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Religion & Spirituality - 13 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-13 23:52:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-13 23:46:29 · 18 answers · asked by I Wanna Know 3

I am not a christian, but i want to understand a couple of things about your faith. Im not trying to be patronising or to disrespect your sincerely held beliefs, I just want some answers to some things.
1. you say Christ died for our sins, but what would have happened if didn't?

2. We are all sinners, apparently, but aren't the sins you talk about essentually human nature and if god hadn't wanted us to behave this way then why did he give us the option to do so.

3.apart from the fact that Islam has Alah and Mohammed and Christianity has god and Jesus what are the main differences between the two?

4. If I live my life like a saint and essentually live by 'christian values' even though I'm not one, why should I be sent to Hell just because I haven't accepted Jesus as my savior.

5. What happened to all the people in the world who died before Christianity was concieved did they all go to hell?

I'm really not trying to offend anyone I just really want to understand. Thanks.

2007-07-13 23:36:13 · 17 answers · asked by Gilo 2

The Jehovah's Witnesses in their "AWAKE!" Magazine dated 8 September, 1957, carried this startling headline — "50000 ERRORS IN THE BIBLE?" http://www.jamaat.net/bible/AwakeArticle(1957).html
www.al-sunnah.com/bible.htm - 43k.

Corruption in Bible

The lie of 1 John 5:7 and Timothy 3:16:

Christians admitted perversion in bible

Christians admitted Holy Corruption Scriptures in the New Living Translation

2007-07-13 23:31:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are a Christian, and Athiests do turn out to be right, then there is NO judgment day anyway, and the same thing will happen to both Athiests and Christians upon death. However, if you are an Athiest, and God DOES turn out to be real, then are you REALLY ready for what could happen at Judgement Day?

It seems to me like you would have something to lose being an Athiest, but nothing to lose being a Christian, but I'd like to hear what you all think.

2007-07-13 23:22:38 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Evolution saves Samoan butterfly:

In only 10 generations the male Hypolimnas bolina butterfly was able to evolve to a point where they were protected against a parasite.

2007-07-13 23:22:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-13 23:16:41 · 8 answers · asked by Knocker 1

Moments when the veil gets thin?
When the mystical shows through the mundane?
Moments of total, unexpected joy?

I remember standing on the bank of a river, watching a damsel fly. Beautiful enough, anyway, but the unity, the intensity, the spirituality of the moment lifted me right out of myself.
(No, I wasn't 'on' anything. The nearest I ever get to a mind altering substance is a cup of Darjeeling tea).

Do you get little moments that make you dance?
Would you share?

2007-07-13 22:53:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-13 22:50:49 · 11 answers · asked by dinesh k 2

For instance why doesnt baby jesus do something about the worlds troubles. I pray to Baby jesus everyday but still no response.

where does it say in the bible that we cant disagree with baby jesus?

2007-07-13 22:05:36 · 8 answers · asked by ForeverFREE 4

atheists are always so quick to point the finger at religion for causing suffering. they often bring up the inquisition and terrorism etc... they seem to have forgotten all the atrocities comitted by the atheist extremists under communism. in the soviet union religion was outlawed. millions of christians,muslims and jews were imprisoned or even killed simply for practicing their faiths. religious persecution still goes on today in china, north korea, vietnam and cuba. i dare say that the inquisition pales in comparison to the atrocities comitted by these atheist regimes. could it be that its not religion or atheism that cause all this suffering, but just arrogant human nature that says "im right and anyone who disagrees with me must be silenced" ?

2007-07-13 22:01:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

or murder?or anything? i don't hear anyone saying that when it comes to these acts but say something about the act of fornication and it's judging? i am against these acts, not the person themselves.i don't believe child molestors, murderers and gays wanted to become these things when they grew up. somewhere along the way they were decieved into thinking it might be okay to do these things. do you think it is okay for someone to do these things?are you judging the act or the person?what is the difference in reacting and judging?can you actually not agree with an act and it not be judging?is it ok to judge one of these acts and not others as well. who likes to be lied to?who likes to be hurt?who thinks its okay to rape someone?who thinks it's okay to kill an innocent?are we judging?are we not judging?what are your views on judging? what is considered judging to you?what is considered okay and not okay in your eyes?if something is not considered ok in your eyes, is it not your judgement

2007-07-13 21:56:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-13 21:55:52 · 19 answers · asked by Star B 3

Is it possible that God is actually evil and Satan is good? Since in this theory, God is evil, couldn't he just make it seem as though as he is the good being and Satan, the actual good deity, evil? By doing this God will get you to worship him instead of Satan? How does a Christian know that he or she is worshipping the rightful "God"? If this were true then Satan's war against God would be a war to reclaim his rightful place. God also made Satan seem evil so that people would be against him. This would cause less people to join forces with Satan reclaim his rightful place.

