Because the torture, pain and suffering that Jesus endured is pinnacle to Christianity. It wasn't just that he died but that he suffered....then died, and was raised from the dead.
Sin requires a sacrifice for atonement. He was making an atonement for sins that were not his own. He suffered untold brutality, willingly out of love for us. We do not want to forget that suffering.
We use the crucifix to remember this. To remember just how much he loves us.
2007-03-31 00:55:42
answer #1
answered by Misty 7
ALL of The Bible hung on that cross, all of the bible the old testament points to that cross, the new testament points back to it, The religious authority at that time used government power to combine to kill The Second member of The Godhead and it its so today religious authority will combine with civil government to force folks to worship there way, in Rev. 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.
It is a symbol of worship, because on it Jesus gave what no one could take to pay for your way into heaven, satan wants worship also strange as it seams, he would have us forget all about that cross, but in Rev.14:6-10 it is a call to worship and everyone WILL worship one or the other and in this there is NOONE that is exempt everyone will be on one side or the other, which are you on do you know? find out free bible lessons OR talk to me God bless
2007-03-31 01:00:54
answer #2
answered by wgr88 6
OK .because the Cross tells us the all story of humanity the wood which cut of the tree that Adam and eve have eat from to live eternally and be more strong . On the cross on the wood Jesus died to give us forgiveness and real power against satan and eternal life . He is ALIVE NOW the power of the blood is the main meaning the Cross is the love of God to humanity Jesus gave himself because his love so the Cross is became the symbol of Gods love and not torture.
2007-03-31 01:16:15
answer #3
answered by OIL 3
It is the symbol of what Christ went through for mankind. But in saying that I must add that not all Christians use it. I myself would rather picture Jesus leaving the tomb having been resurrected than to see Him on a cross.
2007-03-31 00:54:23
answer #4
answered by s. grant 4
Today we take reading, writing, communications and advertising for granted as if it has always been there. In ancient times very few people could read or did read. Main reason was books, tablets, paper and writing implements were prohibitively expensive and almost non existent. Only scholars and very powerful men could afford them or were willing to pay for them. Tokens, souvenirs or actual objects were used to remind people of things much like letters, writing, DVD's and recordings are today. Objects were kept in homes, palaces and places of worship that would remind people of historical events or advertising of what was going on inside. Also in ancient times there was no such thing as freedom of speech. You could be killed for ideas or beliefs. To actual talk about this stuff was out and out dangerous. The stories had to be kept alive and passed on, again to write this stuff down was evidence that could be used to convict you of crimes against the state or crown, king, potentate or what ever.
A prime example is an heriditary legacy that I carry, passed down to me by my fathers father from his father and so on (to me and my father it was and is a burden). It is an organization that exists but yet does not exist. Nothing is written of this group and to do so is under penalty of no less then death. Yet you can see its symbols everywhere if you know what you are looking for and you can remember the stories and historical events that I was forced to learn by memory as taught to me by my father and well I am obligated to recite to those who know on occaision. Anyhow, this group goes back to ancient times and was a group of men, so powerful that it was international. So powerful was this group, they as Christians sat in fellowship and brotherhood with all of those who worshiped the God of Abraham. Their only flaw is they allowed those unholy that called themselves the holy to know this. Of course to sit in brotherhood with all those believing in the God of Abraham threatened the very existance of this holy hiarchy and of course on Friday 13 this order was destroyed all but a few who now still exist in various walks of life. To this day on Friday 13 you are reminded that is a very bad day, are you not. You have never know why, but you know. Our remeberances work even on those that don't know. Why are roses, especially red roses so loved and prliferate throughout the world? Those that know know. It was like that with the Christians at one time.
You see I can look at symbols, objects that exist world wide and now the history of why and they tell me a story that all those who are of the Book are brothers..
Anchient christians also faced certain death if they were known to be Christians. The cross (not cucifix as I find that offensive as that condones worshiping an image, and it - and I can agree with you on this one, brings images of pain, suffering and guilt for not doing the same) is simply a recognizable object that ancient christians devised (its as simple as crossing two sticks, or fingers) so they could easily recognize each other and safe places to meet. Again, they could not read, they could not speak of God in public, they could not worship in pbulic. They had to be extremely careful and somehow they needed a special way to remember the sacrife, the word and pass stories down to one another. The cross is a reminder and simply that. The power of God is in the Word and Deed. Please understand the world is not as simple as the the media would have you believe. Learn, expand and find the light. The world can be full of peace if we all find the light together. Image what that would be like, true equality for the entire world. But the world has created haters, money grubbers, users, manipulators and politicians to keep the status quo. You can only have peace through equlity and true equality means everyone shares. Thats a dangerous idea and of course any organization that believes this out of survival must stay in the shadows in order to see the light.
Big answer to a question, but by answering we spread the word.
Peace Be Upon You
2007-03-31 01:39:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Jesus DID NOT die on the cross..................
that's another lie and deception of christianity!
Here's how you can prevail OVER the lies and deceptions of christianity and religion:
Create a private, personal, direct, divine Relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion.
Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!
Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.
2007-03-31 00:50:23
answer #6
answered by drwooguy 3
It's part of the whole fear thing.
I think they're also trying to dump guilt on everyone by saying "look, he had to die a horrible death for your sins"
It's pretty sad really
2007-03-31 00:50:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
So that when people see it every time remember his sacrifice.
2007-03-31 11:09:41
answer #8
answered by vishw_paramaatmaa_parivaar 3
A thought-provoking question indeed.
2007-03-31 00:49:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they stole it from the pagans and have disguised the winter solstice with christmas, as a conversion tactic
2007-03-31 00:51:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous