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Etiquette - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

At my baby shower we are inviting couples (men & women alike) and are going to serve the meat and need people to bring side dishes because there are going to be alot of people there, but what is an appropriate way to ask that?

2006-09-09 08:59:52 · 14 answers · asked by tx proud 3

Don't you hate it when some women hug you & they do that 'safe hug'. That is- they lean in w/ the bottom halves of their bodies 10 miles away from you so that only their cheeks & the very upper parts of their torso touches you? lol!

Suspiciously, lots of busty women do this....

2006-09-09 08:07:39 · 8 answers · asked by Fonzie T 7

Would you:: (A) Let her go ahead of you, and smile?
(B)Tell her you were there first?
(C)Let her ahead, then try to get her phone number?
(D)Other answer--please specify.

2006-09-09 07:43:32 · 17 answers · asked by Road Trip 3

It is the first time I go back to visit in 8 years and I am not sure what people would like as a small present from someone who lives in the US. It is hard to buy ( since most stuff were made in China anyway ) and giving money as present seems less meaningful...help!

2006-09-09 07:31:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If we get a table for four, then should they sit opposite each other or do I sit opposite one of them?

2006-09-09 07:28:46 · 18 answers · asked by reggaeboi 2

Not sure what your problem is, but i have read alot of your so called 'answers' today. This site is not for bitchy people like you to come on and insult people. You have insulted a pregnant women and a few others. If you cannot give people advice and be respectful then get the hell off the site. Some people might find it amusing but I will guarantee that they are as immature as yourself.

2006-09-09 07:19:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-09 07:13:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example, you just finished your coffee,juice,milk or tea and you wanted to drink water right away. Do you want a new glass of water or is it alright that you just pour over water from the pitcher to your used cup/mug/glass.
I don't mind it since I just drank from it, but some people say it's gross. What do you say about it?

2006-09-09 07:04:03 · 18 answers · asked by Muffin 4

ok, i'm a white dude and i grew up in the urban city area, so basically in "da hood." i've almost exclusively dated only black and spanish females.

i went to a black college, so i dated only black females there and i liked it. it was cool. and the fact that i dated a bunch of black females should let you know that i'm not an ugly guy, because black women are very picky about looks, especially if they're gonna date outside their race.

so anyway, now i transferred to a major university because they offer a better program in my major (bio).

this university is mostly white and i've only been there for less than two weeks. it's cool and all, but i really don't even know how to approach white females. they're pretty and everything, but i don't know how to talk to them.

i'm not shy or anything, but i'm also not the biggest extrovert, plus the white females just seem so different than what i'm used to.

how do you talk to them? is there something i need to know ahead of time??

2006-09-09 06:57:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are there so many racist people on Yahoo Answers. Don't they have anything better to do then spread hate?

2006-09-09 06:50:19 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that this may vary from person to persons or situation to situation, but are their some standard conventions that I can follow? As parent of the groom what should we expect to pay for or do in preparation for the wedding? Does the mother of the groom need to consult anyone about the colour choice of her wedding attire?

2006-09-09 06:45:49 · 18 answers · asked by Jo 4

If a 20% gratuity charge is already included in the total bill, are we still expected to give an extra cash tip to the driver at the end of the night? Or is the included 20% gratuity the only tip that a driver would expect? Thanks!

2006-09-09 06:43:38 · 6 answers · asked by Andre@ L 2

Where do I hide the body?

2006-09-09 06:30:33 · 26 answers · asked by Sleep deprived 4

This boy who likes me keeps getting in my purse and getting period pads out of my purse, and i'm not really embarassed, but he says, i have football practice this afternoon, and i need some evtra padding, he always went through his ex gf's purse, who is also my best friend, so he just goes through our purses.

2006-09-09 06:25:55 · 12 answers · asked by xsnicklexfritzx 3

i went to to a party full of athletes in college and they were all white and very cute. there were a lot of pretty blonde girls (that were all typical looking and looked the same) i'm not trying to be egotistical but i know i'm a really cute asian. (i just want the real truth about the situation, give me the benefit of the doubt) . I got kind of bummed that night cuz i wasn't approached that much by any of the cute guys. they all flocked to the blonde girls. my friend paul said that white guys think asian girls secondly compared to white girls. is that the truth?

2006-09-09 05:55:14 · 62 answers · asked by Anonymous

is the survival of the species a factor? i know that smart women really turn me on, as long as they are not rude or boisterous.

2006-09-09 05:49:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-09 05:11:52 · 24 answers · asked by arash 2

my mother and i both had problems with the same lady and the oral surgens office. i was the first one to talk to her and then told my mother how rude she was saying "this is the 3rd time you are trying to set up something....other people really want to get in here" all i could think of was if they really needed to get in there then they would schedual it.

then on the day of consultation this lady was rude to us again. my mother nor i didn't sigh a paper and she went off on us. we didn't sign it because we didn't get the information yet about it. and she goes "i guarentee you that by the end of the day you will know what you need to know"
then on the day of my sergery i left my class at the local university and the car wouldn't start. so i called my mothers work but she wasn't there so the lady there gave me the doctor's number so i call for my mom...the same lady goes "you know you should be here now" i go no kidding...my car won't start and i'm seeing if mom is there.

2006-09-09 05:10:19 · 9 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5

2006-09-09 05:07:58 · 8 answers · asked by arash 2

I had a party yesterday and some ppl crashed it and were being rude. how do i make sure this doesn't happen agaiN?

2006-09-09 04:46:42 · 10 answers · asked by Snowandskibaby 2

I read this question on Dear Abby and now I'm wondering is there a legal definition or is it just dependent on the relationship one has with their inlaws or what your personal preferrence is?

2006-09-09 04:30:32 · 17 answers · asked by jimpru_perkins9801 2

my 6yr old kid already talks about a girl in school and now he's got her phone number. Everytime I ask him if he has a crush on the girl he will say no. But is it normal for a 6yr old boy to feel some attraction to his opposite sex?

2006-09-09 04:17:33 · 33 answers · asked by lizzie 3

What should I bring as a gift for my hostess? Wine is out and I think chocolates and flowers are so ...done. Anything creative? She is married with a todler and a newborn.

2006-09-09 04:01:19 · 12 answers · asked by rachely1 3

You might consider me an old fuddy duddy but I find it very improper for salesmen, tradesmen etc., to call me by my christian name instead of Mrs.......etc.

I was always taught that it is rude to do this, unless told "please call me Sue" etc.

Would it be considered fussy to ask them to call me Mrs., and what would be the least pedantic way of asking them.

2006-09-09 03:22:14 · 38 answers · asked by Ladyfromdrum 5

I would like details please!! The funnier the better!!

2006-09-09 02:24:45 · 18 answers · asked by ? 3

2006-09-09 02:23:37 · 29 answers · asked by Heather 3

2006-09-09 01:53:47 · 13 answers · asked by Saffron 3

2006-09-09 01:39:34 · 27 answers · asked by deli_cate2 2

2006-09-09 01:24:56 · 40 answers · asked by Lisa 2

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