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Religion & Spirituality - 18 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hmm let's think for a second... How is it possible that the fossil record is completely instact, with no deviations from the pattern, whatsoever, with the animals we have today at the top, with people, with Earth being only what 6-7 thousand years old?! Don't try to tell me that a flood (yes you heard me correctly, a FLOOD.) caused the animals to be buried in that order, from the simplest to the most complex. That idea is almost completely laughable... If that were true, why aren't there lions with the saber tooth tigers, and modern trees with ancient trees... Why are there rainforrests stacked on top of each other?! Why are the same sized mollusks scattered throughout the entire fossil record, but none in different layers are the same? Why are there pterodactles in the bottom, and modern flying animals on the top, none mixed together? I find it completely rediculious that anyone could believe something liek that... Oh and the days in Genesis are more accurately interprited as ages.

2007-07-18 21:49:18 · 18 answers · asked by wd20x2 3

this is open to anyone, what do you think about reported cases of "stigmata"?

2007-07-18 21:44:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why does God/Jesus allow innocent children to drown in floods, be shot or in any way made to suffer? If God/Jesus has the power, why do we as humans have to suffer as we do? Why do our spouses, children, friends, ect have to suffer? Why do people die in car wrecks....example: a mean spirited person gets drunk, drives, kills an entire family when he hits them with his vehicle? The people he killed were good people, kind, helpful to others, yet they die and the drunk lives. Why 9-11? Look at all the innocent people who died..... Why ??????

A friend of mines' questions..... I understand his grief and his questions are honest and from his heart. To all Believers .....send in your answers to add to the ones I am giving thoughtful, prayerful time to. I would appreciate sensible answers please. Give your answers if you have doubted or wondered why God/Jesus allows suffering to happen. And why, when He has the power to stop satan, that he allows him to run amuck? Thank You.

2007-07-18 21:35:15 · 26 answers · asked by 1magicmom 5

2007-07-18 21:32:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Ad Exstirpanda"- is the incipit designating a papal bull issued on May 15, 1252, by Pope Innocent IV, which was confirmed by Pope Alexander IV on November 30, 1259, and by Pope Clement IV on November 3, 1265. It explicitly authorized the use of Torture for eliciting confessions from heretics during the Inquisition.

Why deny this?? It surprises me.

2007-07-18 21:28:37 · 9 answers · asked by RG 5

As evidence I submit this entire forum. Does the Christian god impede the spelling skills of his followers on purpose?

2007-07-18 21:26:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-18 21:21:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Old fashioned superstition and persecution in Papua New Guinea
Port Moresby newspaper article -- 1990
A man chopped a fellow villager to death with an axe and may have fatally wounded a woman in Madang Province on Monday.
Provincial police commander Pius Sipelung said yesterday that the attacker, a Kanang villager, apparently suspected the two of practising sorcery and of having been responsible for past deaths in the village.
He chopped the man several times on the head, neck, jaw and back, killing him instantly, then turned on the woman and hacked her in the stomach and head. Witnesses said she fled into the bush, bleeding heavily. She has not been seen since and was presumed to have died in the bush as a result of her wounds.
Mr Sipelung said a man had been arrested and charged with willful murder. The situation in the village was tense and police were keeping a close watch.

2007-07-18 21:08:49 · 6 answers · asked by Terry 7

It just seems that alot of people just give basic unthought out answers which usually revolve round "believe in god" or "follow jesus". Why can they not actually give a structured reason? same with copying "bible scripture"? it's not an opinion, 9 times out of 10 they don't even comment on the quote they've put.

2007-07-18 21:01:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-18 20:59:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-18 20:50:55 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ecclesiastes 7:26 KJV: And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her but she will catch whoever continues to sin. (GOD'S WORD®)

2007-07-18 20:50:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom may have cancer, and its scaring me. Im asking if you could pray for her, or wish her luck, or something, she could really use some support(but she doesnt like pity or cancer stories) i will print these answers out for her to read, so no mean answers,k?

2007-07-18 20:45:32 · 29 answers · asked by Smart Ash 2

It's kind of hard to explain, but I'll make my best attempt.

I'm pretty sure that atheists don't believe in "God" at all, but some say that I am an agnostic. What is an agnostic?

The bible says something like "God" created everything and everyone on Earth, well I don't believe that one superior being created everything and everyone on Earth, I just don't think that it's at all possible. I'm the kind of person where I have to see it to believe it, and there has to be proof. I believe that we [humans & animals ] evolved from different species over millions of years. Some call this an evolutionist? There is some [ very little but some ] proof to back this theory up with man evolving from apes or something. I also kind of think that there are no "Gods" or "Goddesses." It's very hard for me to believe. I do not attend chruch.

Can someone just help me with what religion I am? Can someone tell me what an Agnostic is?

