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Religion & Spirituality - 11 July 2007

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I mean isnt it remarkable that believers all sincerley believe that whatever religion they were born into is the truth! wow what a coincidence!

2007-07-11 08:10:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Birth Control?

2007-07-11 08:10:31 · 13 answers · asked by (no subject) 4

Or even that the ressurection occured on Easter Sunday? How do you know these dates are accurate and not, as many other religions will attest, simply Pagan holidays under a new name?

Is there any biblical proof of these being the actual dates? And if so, why aren't they in the bible?

2007-07-11 08:10:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If it could be granted to you, would you choose never to die?

2007-07-11 08:07:47 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shiva is the silent witness, consciousness, compassion.
Shakti is the power to bring forth form, wisdom, the radiating energy of expression without number...
they are not seperate, but One.

We live in the illusion of seperation here. How has this effected your relationships, your journey, your path?

Are you healed? Are you healing? How have you gotten there?

{{{{{{ peace and love }}}}}}

2007-07-11 08:06:14 · 13 answers · asked by cosmicshaktifire? 5

Some time ago, I went to a meeting attended by rich professionals for the cause of elephants in captivity. Thousands of dollars was raised for this cause. I kept thinking about how this money could be used for the human condition. What is best for society? If you believe in God, what would you think God would want you to do with your money?

2007-07-11 08:05:34 · 20 answers · asked by quidproquo888 3

Christians, almost all of them, rely upon a book to tell them their truths.

And what are those truths? That Humanity is flawed, wicked, and unworthy of an honourable fate unless they appease the deity who put them in that position.

And how do they appease this god? By piously persecuting all who disagree with their truths.

Historically, this has included the use of gruesome torture and execution. More recently, it has wound down (thanks to secularism) to the point where we are talking about the denial of equality for others who disagree with the christian truths.

They don't execute heretics anymore. They create legislation to make life harder for them and more favourable for christians.

2007-07-11 08:04:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sura (8:12) - I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

2007-07-11 08:04:26 · 14 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

In what situations do people use god as an excuse for their own antisocial behavior?

2007-07-11 08:00:46 · 14 answers · asked by Dominus 5

Man, Ourselves or God?

What's stopping you from getting directly it from the source?

2007-07-11 07:57:47 · 37 answers · asked by Dr. G™ 5

Facts only please.

2007-07-11 07:55:33 · 14 answers · asked by Mister Sarcastic 4

Pope Benedict Ratzinger...... Here is my opinion.... They want to go back to the latin services as they don't want people to read scriptures or interpret them..because the priests don't want people to know the truth. Benedict is a great name for the guy as he is a trader of the true Christian faith, as he trades truth for deception. For all Catholic's that don't read scriptures, I feel sorry for u, as u can't think for yourselves and let other's dictate and interpret for u. Catholic priests are control freaks. What's your opinion?

2007-07-11 07:55:23 · 18 answers · asked by Third Day 5

people that are never exposed to jesus are just lost. what about people living in oppression (like north koreans), where they and their family would be killed if they thought about anyone other than they're dictator. they are completely cut off from the rest of the world and missionaries couldn't get in there if they wanted to. so are the north koreans just going to be tortured in their earthly lives and then tortured in eternity because they don't know jesus?

2007-07-11 07:54:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of people are hurting for reason or another. Doesn't matter your beliefs, things sometimes just hurts and that really sucks.

I know I've had my share of hurts. Despite what you rbeliefs, I really do wish that all of your hurts can be wiped away. Then again, I suppose it is the hurt that shapes our characters and makes us stronger or breaks us...

Kind of like working out. The pain in the muscle hurts but after awhile it gets big and strong. So it is the same I think with life and it's hurts.

It may not seem so with a fresh hurt but think about the last time you were hurt. Think about what you learned from that experience. Did you not grow from it?

Without the hurt how can we grow?

How can we progress?

2007-07-11 07:53:31 · 14 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

2007-07-11 07:52:15 · 25 answers · asked by beesting 6

say God does not interfere with our lives when he has commanded people to fight wars eg in the
bible he commanded the Isrealites to take over Jericho

2007-07-11 07:51:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lets say your child got an infection of some kind. What are you going to do. Are you going to pray to God and hope that God cures your childs infection, or are you going to go to a hospital and have them give your child antibiotics which were developed using the scientific process. Who's hands would you put your child in, Religion or science????

2007-07-11 07:49:27 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there a point? Surely he'd get bored sooner or later, seeing as everything is pre-written. Watching man go about his daily life must be like watching a movie you've seen 10 million times before only.. um more often.

2007-07-11 07:49:23 · 8 answers · asked by (notso)Gloriouspipecleaner 3

If you believe in one God?... who created all!
Please would you explain what 'Religion/s' means to you...
Do we need them?

Thank you x

NO offence meant to anyone! x

2007-07-11 07:45:05 · 9 answers · asked by *~☺~* 4

Yep the G.O.D.
...the Good Old Days.

Any thoughts on a correlation?

Yes I know I just wasted 5 points, thank you.

The mind is a scary place, what frightful tale has yours to tell?

2007-07-11 07:44:19 · 20 answers · asked by ? 4

It seems like most of you would LIKE to say that you DO date people who believe differently BUT I read your q's and a's here and it SEEMS that you have no RESPECT for others. ATHEISTS you call Christians DUMB and CHRISTIANS you think atheists are EVIL so how on earth would you DATE each other???

2007-07-11 07:42:55 · 30 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

can I be a good guy without worrying about religion's "good vs. evil" all the time?

no matter how hard I try, and even as a child - I can't seem to reduce the infinite invisible to a finite entity.

we are all "audaces solum" (or boldly alone); but can we be OK without any God in our lives? The atheists I've met seem so unhappy, is there any alternative to this?

I'm torn, ALL friendly input welcome.

2007-07-11 07:42:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

William Blake (1757-1827) "abhorred slavery and believed in racial and sexual equality." "He rejected all forms of imposed authority."

' Prisons are built with stones of Law,
Brothels with bricks of Religion and
As the caterpillar chooses the fairest leaves to lay her eggs on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys."

Blake said he had to create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's."

One of Blake's strongest objections to orthodox Christianity is that he felt it encouraged the suppression of natural desires and discouraged earthly joy.

He did not hold with the doctrine of God as a Lord, an entity separate from and superior to mankind. This is very much in line with his belief in liberty and equality in society and between the sexes.


2007-07-11 07:41:12 · 8 answers · asked by Ray Eston Smith Jr 6

Yes cause he says that the only church with direct historical links to the original apostles is the Catholic church and that Jesus only founded one church. The torch cannot be passed outside the catholic church so for 500 year or so protestants have been going to Hell or staying in limbo with no ticket to heaven.

2007-07-11 07:40:07 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous

What a bunch of nancies!


2007-07-11 07:38:59 · 18 answers · asked by Toupee 1

2007-07-11 07:38:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was told the answer by one of the wise men of this earth and will post it later...I just want to hear what everybody has to say. (some of the most profound questions are also the simplest...if you can see spiritually)

2007-07-11 07:37:06 · 29 answers · asked by WiserabbitKnows 2

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