2007-07-13 21:52:45 · 9 answers · asked by Purin 3

Christian/ Catholic Camps, Retreats or Programs for teens or young adults in Southern Calfornia........(preferrably orange county)

2007-07-13 21:41:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jehovah Witnesses warn against paganism- "PAGAN HOLIDAYS", "PAGAN RITUALS"- and it's true! Many holidays- INCLUDING CHRISTMAS- are pagan. But how many of them know that their creator was a big time pagan in the secret occult world? Charles Taze Russell was fascinated with mythology and pyramids , so much so that he picked out a tombstone for himself that's a pyramid.

He also predicted that the world would end in 1914, well, we are still here- the bible warns against- FALSE PROPHETS.

Your response- and save the emotional rhetoric, it just shows extra insecurity in your faith.

And for the record I am Christian- but you cannot dig up my creator- Jesus Christ.

2007-07-13 21:40:26 · 11 answers · asked by jesusisking51 2

I see this word used all the time in this section. It is SOOOO negative!

The word TOLERATE is defined as 'put up with something or somebody unpleasant'.

Is there not a better word we can use for accepting that other people are entitled to their beliefs too?

I thought of using 'accept' - but that implies to me that you 'sort of' believe what they believe too.

2007-07-13 21:31:43 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

...... and I opened it up & looked inside, what would I see?

2007-07-13 21:29:41 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you can refute please do I am interested But only serious answers please!
1)Everything that had a begining had a cause
2) The universe had a begining
3) Therefore, the universe had a cause.
As to the personality of the first cause
1)The universe had a first cause
2)This first cause's act to create was either determined,undetermined,or self determined.
3) But it can not be determined because there is nothing before the first cause
4)neither can it be undetermined since that is contrary to the principal of causality
5) Hence,the act to create must have been self determined.
Please give clear reasoning to why( if you do ) disagree.

2007-07-13 21:29:02 · 25 answers · asked by David F 5

Is it a concidence or what? So which is which?

2007-07-13 21:22:05 · 31 answers · asked by ButterMilkQueso 2

The Bible says to stay away from Idolatry.
Exodus 20:4,5
Leviticus 26:1
2 Corinthians 6:16
I John 5:21
Jeremiah 10:14,15
Isaiah 44:13-19
Ezekiel 14:6
Ezekiel 7:20
When you do the plegde of alligence you are trusting your life with it. A form of worship. When Armaggedon comes is a piece of cloth going to save you? Do you know when you do the pledge to ANY flag you are commiting idolatry?

2007-07-13 21:11:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Zeus is way older then Jesus (who is 3in1) he is theeee God and there is no other!

yeah yeah - I know I'm gonna burn in hell but when are you
going to realize that this is the truth and nothing else?????

2007-07-13 21:09:35 · 17 answers · asked by slaveof12gods 5

because there are some so called christians, i believe they are actually called false prophets. who are not true christians. there are so called gays who are actually called homosexuals who are not truely happy.... tough they claim to be....

2007-07-13 21:06:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Blowing stuff up destroys things. It doesn't make them, and it certainly doesn't make them be alive. Duh. If that were so, I could blow up a cemetary and make zombies. Stupid science.

2007-07-13 20:58:41 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Qu'ran says Jesus is the Messiah...How is this different than other prophets? Isaiah said the Messiah would atone for sin. Chrsitians believe the Messiah atoned for sin. Why do Muslims believe God needed to send the Messiah? How is The Messiah different from the other prophets?

2007-07-13 20:55:40 · 9 answers · asked by djmantx 7

And why does that church still refer to them as "the three" and "the seven" witnesses if they changed their minds and claimed to no longer want to go along with a lie? How many new converts are told of this mind changing when being told of the witnesses?
Don't tell me that they did not change their minds unless you are prepared to prove it. The burden of proof is on the naysayer. For the sake of brevity, I do not include references but I will if I have to for the sake of anyone non-LDS to see. I feel LDS's do not usually research facts they do not want to know anyway.

2007-07-13 20:49:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I made a mistake and thought that a bottle of super glue was hand lotion. It was dark and I couldn't see good.

2007-07-13 20:44:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If psychiatric drugs shouldn't be used, what is the suggested treatment for someone with schizophrenia, or a similarly disabling mental illness?

2007-07-13 20:41:03 · 6 answers · asked by MJF 6

what qualities are needed to be considered one? is there a difference in the Church's definiton of the early and modern saints?

2007-07-13 20:35:05 · 10 answers · asked by always_blue 1

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