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Religion & Spirituality - 2 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What motivates you?

2007-05-02 16:48:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

hows abouts we, as Christians, carry ourselves honorably here on YA? if you think someone (an atheist for example) is disrespecting your faith, or you, take a deep breath, collect yourself, and remember that you are suppose to be a light in a dark world, not a thumb.

God bless, and remember, God is Love.

2007-05-02 16:47:46 · 12 answers · asked by super Bobo 6

I mean,to promote better relations,more understanding,mutual respect and amity etc. etc etc.

2007-05-02 16:47:29 · 7 answers · asked by River Jordan 3

come back descending from the clouds above Israel, what if he comes back as the Maitreya Buddha , but your religious pride won't let you hear his wisdom?

2007-05-02 16:45:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can't they tell the difference? I didn't know Unitarians were opposed to birth control,and I never knew Catholic priests breath hellfire & damnation.

2007-05-02 16:43:40 · 15 answers · asked by River Jordan 3

SIMILARLY... would a vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV, the leading cause of cervical cancer) cause teenage girls to engage in risk-taking behavior they would not otherwise engage in?

2007-05-02 16:42:55 · 8 answers · asked by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7

I've seen many people who follow witchcraft or related religions post responses like "Blessed be" or "bright blessings" or a similar comment. What does this mean in your religion/beliefs?

In the Christian faith, we mean that we want God to bestow His blessings upon that person.

So, how would blessings in your religion be different?

2007-05-02 16:41:04 · 11 answers · asked by Searcher 7

In the last year & a half since my ex fiance betrayed me & broke my heart my life has been a living hell. I have constantly been depressed. have had a had time trying to associte myself with people b/c the trust isn't there anymore. i have seen people who are evil & hurtful people continue to be rewarded with a wife kids that they don't deserve while a man like myself who always tried to live the way god wanted me to(Not saying that i'm perfect but compare dto many others i have lived adecent life) contine to be screwed over & over & over. it's as if god is punishing me for some reason & i don't know why. I watch as my family enjoy their lives with their spouses & children while i be the loser & the black sheep of the family being the only one without anything. This is in no way bashing god or christianity i'm just asking should i blame god for my missfortunes & bad luck in life lately? My feeling is what has he doen for me lately & why does he continue to do this to me?

2007-05-02 16:41:02 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like Heaven and Hell ? hehehe....

2007-05-02 16:39:47 · 2 answers · asked by Islam Is A Dangerous Cult 3

And Christians United for Israel?

2007-05-02 16:39:29 · 6 answers · asked by River Jordan 3

I noticed a lot of Christians making derogetory comments on Catholicism, and wanted to know what was at the roots of their feelings.

2007-05-02 16:37:54 · 27 answers · asked by singforhim1 2

I find it very rude when Christians tell people to pray or find Jesus when they give out answers without even knowing the person's religion. I just want to know if it bothers any Christians that aren't that rude.

2007-05-02 16:37:46 · 13 answers · asked by miss_anthropist 2

I'm new at this, and am studying the craft, but I was just told that you can be a Witch but not Wiccan? Please unravel this for me. Thanks and bright blessings!

And Christians, you don't need to tell my to stop pursuing this or I'm going to hell. I already know you think so. Bright blessings to you too!

2007-05-02 16:33:47 · 15 answers · asked by Lady Morgana 7

Trying to get an up to date count of those in each category on this forum.

2007-05-02 16:29:27 · 52 answers · asked by Constant Reader 3

From their language, to the way that they treat women, to their pride taken in committing violent acts, to their hate of police, to their drug use, and to their pathetic lack of education, I hate every thing about most rappers. I understand that there are Christian rappers, and rappers with good morals but this question is about those who fit the criteria above.

2007-05-02 16:29:26 · 17 answers · asked by singforhim1 2


ufo ? i dont think so
mass histeria ? people many miles away saw this how can that be related to mass histeria
natural phenomenon ? how could this be possible when the children said there was going to be a miracle three months before it happened

2007-05-02 16:27:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does your God break up marriages for that?

2007-05-02 16:21:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-02 16:21:04 · 11 answers · asked by marmarashraf 1

And do the mormons really own Pepsi? Where can I find a list of companies in my area that the mormons own? For example, if someone wanted to support a Mormon business in Fresno, CA how would I find a list of Mormon businesses in that area?

2007-05-02 16:17:17 · 6 answers · asked by KingBubba 1

2007-05-02 16:04:49 · 18 answers · asked by want to learn 1

I notice a lot of people ignorantly do this. It seems to be a sort of "self-justification" tactic. Actually it's "self-destructive". NO ONE is justified by what another is or is not.

It's impossible for one who has never BEEN a Christian to discern who is or is not a Christian.

2007-05-02 16:02:59 · 34 answers · asked by JayDee 2

there and let the mexicans throw bottles etc. at them.

The liberals always put there ridculas slant on everything. true?

2007-05-02 16:01:47 · 7 answers · asked by wisdom 4

they said that church is more scarier during the night coz all the souls/spirits of the dead are there.

2007-05-02 15:59:27 · 18 answers · asked by Jan 1

How do you know anything is a fact when experience is ignored? How can we know such things as God through a priori ideologies?

2007-05-02 15:57:58 · 14 answers · asked by Maikeru 4

why or why not?

i believe in karma because the creator is a loving being or parent figure, right. well i don't know any parent who is loving that would punish their children with hell and damnation. so to teach it's child consequinces of their actions it created karma. much like our spanking or time out chair.

2007-05-02 15:55:56 · 25 answers · asked by mystic 5

1492, 1400 years after Jesus died. what happened to the hundreds of thousands of native american indians who lived during these 1400 years, did they go to hell because no one sailed over and told them about Jesus?

and if God found a way for them, what's stopping him from finding a way for the daoists, and buddhists, and hindus, and so forth and so on

2007-05-02 15:54:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sure peoples in some areas / countrys are getting more edumacated, butt after they reach a certain pont, they will start to get dumberer just like we. Dids Christians in the past no more about God than Christians today? Dids athiests in the past no more about athiestism than athiests today? Sometimes I think us are the dumbererest peoples ever.

2007-05-02 15:52:07 · 25 answers · asked by ignoramus_the_great 7

The power of suggestion...

From now on you will always ask yourself if track 7 is the best on any new CD.

That is how religion works.

2007-05-02 15:51:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

that god does not feel the same as humans do. that god does not have the same ristrictions of emotions that we do. and because of this we can't fully comprehind him. well if thats true then what makes us think he feels the love the same as we do or for that matter at all. maybe we are just a big exspierament that he is detached from emotionaly and just wants to see how we react with threats of hell and damnation. and if we are so single minded that he can manipulate us with fear. those who can look at it objectively and with a scientific view will understand my question. those who can't let me try and help, think of god as a scientist with curiosity not as a supreme a loving being that loves you no matter what you do. (which is the father figure that is often preeched about.)

2007-05-02 15:50:57 · 20 answers · asked by mystic 5

An individual, a group or a community?

2007-05-02 15:49:41 · 8 answers · asked by Fluffy Wisdom 5

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