To be perfectly honest I am sick of the redicilously out-moded concepts that they rither violently force down people's throats or make such a fuss about everything you have no choice but to listen. I am not religious but very spiritual, I believe you can have a relationship with God without having to follow rediculously outdated religious dogma. I do think religions are a good way to bring people together and they can do some good in communities; the basic premise of "love thy neighbour" cant be a bad thing to follow after all.
I live in London and our lovely capital city has been taken over with Muslims, for who knows what reason. I was walking in the East End yesterday and saw a sticker promoting a "Muslim March" against the "vilification on Islam by the western media". It is surely hard to vilify something if it is pure. All we ever see are Muslims burning effegies of pretty much anything they can think of, Muslims being arrested an tried (and recently convicted) of trying to blow us up for paying our taxes, welcoming you into our country and giving you the benefit of the welfare state and freedom our grandparents fought to protect. I can accept that it is perhaps a minority, and that it is maybe over-hyped, but these things are undeniably hapenning. I am not even allowed Christmas decorations in my office because of possible offence to Muslims. However I am not allowed to demand a member of staff misses Friday prayers because I have an important deadline to make. Is there not some inconsistency here? If you DECIDE to move to a country, you are bound of FIT IN with their existing culture. Britain is not Multi Cultural, it is British Cultural! If you don't like it, don't live here, it seems very straight forward to me. If I went to Bangladesh and was to start trying to instill Christian culture and wear clothes that were completely out of place, I would hate to think how long I would last! I am not being racist, the colour of someone's skin makes absolutely no difference to the type of person they are. Their behaviours do however impact on the type of person they are. I believe that if you chose to come to Britain and take advantage of our culture then you need to fit in. You cant go around taking offence to things that have existed for centuries, and try and uphold CULTURAL (note, not religious) traditions like full face veils, arranged marriages and continue to speak your native language with NO EFFORT to learn our native language, and expect people to be happy with it. I like with a family of six Bengali Muslims for over a year when I was younger, and I can tell anyone that thinks otherwise, these traditions are upheld only in front of the older generation. The younger generation in general are rebelling against them, with a minority going the other way and becoming extremists.
So my point is, we aren't vilifying you, you are doing it to yourselves. If you want to be accepted, then you as a community must shape up, or ship out.
27 answers
asked by
Joe S