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Religion & Spirituality - 16 June 2007

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Does this mean that the author of the bible believe you can get to heaven if you build a huge tower.

God basically destroyed their project because he was threatened they could somehow reach heaven by a tower.

Well why are we free to build Towering buildings and free to space travel without God doing something as he did back in the bronze ages

plus, i don't think the bronze ages had a chance of even towering into the clouds using brick and mortar.

2007-06-16 04:10:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

ISKCON. Why-he didnt explain. Only because I asked a question- "is it important to become an ISKCON follower to be a devotee?Cant I follow my own guru?Some follower of ISKCON have said that I must read chaitanya adi lila and folow ISKCON preachings to become a devotee."What is said is the truth. Why did he call me"envious"? Is it right to accuse an innocent and honest person like this?Doesnt God dislike false allegations?I didnt report him because I respect freedom of speech. But I fail to understand why a young girl would be envious of ISKCON or any religious organisation!?

2007-06-16 04:09:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't they understand that we are not waiting to be converted, we simply don't beleive?

2007-06-16 04:04:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do..... YOU... think that YOU.... are a Real Christian?

DID JESUS SAY...... Some..... Many.... OR..... "FEW? ? ?

(Matthew 7:20-to-23)
Therefore by their FRUITS
you shall know them.

(Matt 7:21) Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord!
shall enter the kingdom of Heaven,
but he who does the will
of My Father in Heaven.

(Matt 7:22) Many will say to Me
in that day, Lord! Lord!
Did we not prophesy in Your name,
and through Your name throw out demons,
and through Your name do many wonderful works?

(Matt 7:23) And then I [JESUS]
will say to them
I never knew you!
Depart from Me,
those working LAWLESSNESS!

DID JESUS SAY...... Some..... Many.... OR..... "FEW? ? ?

Thanks, RR

2007-06-16 04:01:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, so eve screwed up and ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge. she disobeyed god and therefore deserved his punishment. she broke the rules, she deserves punishment. cause and effect, right? explain this though, why did god see fit to punish all women for eve's action by making child birth painful for all women? that hardly seems like a fair and just god if you ask me. the only way it would be fair is if he is consistent in this method of punishment for disobedience. so let's take a look at another rule of his. ah yes, we must accept jesus as our lord and personal savior. well, guess what? i don't. therefore i'm going to hell. and in order for god to be fair and just he must punish all men the same as he is punishing me, regardless if they accept jesus or not. therefore, since i'm going to hell for my disobedience, so is the rest of the male population, that is if he is fair and just.

2007-06-16 03:58:13 · 20 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

Atheists don't believe in God. My honest question is this, how can you be sure?
It seems hard for me to believe that the earth, sun and moon and all of existence is all just happenstance and blind luck, and that the natural order of things just came into being.
Don't you ever wonder (even in your 'weaker' moments, if maybe the Christians might have it right?
Also, if you are wrong are you prepared to really face those consequences?

2007-06-16 03:49:54 · 25 answers · asked by The Brian 4

America is probably still the most technilogically advanced country the world has seen. Yet it's a paradox that there's such a high proportion of Americans who feel insulted by the idea we evolved from apes..........that we infact ARE apes.

Do American christians, as well as atheists and others, who accept evolution get embarrassed by how the fundamentalists make the USA look like a laughing stock to the rest of the developed world?

Or is it more a sense of frustration?

2007-06-16 03:45:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should efforts be focused on assisting individuals who have unwanted pregnancies see it through... or is the political effort to end the legality of abortion the #1 priority?

2007-06-16 03:38:30 · 10 answers · asked by Zloar 4

A few things I feel lucky/blessed about (stolen from a Montgomery Gentry song):

I look around at what everyone has
and I forget about all i've got
but i know i'm a lucky man
god's given me a pretty fair hand
got a house and a piece of land
a few dollars in a coffee can
my old trucks still running good
my ticker's ticking like they say it should
I got supper in the oven, a good woman's loving
and one more day to be my little kid's dad
Lord, knows i'm a lucky man

Got some friends who would be here fast
I could call em any time of day
got a brother who's got my back
Got a mama who I swears a saint
Got a brand new rod and reel
Got a full week off this year
Dad had a close call last spring
It's a miracle he's still here

Actually, I have more than a week off, but it's part of the song.

Peace, Love, and Blessings

2007-06-16 03:38:29 · 4 answers · asked by Greenwood 5

why can't we do this type of Divine LOVE today ?

2007-06-16 03:37:38 · 7 answers · asked by SANAT 5

It seems like the majority of the religious-interested people over here, and on other forums, youtube, and many other places online are extremists.

Many atheists think they always know it better, and ridiculing faith without respect seems the rule. They seem to forget that religion is a sensitive subject. They see atheism as the only scientific righeous way.
On the other hand, many religious people take their beliefs as the only truth, and are not open minded. There is so much hate towards atheism sometimes. There is simply NO evidence for a God, and no evidence of His non-existence. Reasoning with logic/common sense is different for everyone... Btw, the definition of a God is what you make of it... I can't draw a clear line between Theism and Atheism... I am somewhere in between but not agnostic. I am shocked.

