- According to Mark, Mary and Mary find that the tomb has been opened, and a man clothed in a long white garment is seated inside, who tells them not to be afraid because Jesus is risen and is not here.
- According to Matthew, an angel in shining garments is seen by Mary and Mary opening the tomb, and the angel tells them not to be afraid since Jesus is risen from the dead
- According to Luke, the women discover the tomb has been opened, and two men in shining garments come up to them and tell them not to be afraid since Jesus is risen
- According to John, Mary merely discovers the tomb had been opened. Though a later appearance of Jesus portrays Mary again at the tomb and seeing two angels inside dressed in white.
Mark 16, John 21, Luke 24, Matthew 28
Hey, it's easter-themed! Happy easter everyone, or whatever festival you choose to observe or not.
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