Thanks in advance! =]

2007-07-18 20:45:04 · 20 answers · asked by Meg 3

You only have enough money for one or the other.

2007-07-18 20:42:28 · 16 answers · asked by Al Shaitan 3

A fake Christ appears and fools people into thinking he is the real Christ. Is that how it works?
Because that doesn't sound like a religion to me. It sounds like the fast paced game show "Lets Make a Deal," hosted by the effervescent Monty Hall. This is a game where comically dressed contestants get to compete for cash and fabulous prizes by choosing from among three doors. Choose the wrong door and you get a booby prize like a cart and a donkey.

2007-07-18 20:41:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

UpperBicutan , thanks for starting another days drinking with your wonderfully ignorant yet very funny answer :

"Listen to this and learn:

IF humans came from monkeys and monkeys evolved from being an ape or monkey to being a human...


There should have been NONE of them anymore 'cause supposedly they evolved already!"

I really thought they'd given up on that one. It hasn't been used for a while now.

Anyway driiiiiiiink !

2007-07-18 20:37:24 · 7 answers · asked by irishumanist 1

2007-07-18 20:37:21 · 17 answers · asked by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3

Daniel 12:1 “And during that time Mi´cha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. 2 And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting abhorrence"

When this is going to happens?

2007-07-18 20:35:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If God was so smart and such a perfect designer as Christians claim, then why do men have foreskins????

2007-07-18 20:33:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

10. Joseph Smith: “I send the wrappers off on missions, then seal myself to be one with the peanut butter cups for all eternity.”

9. Brigham Young: “The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup is really a Snickers bar, and I eat those one bite at a time.”

8. Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer: “Well, we actually just ate the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with our SPIRITUAL mouths…”

7. Wilford Woodruff: “I first write a manifesto claiming I will never again eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, then I secretly eat a few more under the table.”

6. Paul H. Dunn: “I remember back in WWII that I ate a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup that was 2 feet tall. I really didn’t know if I could eat it or not, what with my recent war injury and all, but I remembered my fallen buddy’s words as he died in my arms: ‘Paul, if you just take one bite at a time, you can tackle anything.’ So I took that giant cup and, breaking it with the bat Babe Ruth gave me, proceeded to wolf down the tiny morsels.”

2007-07-18 20:18:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe that people came from monkeys....
look at cave men!
They look the same!
I do not belive in God....
Think about it if Adam and Eve are white where did black people come from?
Please dont judge me
I just want to know what people are called when you believe that people came from monkeys!

2007-07-18 20:14:18 · 26 answers · asked by SkyeBuGG 2

Dear Christians:
I do understand your zeal. It makes sense to want to win souls for Jesus, if not for the sinners sake then for your own, but is this what God instructed us to do?

If you’ll remember God instructed us to:
Seek first the kingdom of heaven – a personal mission.
Love God - a personal mission.
Love all humans - a personal mission.

Remember 2000 years ago everyone and I mean everyone were Theist.
Most of them got no more results from prayer to their gods than if they had prayed to… a jug of milk.

So if you had a better phenomenology (explanation for things that happened) then you were a rock star. They didn’t have much entertainment back then so the people came asking real questions and were receptive to the concepts of Christ.

All that stuff about not casting pearls before swine was a message to YOU today because you think of non-Christians as lower than you, swine as it were.

2007-07-18 20:10:26 · 14 answers · asked by ♥Gnostic♥ 4

When you have a "Near Death" experience, does Death have a "Near You" experience?

2007-07-18 20:10:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you die you are judged and sent to heaven, limbo or hell. This is according to the doctrines of all Christendom and it's sub-groups.

If you are judged 'good' enough to make it into heaven -what do you expect from it? What do you expect to happen for eternity?

What *IS* Heaven to you?

2007-07-18 20:09:49 · 6 answers · asked by shadowrench 3

I am interested in Theology and would like to know if anybody has researched on the whereabouts of Hell

2007-07-18 20:09:01 · 16 answers · asked by EliK 1

Do animals go to Heaven as well as humans? I have a soft spot for the animals and they deserve just as much respect as humans do, in Heaven I would love to be able to communicate with the animals.

2007-07-18 20:08:52 · 12 answers · asked by Fell In Love 7

honestly, one of the reasons that pilgrims came to the thirteen colonies(now the us) was for religious freedom. when europe was ruled by the church people got killed left and right for stupid things that ultimately never really mattered. also look at the salem witch trials where a lot of innocent people got killed for stupid things. and Im pretty sure that if the founding fathers didnt wanna mix religion with the constitution it was for a reason, although for some reason we have the bible in the courtroom before witnesses speak. also we've already gone to war for things that dont deal with religion, if the govnt was run by the church wed probably be in so many religious wars that wed be in even more debt

Id give more details but youll just B!TC# that its too long. so please lets leave religion out of government.

2007-07-18 20:04:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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