>> What is the reason of the high proportion of internet reli-haters? Why do people always want to present their (non-)religiosity as facts?

2007-06-16 03:36:42 · 6 answers · asked by Mexican MeTa 2

Why,if god hates gay people did he make Michaelangelo (who was 'gay') one of the greatest painters and sculptors of all time and allow televangelist Jimmy Swaggart to be caught with a New Orleans prostitude in a sleazy motel?

2007-06-16 03:34:50 · 19 answers · asked by ? 3

I love don moen and hillsong's praise songs. Can you name some of your faves?

2007-06-16 03:30:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

that the people who came after him just didnt care about such things enough to protect them?

does this mean that his followers either turned back to their old religions or worse, lost touch with the message of Jesus?

2007-06-16 03:26:49 · 11 answers · asked by Antares 6

I'm referring to Genesis. I know the whole deal with Cain marrying his sister. I'm just wondering how Adam and Eve populated Nod, the land East of Eden. How many kids did they have?

2007-06-16 03:22:45 · 5 answers · asked by Graciela, RIRS 6

I just read an answer to a question that boldly declared "atheists are selective in who they hate....it seems they hate Jesus the most"

I'm sorry to disappoint the poor dude, but I don't really hate anyone.

I've seen no evidence to suggest Jesus even existed, so why would I hate him?

I'll admit to having a serious problem with religion itself, but people are a different thing altogether than the things they stand for.

Many atheists have christian friends, as many left wing politicians will have friends from the right. One of the things that makes human society work, is our ability to put our differences aside and recognise the things we have in common.

I'm sure most atheists feel the same way.

Why do some christians seem to think we hate them?

2007-06-16 03:22:37 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Every soul that is born into flesh is soiled by the filth of wickedness and sin . . . In the Church baptism is given for the remission of sins, and, according to the usage of the Church, baptism is given even to infants. If there were nothing in infants which required the remission of sins and nothing in them pertinent to forgiveness, the grace of baptism would seem superfluous" (Origen - Homilies on Leviticus 8:3 [A.D. 244]).

"Where there is no scarcity of water the stream shall flow through the baptismal font or pour into it from above; but if water is scarce, whether on a constant condition or on occasion, then use whatever water is available. Let them remove their clothing. Baptize first the children, and if they can speak for themselves let them do so. Otherwise, let their parents or other relatives speak for them" (Hippolytus - The Apostolic Tradition 21:16 [A.D. 215]).

2007-06-16 03:21:22 · 10 answers · asked by Sldgman 7

Not all animals can swim or fly. How did they get to the Middle East?

2007-06-16 03:16:32 · 18 answers · asked by Graciela, RIRS 6

I know David Koresh did, and John Lennon did, and a few others who were executed in time for claiming they were something they were not. Why does the world need a messiah or savior?

2007-06-16 03:11:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's the dominant and the other religions(specifically in Wurzburg)?

2007-06-16 03:09:08 · 13 answers · asked by Marie 4

I assume that the mony part means one.As in the two become one.but where did the word come from and what is its real meaning?

2007-06-16 03:04:17 · 17 answers · asked by Christal 3

Near where I live, just over a week ago, we went from the worst drought in Australia's history, to sudden devastation by flood. A dozen lives were lost, thousands of homes and commercial premises flooded in over a metre of water along with 5000 cars washed away. The gale force winds that accompanied the flood brought down thousands of trees with hundreds of homes smashed. Over 200,000 people were without power for 4 days. Tens of thousands were also without running water. The storm was so fierce that at the start of it, a 40,000 ton cargo ship, 220 metres long got washed up onto the beach.

As the waters were receding, I heard someone on the radio say "We can thank god that the worst is over".


Isn't it a bit weird to thank god for only throwing a hundred rocks at you instead of two hundred?

I know that positive thinking's a good thing, but if they want to thank their sky daddy for ending the storm, why not take him to task for the storm coming in the first place?

2007-06-16 03:02:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isaiah 9:6 Unto us is born a child, A son is given, and he will be almighty God, the wonderful counselor,the everlasting father, the prince of peace."

Jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the father, I and the Father are one." Gospels in Jesus words

John 12:48 "He that rejecteth my words, has one that judges them, the words that I have spoken, the same shall judge them in the last day."

who do you think Isaiah was predicting-to be the one that my Jewish people would reject-"He will be despised and rejected, and lay down his life to make forgiveness for our sins. He will die with the wicked and be burried with the rich." Isaiah 52:13-53:12

it took me time to believe in Jesus my best friend now and Messiah and savior as He promised my blood sacrifice for my sins the Almighty God, the son given the prince of peace.

who do you think Isaiah was predicting to be born the Son given Almighty God?

dont say the Jewish people changed it -to say they will reject God=?

2007-06-16 03:00:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

"one nation under Christianity"? Should we do the same thing for our currency. Your thoughts?

2007-06-16 02:58:12 · 18 answers · asked by Kathryn™ 6

Did you see Atheist?

2007-06-16 02:56:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-16 02:53:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It says In God We Trust. I hope the day will never come to where He is taken from that too.

2007-06-16 02:51:10 · 31 answers · asked by flawless1212 3

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