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Religion & Spirituality - 15 August 2007

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If yes, then why did he come back to life?

Isn't that like saying "Here's a brand new car" then three days later taking back the keys?

Also, if Jesus is God, then how could he die? God is an immortal being, by dying, it proves he is not immortal.

2007-08-15 07:06:19 · 35 answers · asked by Professor Farnsworth 6

that are going to be born/created/reincarnated? I am a firm believer in "to each his own" theories of how we got here, I respect each individuals ideas as far as the how of it. I am very curious to know-people throughout the centuries have battled and waged wars over the "end of times" issues, but what if there is no end? What happens when the last person to be born IS born? If you believe Christianity-- there is a finite number of souls that are going to be born--since you believe that Christ is coming back at some point in time to take all who are saved, there has to be a finite number because after that, there would be no more souls to be born on earth.How will we know the last person has been born? Or are we just a finite number of reincarnated energy patterns/particles-we are made up of matter and matter is energy and energy cannot be destroyed only manifested in an alternative form so we keep getting "smarter, faster, better" with each infinite energy transfer? Just askin:)

2007-08-15 07:05:51 · 20 answers · asked by Chasn 3

Gosh, haven't you all figured out that Meatbot and friends are taunting you, trying to get a rise out of you, and get entertaining answers?

Sheesh, let's let him get a life, ok?

It's in your power, Christians, to stop this nonsense. If you'll take a moment and try to discern what REAL questions are and what are just attempts to incite you to emotional responses, and only answer the former, they'll eventually lose interest. But as long as some of you are happy to continue ranting and raving at each new question he posts, he'll continue to find entertainment in it.

Resist the urge to answer. Go on. Sit on your hands. Don't type.

2007-08-15 07:03:03 · 29 answers · asked by Scotty Doesnt Know 7

I am so confused and frighted now

2007-08-15 07:02:21 · 26 answers · asked by ? 6

The purpose of the council was [ supposedly] to resolve disagreements in the Church of Alexandria over the nature of Jesus in relationship to the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was of the same substance as God the Father or merely of similar substance. But there was already a consensus about that between the most powerful factions. The first question on the agenda was The Arian question: The Arian controversy was a Christological dispute that began in Alexandria between the followers of Arius (the Arians) and the followers of St. Alexander of Alexandria (now known as homoousians). Alexander and his followers believed that the Son was of the same substance as the Father, co-eternal with him. The Arians believed that they were different and that the Son, though he may be the most perfect of creations, was only a creation.

So my question: shouldn´t the nature of christ have been clear from the beginning? Doesn´t it show that the divinity of christ was declared POSTHUMOUSLY by men?

2007-08-15 06:59:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

So let me see how to out this question...From my perspective many people of faith aren't caught up in alot of the junk, for the most part secualrism tries to ram down your throat, so here is my question.

Are you engrossed in Celebrity Sensations?
Would you attend a Gay Parade?
Do you constantly go to the Doctor?
Do you spend Sunday's with family or are you a loner?
Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Hannukkah at Holiday time
Do you give to the salvation army in front of the market?
Do you believe in corpral punishment, the death penalty and abortion?
Are you a gossip hound?
Do you think you are a kind compassionate person?
Thanks in advance for replies...

2007-08-15 06:58:01 · 57 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Jesus had died and gone to hell forever instead of going back to heaven?

2007-08-15 06:56:30 · 20 answers · asked by John C 6

Men turned to stone, women into pillars of salt, parting the ocean seas, men raised from the dead, water turning into wine, and, most of all a woman having a child by a ghost.
Bushes bursting into flame, gods chipping out ten instructions on rocks with no tools.
And many, many more.
No bible quotes please, unless you provide proof that they really happened - which I very much doubt.

2007-08-15 06:50:14 · 25 answers · asked by Montgomery B 4

I am a christian and looking for christian advice/support. My husband and I are in our first year of marriage?
and it has came to his attention that he does not want to spend his life with me. We are not meant to be nor will we make eachother truely happy so he says. He has been depressed and struggling spiritually for as far as I can remember. He has been physical and verbally rough with me, but it was months ago. He has had suspicious relationships but I have no evidence of an affair. By his choice I have moved out, back to my mom and dad's, and he filed for divorce. There is no reason for it and I in no way want it. I know I have to stand back and just pray, as all things are in Gods hands anyway. I just am having a hard time trusting seeing how I have no idea what really caused this other than "not having much in common" schpeel. I am only 21 and I know what the bible says about re-marrying. I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life while he is off re-marrying and never considering God's will in this. Any advice? What should I do? Can people pray for me? Any scriptures come to mind?

2007-08-15 06:47:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

My finance and I were previously Catholic and are now turning to nondenominational. The problem is both sides of family the would be so upset if the wedding wasnt in the church so we agreed. We both said however that we will not promise to raise out kids Catholic but will expose them, we arnt having a mass, communion, we are having a duel ceramony with our new minister and old priest to represent all sides present.. I know you may find this odd its just that both of us have very Catholic backgrounds and this particular church is meaningful to us and beautfiul. Do you think that I am wrong for having it there? In my mind its JUST a building and we are getting married in the Lords eyes no matter where it is. Am I off?
Please I dont want any people telling me if i should or shouldnt be Catholic only if the building matters?

2007-08-15 06:47:01 · 7 answers · asked by MadKat 4

I'm sitting here to lazy to get the remote to change the channel because I'm doing this Internet thing, then I sense these waves of extremely misinformed mental unhealth flooding the house from my TV.
I’ve listen for about ten minutes and it’s beginning to make a sick kind of sense.

