The concept of war is mentioned in the Quran only six times. First, God and his messenger declare a spiritual war on the rich who make money by unproductive financial transactions (interest, currency trade, stock market speculation, derivatives). He asks creditors to give debtors time, or better yet, to forgive the debt as charity. 2:278
Second, after praising Abel for not fighting back when Cain murdered him, and decreeing that killing one soul is like killing all humanity, God condemns mass murder by gangs, calling it a war against law and order. The only exceptions are killing in self defense and court ordered execution of a murderer when the victim's family does not forgive. 5:27
Third, we learn that people in certain groups will keep trying to kindle a fire of war, and God promises to put it out. 5:64
Fourth, God condemns nations that regularly violate international treaties and start wars. He requires other nations to prepare forces of deterrence against such wars.
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