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hows abouts we, as Christians, carry ourselves honorably here on YA? if you think someone (an atheist for example) is disrespecting your faith, or you, take a deep breath, collect yourself, and remember that you are suppose to be a light in a dark world, not a thumb.

God bless, and remember, God is Love.

2007-05-02 16:47:46 · 12 answers · asked by super Bobo 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

First of all, God bless you. Secondly, it is hard not to respond in kind to an insult. But we have the Spirit of the Living God! He wants us to be a light in a dark world, and He will help! I'll be praying for you fellow believers out there. Ask the Lord for help before you jump on YA R&S.

He will defend Himself.

Also, I'm praying for those non-believers as well, that the Lord show his un-ending love to them. God has a plan for their lives, just as He does for us!

2007-05-02 17:23:26 · update #1

12 answers

Well said, my friend. I know I certainly need to step back from the computer sometimes and think about how Christ would want me to respond.

Unfortunately, I blow it sometimes and pop off with a comment that I shouldn't. He's working with me on that, but I still have a long way to go.

God bless you!

2007-05-02 16:53:13 · answer #1 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 3 1

Superbobo, I wish you the best of luck bringing the wilder sheep back to the happy side of the fence. If most christians acted in the manner you describe (not just here, but also in real life) then the world would be a better place. If something works, and it produces good people that don't judge or oppress, but rather get along and work well with the rest of humanity, then I'm all for it.

I don't have anything personal against Jesus, just the practices of his followers and religious leaders. The religion is tolerable if the people and practices are good. I can live and let live in that situation. Otherwise, I have to deconstruct the religion and bring its parts to you, so you can see what parts need to be fixed.

2007-05-03 07:44:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

When I was in college,atheists would just rake Christianity over the coals and when you responded by counter-attacking atheism they would accuse you of not being true to Christ's teaching regarding turning the other cheek. This was just a cheap shot and I never fell for it. I always made sure they got as good as they gave; on lovingkindness,I go no further than to not follow their example by refraining from insults,personal attacks and of course vulgarity. However,if I "counterpunch" I will inevitably offend,indeed enrage on occassion. But the faith must be defended; this was the policy for two thousand years and it has stood us in good stead. Courtesy is all they may expect from me.

2007-05-03 17:43:26 · answer #3 · answered by Brynn 3 · 0 0

Well said. I try very hard to be kind and objective. Yesterday I got snotty. After an hour I felt so bad I went back for an edit. The best thing to do would have been an apology. I'm unsure if either, a) I wasn't as snotty as I thought so no one commented or b) everyone was at lunch so no one saw it.

[sigh.] i'll try harder.

2007-05-03 12:29:08 · answer #4 · answered by Max Marie, OFS 7 · 1 0

A very noble notion, and one I do wish to follow. However, it hurts deeply when they insult our Lord, and I know we shouldn't repay evil with evil, but the problem is there really are very few serious questions here on Yahoo answers. The rest are just childish stabs at our faith. Like they have nothing better to do with their lives, and want to publicly display how weak their positions really are. I would appreciate any prayers you'd like to pray, though. :)

2007-05-03 04:17:12 · answer #5 · answered by new_creation2005 2 · 1 1

I am a believer in God Almighty and His only son the Messiah. I get a lot of thumbs down from the JW's not the athiest. So what does that make them. I get called a pagan, a liar, and a non-believer. I get accused of teaching my child to be selfish and greedy because I celebrate her birthday. Its not fair to me or other Believer's to be said from the JW's that we won't pass the judgment day. The athiest don't call me anything but a "fairy tale believer."

2007-05-03 00:06:46 · answer #6 · answered by Debs 5 · 1 1

I guess it's a balance. Some of the q/a on here by atheists are so degrading. Serious questions or even half serious, fine, but those bad ones, i'm not sure How Christ would have answered, if He would at all. Remember, there is "tough love"

2007-05-03 00:06:21 · answer #7 · answered by expertless 5 · 1 1

It's mainly difference in beliefs though I have to say something I think you'll agree on. Christians are s upposed to love everyone. We may no with as much passion as others, but it's love none-the-less.

2007-05-02 23:53:31 · answer #8 · answered by addict for dramatic 4 · 4 0

Amen!! The Bible says not to repay evil with evil, but evil with good. It's very hard and I fail at it - a lot. But thanks for reminding me of something I've said from the beginning. I think I need to practice what I preach.

2007-05-02 23:54:06 · answer #9 · answered by Searcher 7 · 3 1

Agree. But you know its so hard to keep that flesh down sometimes with the types of questions asked. But I wholeheartedly agree with you.

2007-05-02 23:54:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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