional? Who determines if it is conditional or not? If it is conditional, who decides the criterion for this right.
Do foreign governments have the right to dictate policy to other peoples? Do foreign governments have the right to impose "peace" on a people who do not want "peace"? Do foreign governments have a right to decide what governments are valid and what governments are not valid?

2007-09-29 13:51:38 · 12 answers · asked by Rebecca 3

2007-09-29 13:51:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Atheists have some good insight against religion and paganism -they see the idolatry~
and true believers have insight into truth as far as righteous living is concerned~
nobody has it all~

2007-09-29 13:46:50 · 11 answers · asked by sego lily 7

You reject all proof!
Your belief takes more faith than it does to be a Christian!
Faith in theories and lies!

oh, well.......it's not like nobody tried to tell you
God bless you and goodnight.

2007-09-29 13:43:32 · 31 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5

There is more to life that Black and Pink

2007-09-29 13:41:55 · 20 answers · asked by Invisible_Flags 6

Why do you say Catholics do not follow the scriptures? Please explain.

2007-09-29 13:41:01 · 8 answers · asked by tebone0315 7

jesus gave away his life to save us all (according to you)...is your love for god and jesus so strong that you would do the same for somebody else???

2007-09-29 13:40:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've slowly come to be under the impression that, despite their claims of "proof of God is impossible! You have to BELIEVE!," Christians here don't actually WANT to find proof. I think it IS possible to prove the "beginning," if we take the time and thought to study it extensively.
But, I think many Christians here fear that the proof would not come out in their favor, and therefore choose to deny the mere EXISTENCE of proof.
Anyone understand what I mean??

2007-09-29 13:39:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not Catholic now, but I like the tradition and beautiful symbolism of this religion. However, I find (and I'm sure it's an obvious fact to many) the services at non-denominational churches are so much more alive and interesting than at the Catholic church, which I'd like to join. I almost feel like going to the non-denominational church creates a "non-identity" conflict with me, but I do like the sermons there. What should I do.

2007-09-29 13:35:39 · 30 answers · asked by 2016 1

See the answers to my earlier question on religion not imposing its rules on non-members:


2007-09-29 13:35:12 · 21 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Those who say God is a fairy tale and make fun of him, why are you afraid to ask Jesus into your heart and say okay Lord if you are real then I know I"ve offended you so please come and live in my heart today and save me! What have you got to lose? Only Pride! That is really the only thing stopping you.........pride in how smart you think you are? Jesus told us to tell you ,,,,,,,,,,that he loves you and died on the cross for you. Take a look around one more time, the flowers, the trees, the birds, the seasons, how unique and different every animal and plant is, how human beings actually do have something called a conscience that makes them cringe at little children being sexually abused............does the animal kingdom protect their young quite the way humans do? No! There is a ruthlessness in the animal world not found in human beings and it's not evoluation. Jesus is coming back......wouldn't you like to be friends with him before he returns and shakes you off your rocker?

2007-09-29 13:34:17 · 22 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5

Many claim that morals come from religion. So, why are some of our more pressing moral obligations often forgotten?

Bush authorizes 25 million dollar oil aid for North Korea

Check out the latest stats of the Iraq war.

2007-09-29 13:30:35 · 32 answers · asked by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7

how do you see it working in Gods plan

2007-09-29 13:24:00 · 8 answers · asked by loveChrist 6

what is your definition of evil and how should we combat it?

2007-09-29 13:18:25 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

When their version of the Bible is partial and incomplete?

(Read history and see what Martin Luther did to the Bible.)

2007-09-29 13:18:16 · 8 answers · asked by Perceptive 5

I'm reading "The Bible Unearthed" right now, and although very good, it doesn't address what religious people think about this evidence, which frankly, is overwhelming. The book basically proves, several times over, that the Bible is a collection of factual history interlaced with myths to help the political ambitions of King Josiah in the 7th century BCE. Though it talks about and claims to be about the 2nd millennium BCE, many of the oddly specific geographical references and social and political practices are exclusive to the 7th century BCE.

I haven't gotten the chance to see what people at my church think about this, especially my pastor and high people who've always treated it as word for word accurate. I don't want to settle on this one idea without hearing the other side, so I suppose my question is for a rebuttal: YouTube, article, whatever. Are people who believe the Exodus and Patriarchs occurred at their claimed time just ignorant, or is there another side?

2007-09-29 13:03:30 · 14 answers · asked by camof2009 2

mussolini in Italy, Franco in Spain, Peron in Argentina...
is it maybe because "birds of a feather...."????

2007-09-29 13:03:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Protestant movement arose due to the seen "need" for Christianity to return to the Primitive Church, and part of this was Scripture Only movement instead of Scripture AND Tradition.

My question is, how can anyone justify NOT including Tradition when it WAS the basis of the Primitive Church? One has to remember that no New Testament Scripture was written down until AT LEAST 30 years after Jesus died (and these were only Paul's Epistles... the Gospels were written starting some 60-100 years after Jesus died). New Testament Scripture wasn't even recorded to start with! And although inspired by God, it certainly didn’t arrive by fax directly from Him! I’m not talking about Tradition like the type of Mass or the little hat the Pope wears either, speaking of the “hidden wisdom of God, ordained before the ages, spoken in a mystery” as declared by Paul. The secret Gnosis of God, which is our birthright as children of God, that of God in us, as we are His children, which the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches recognize, the Tradition that God made, not men.

