[15:90-91] We will deal with the dividers. They accept the Quran only partially.
Islam is not radical by any standard as realized by studying its scripture, the Quran . There, however, appeared among the Muslims over the last 14 centuries groups of radicals who interpreted Islam in a totally corrupted way to serve their political and social agenda. While it is true that there are radical Muslims, there has never been a radical Islam as the media like to call it. Using the term radical Islam is the wrong use that reflects an ignorance with the facts.
These radical Muslims changed the teachings of Islam using the man made books of Hadiths and sunna (sayings and traditions falsely attributed to prophet Muhammad) that contradict the Quran and allow them all kinds of oppression, aggression and terrorism. By doing so, they have been breaking all the peaceful teachings of God in the Quran. They even broke the laws of the Quran itself by
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