There was a question posed with the earlier group and I would like to ask a connecting question to it. Basically a mom was at her kids school and saw visibly displayed, a gay pride sticker in the school office. Her question was, you cant display religious things, why could you post a gay pride sticker. Obviously this is not a church/state issue. But it got me thinking about where do we as a society draw the line as to what is acceptable in our public schools. What about some ethnic pride sticker ie: Latino pride, White pride, Black pride, etc This of course doesnt violate any seperation of Church/state laws;as well these dont: "I support the NRA" sticker, or a sticker of NOW (National organization for women) and Planned Parenthood. All these other things just support an ideal and are not in of themselves degrading others, right? Who decides what is acceptable to show support for in the office of a public school? I look forward to hearing everyones thoughts on this.
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