Tradition is JUST as important, for it was this Tradition which built the Primitive Church right after Jesus Christ died. Tradition is the direct revelation of God and Jesus Christ to the Apostles! Also remember, Tradition are the direct hidden teachings of the Mysteries of Christ and God and the Kingdom of Heaven, direct revelation coming from Jesus Christ to Apostle, and Apostles to disciples. The Mysteries as said by Jesus Christ, those words that the 12 yearned to but were not ready: John 16: 11-13 “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” As Paul said, most Christians are carnal, and cannot bear the truth of the Mysteries, as they are babes in Christ. There are levels of Christianity, this is a truth that no one seems to want to recognize! Some Christians are more highly developed spiritually than others. Thus, we have the Apostolic Tradition that Catholic and Orthodox modern churches are based on, which is the direct Gnosis of God and Jesus Christ. Once you have direct Gnosis, once you have found the Mystery of the Kingdom of God, you are instantly and forever changed. The Catholic and Orthodox churches are the OLDEST, and hence, the REMAINDER of the Primitive Catholic (Universal) Church, the only true Church. Hence, Tradition IS truth as much as Scripture is!

The end result of the Mystery is... God within YOU, for ye are the Temple of God. God is in us, as He was in Jesus Christ. The only difference is, we only share the nature of God, while Jesus Christ had His essence. Truly, we are created in the image of God, and we become partakers in the Divine nature through Jesus Christ, as God descended to Man through Jesus Christ, so Man could ascend to God and become partakers of the Divine nature and thus gods (small g), reconcile us to the Image of God which everyone is born with. He sheds Light on that realization, so that when you realize, you cannot do anything but the will of God, since His will becomes your will, when you realize God is within you, and always has been. It is ignorance of this fact that leads to sin, and turning away from God.

2007-09-29 13:03:04 · 10 answers · asked by Christine S 3

Actually, the Bible teaches very little about the afterlife. Once one has been condemned to eternal hell there is no second chance for salvation. Purgatory is entirely different than Hell. Those in purgatory are already assured of heaven and passed judgment but they must go through a purification process to rid them of unrepentant sin. This is mentioned in the following verse:

(Mal 3:2 DRB) And who shall be able to think of the day of his coming? and who shall stand to see him? for he is like a refining fire, and like thc fuller's herb:

Purgatory is only a temporary place where sanctification is completed. The Church teaches that there are only two eternal destinies and that is heaven and hell. Here are the Scripture verses relating to purgatory……….

(1Co 3:15 DRB) If any mans work burn, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

(1Pe 1:7 DRB) That the trial of your faith (much more precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may be found unto praise and glory and honour at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures teach that we must be perfect and without sin to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is from this teaching that the Church with the guidance of Scripture developed the doctrine of purgatory.

I think that we can agree that at death, on our own merits that we are not perfect…

(1Jo 1:8 DRB) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

The Scriptures further teach that in heaven all will be perfect……..

(Mat 5:48 DRB) Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.

(Rev 21:27 DRB) There shall not enter into it any thing defiled or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb.

Are you starting to see the necessity of purgatory? Scripture also says for us to pray for those who are dead.

(2Ma 12:46 DRB) It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.

The bible also teaches us of the sins which can be forgiven after death and which ones cannot…………..

(Mat 12:31 DRB) Therefore I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit shall not be forgiven.

(Mat 12:32 DRB) And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world, nor in the world to come.

Finally the ultimate proof in purgatory is that the Church which the bible says is the “pillar and bulwark of the truth” has always taught and defined the doctrine of purgatory as dogma.

In Christ
Fr. Joseph

2007-09-29 13:00:55 · 15 answers · asked by cristoiglesia 7

2007-09-29 12:57:27 · 19 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

What good are you doing? Are you trying to make a difference in the world, or just a nusence? What is your purpose?

2007-09-29 12:55:51 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, he is the coolest guy I know and I'm posting this because of this stupid person http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgkZHdxGX0HT4SeAH8ZN7aoJ5wt.;_ylv=3?qid=20070806144248AANnkkj
What business does she have quoting his answers and such?

2007-09-29 12:53:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are we after finding a Solution always ?
Is life a Problem ? Or a Puzzle ?
Is it a continueous way of resolving those difficulties?

Or, is our life a Mystery?
Or an Adventure? Discovery?
A non stop searching of possibilities?

What it is???

2007-09-29 12:49:39 · 21 answers · asked by Shripathi Krishna Acharya 5

in God. Their atheism is just a front. There are no real atheists. Atheism is just a label. Everyone believes in God, everyone knows that God exists. They just pretend they don't believe in God so they can explain away their hatred. If they admitted that God exists (which they know is true), then they would have to admit that they hate Him. So rather than admit that they hate God and are too proud to serve Him, they just deny His existence. Denying Him enables them to live with themselves more comfortably. This denial takes its toll though, as they must spend the rest of their lives desperately trying to convince themselves that God does not exist. That is why "atheists" come on here to R&S. They need a stronger and stronger dosage of God hating every day to maintain their denial. Eventually it will be too much and they will have to admit to themselves that they've been wrong all their lives. They will have to repent. The day will come.

2007-09-29 12:48:49 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

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