It’s been a half hour now and I’m even lazier and that remote control thing isn’t going to happen.
It’s been an hour now and I’m really thinking the best thing we can do to help the poor Islamic peoples is to send lots more weapons and troops to the Middle East.

You know in the last two hours I’ve come to realize G.W. Bush was sent by God to save humanity.

I’m scarred to go leave the house but I have this intense need to buy cool aid.
I’m back and feel confused now.
Thank God the TV is still on.
What do you guys think I should do?

2007-08-15 06:46:05 · 22 answers · asked by gnosticv 5

what is a sin? is it just breaking one of the 10 commandments? or are there more sins in the bible that i don't know about? i want to know. please help me. i don't want to sin anymore, but its kind of hard not to when you don't know what all is considered a sin.

thank you.

2007-08-15 06:45:16 · 14 answers · asked by User Name 5

If I asked a question that relates to the troll patrol's activities, I might get a large number of answers from their members.

Then all I have to do is change my avatar to something pornographic, and voila! The troll patrol will be busy reporting themselves.

Just kinda shows how senseless their ideas are. And how being so far up yourself is never a good idea.


Actually guys, don't do it, cos it's technically attacking them, which I refuse to do.

2007-08-15 06:44:59 · 7 answers · asked by ? 5

why do you keep trying to find proof that it is

2007-08-15 06:42:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

If God is more powerful than us, why is it that we can forgive without killing ourselves but he can't?

2007-08-15 06:42:05 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous


Q: Teacher once asked a believing child?

A school teacher said God is not real, a child said he is, so he pulled out an egg and said pray that when this egg drops it wont break to prove he is real, if it breaks hes not, the child said I will pray that when you drop that egg, you drop dead to prove he is, so the teacher put the egg back into the drawer not wanted to take the chance, so would you athiest or non God believers have dropped that egg and take the risk?

A: Better yet. Go ahead and pray that I die in my sleep tonight. I guarantee anything I'll be alive and kicking in the morning.
17 hours ago - Report Abuse

2007-08-15 06:41:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i thought God forgave all?
there shouldnt be any exceptions even if he made the most sins in the world

2007-08-15 06:39:46 · 13 answers · asked by luciferstatus 3

If a supposed Pakistani Muslim did the following, would you have any reservations in stepping in to stop him?
1 Lied to a beautiful English girl about being at risk of being tortured or killed to make her marry him to stop him being deported.
2 Persistently told her she was ugly, even to the extent of getting laser surgery to remove her freckles of which she is completely covered.
3 Told her he did not want to have children with her and then when she conceived recommended an abortion or threatened to kill the unborn child inside of her by kicking her in the stomach forcing her to sleep in a curled position.
4 Had a whole string of affairs and casual flings, even with her best friend whilst she lived under the same roof.
5 Drank fairly heavily whilst commiting the above.
6 Gambled away most of his money leaving her and the children short and the family in debt.
7 Planned behind her back to throw her off a mountain in Pakistan to gain care of the children.
Would you rescue her?

2007-08-15 06:37:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since my last post was removed on posting an article from Fox News
My question would be is CNN more news worthy???

CNN who caters to either being an extension of the Weather Channel or Entertainment Tonight with there never ending stories on Brittney and Lindsay???
Fox News is Pro Military
Fox News is equal and balanced
Fox News equally confronts Lefty Whacked out Liberals and Over the Top Right Wing Nuts.
Fox News condones family values and faith based initiatives
Fox News is decent when Atheist Dawkins comes on or Bill Maher who has a long riunning battle going on with religion, even though he states he would like to have Supper with Jesus.
So why is Fox News not News worthy to posters on the R&S Site?

2007-08-15 06:37:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now THAT would have been intelligent design.

2007-08-15 06:37:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Straight up, God keeps telling me stuff and I feel like jesus. I have long hair and everything... One of my "deciples" (a cat) has got me in trouble.. I have walked on some water... healed the sick and now I am trying to start a new religion based on love, understanding and above all rock music.

If Im not the actual second coming, perhaps I could be a kind of pope type of guy.. although to be honest, Ive never been a nazi so I dont know if I qualify... I have been known to turn a blind eye to the odd holocaust...

What do you lot reckon?

2007-08-15 06:36:27 · 40 answers · asked by andy2kbaker 3

still excist?

2007-08-15 06:36:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-15 06:34:57 · 27 answers · asked by Page 4

I really appreciate all of you guys' input here to help me better understand you guys reasoning. I previously asked the question-"Why don't you believe in God?" Majority answered because there's no proof. So now I'd like to know (seriously)
What in particular would you need to see, or feel, or whatever....to believe He exists? What proof would you want ?

2007-08-15 06:32:26 · 21 answers · asked by BLI 5

yahoo selected this section for my question - Cars & Transportation > Maintenance & Repairs

2007-08-15 06:28:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

No devil means no hell to send the evil people to. In fact, it would probably mean no evil people. No devil means the bible would be a 2-page pamphlet. No devil means humanity can't look good by rejecting him.

If the devil didn't exist, would God have to invent him?

2007-08-15 06:28:21 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would love to be able to answer my own question, but I can't. And some days I don't know if I really do. I don't have a faith to scare me into belief, I just have a feeling. What do you have?

2007-08-15 06:28:11 · 36 answers · asked by kosslyn 3

fedest.com, questions and answers