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Society & Culture - 19 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

My bf and his 2 roomates live in an apt and they have no TABLE! When they cook dinner they just grab their plate and sit on the couch and watch tv! I dont understand why they dont atleast go out and buy a card table! I offered and they were like NO! We like having the extra space. But you should see them trying to eat. They put their drinks on the floor and set their plates in their laps and try to cut their steaks or what ever else their eating. I dont even think they have napkins either. Its just real annoying for me I dont understand it. Are all young males like this? Can somone explain why they just dont go out and get a table?

2007-08-19 05:31:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

There is convincing scriptural evidence that moses didn't mean creation took 6 24-hour periods of time, but does that necessarily mean that old earth creationists are right about the earth being millions or billions of years old? Could the earth just be thousands or tens of thousands of years old?

P.S. If you quote that quacky kent hovind, i will not choose you for Best Answer. Thanks.

2007-08-19 05:28:37 · 13 answers · asked by kellyoribine 2 in Religion & Spirituality

i dont know if you can relate, but when youre just walking around your home and you catch whiffs of odd smells that are actually pleasant (not your own farts) but that smell kind of perfumey, and youve never used perfumes or anything like febreeze or anything or fabric softener, and youve never smelled it before, and its a light scent, like from a person, then it disappears, what is that?

am i smelling invisible people from another dimension, or is my mind playing tricks on me, or my nose?

2007-08-19 05:23:03 · 8 answers · asked by Antonio Montana Jr. 4 in Mythology & Folklore

If he truly created the vast universe then why do we insignificant humans have to worship him? Is it not enough to acknowledge his existence (if even that is necessary)?

2007-08-19 05:23:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am asking this question to Atheists because I know you have no religious beliefs which is your personal decision and right. Atheists don't believe in A God, is that correct? So I am assuming that you also do not believe in spirits and things of the like? I am not an Atheist so I do not fully understand your thoughts and views on things but I do have an open mind to everyone's opinion.

There are many who have never seen a ghost/spirit which ever you prefer. They don't believe in the paranormal at all. However, there are many people who do believe in spirits/paranormal and claim that they have. If you are an atheist (you were not under the influence of anything) and you have seen something or had an experience that was out of the realm of normal and explainable, what did you think it was? Do you believe it was your imagination? Do you have scientific reasoning that explained it?

Just a curious question, thanks

2007-08-19 05:20:20 · 17 answers · asked by hlp4U1799 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-19 05:20:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-19 05:16:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous 1 in Halloween

Or is it more about LGBT culture?

2007-08-19 05:15:25 · 16 answers · asked by The Dog Abides 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

We already know that being gay is not a choice and that was proven in the 1970s (people who still deny that almost 4 decades later are obviously not very intelligent).

And there's a debate about whether its a gene or not and the evidence it stronger supporting that theory, but the evidence isn't strong enough to make it fact.

We know that they've found gay animals:


Although it may be illgeal to clone humans, its still bearly legal for animal cloning in some countries. And since cloning makes an exact copy of that animal in every way with its identical DNA, then surely if they cloned a gay animal and they found that the clone was also gay, then that would prove that it is in the DNA?

Please don't involve God in the debate since that isn't a real argument and this a scientific question, not a religious one.

2007-08-19 05:15:05 · 10 answers · asked by Christian 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender


2007-08-19 05:15:01 · 3 answers · asked by gemneye70 4 in Royalty

I remember being raised with the biblical story of longsuffering Job, who was tested and then rewarded by reason of his great faith. I also resent the fact that I was taught this story.

The idea gleaned by Christianity from this is that faith is rewarded. There are two things that I have to take this story to task for:

1.) It gives the implication of reward; that hardship in life shall be abundantly rewarded if one remains steadfast in their faith.

2.) It is an inherently flawed story; to my thinking, if God had really wanted to test Job's faith, he wouldn't have taken everything from him, leaving him with only faith in God to depend on. A real test of faith would be to have him given everything in the world. I'd like to see if Job felt so dependent on God then.

You can tell that I have a little bitterness towards this story. Anyway, what's your personal take on this? Is hardship in life conducive to increased faith? Do people hold on only for hope of reward?

2007-08-19 05:14:44 · 35 answers · asked by Jack B, sinistral 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Why did they scream it?

2007-08-19 05:14:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

seem a little silly? why would a loving God create us then make us solve a difficult riddle, and have faith with no proof, so we don't get sent to hell? wouldn't an all knowing, all powerful God make it a little less complicated? when i really sit and ponder the idea for what it is, it seems like a crazy myth or fairy tale.

2007-08-19 05:14:19 · 28 answers · asked by KellyKapowski 3 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-08-19 05:13:42 · 3 answers · asked by gemneye70 4 in Royalty

I have an interview tomorrow with 5 canditates applying for the same position. Does anyone know a quick and easy spell to succeed in the interview tomorrow?

2007-08-19 05:12:37 · 7 answers · asked by Char 1 in Mythology & Folklore

If God would reveal Himself so that everyone could know where He was, no one would be wicked for fear of punishment.
This "goodness'" however, would not be from the love of right, nor from the love in their hearts which alone is life - but only out of fear of punishment.
Thus the "motive" of goodness would be destroyed.
We would be "good" because we would be afraid to be bad.
The motive for the good behavior would be fear and the selfish preservation of life - not the love of Truth
The Truth thus "laid bare" would make us afraid and render us unable to enter into Truth in the right spirit, robbing it of its value.
Christ spoke in parables so as to avoid speaking the plain Truth to those who as yet had no Truth in them-so that the Truth might be revealed in "secret" to those not yet taught by their own understanding.

Can you see the Wisdom of God ?
Isn't that the true state of some of you skeptics now reading these lines too?

What say you all?

2007-08-19 05:12:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-19 05:09:31 · 13 answers · asked by V. Manohar 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I had one the last last night and can't just stop thinking about it....My head still hurts....ugh!!!

I dont know what's been causing this....i was just lying with my eyes open for about 2 hours....and then went online at the middle of the night around 1.00 pm and still could not find anything to sleep through....

I was having random thoughts.....deep thoughts on my own life....then philosophical thoughts.......and I could not just sleep.......

I kept on thinking about religion, then about stuff concerning my country....I just could not satisfy myself with enough thoughts.....

Well I slept through the next night :)

but there are so many things bugging me - and I just could not live with it....I think about the poor,the oppressed and the weak arounf the world.Maybe I have lived too good a life....

I just dont know how to end these kind of things which torture my soul so much!

2007-08-19 05:07:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

or on the side? Isn't it common curtesy to park in front of your own home? Some people are just rude...so, how can I get back at them?

2007-08-19 05:06:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I am watching Wife Swap and there is a muslim woman on there who refuses to shake hands when in the company of a man?

Why is this?

2007-08-19 05:06:40 · 17 answers · asked by Rebz 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-19 05:05:48 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

One of my best friends is in desperate need of a new small home.She has spinal bifida, but is not in a wheel chair yet, but having it handicapped designed would be wonderful.
Her income is limited; was just approved for her Social Security and SSI. She would have land for the house.
Also because she is such a wonderful , kind and caring person,and does so much for others- many of her friends and family and members of the community would be more than willing to put in a lot of sweat equity hours for her.
We are in SE Okla, and I have checked around this county and in this part of state and came up empty so far.
What other orgazinations/foundations can I contact to try to make this happen?
Her housing right now is very sub- standard, but liveable but not worth putting a lot of money in because of shape of floors, roof, walls- it`s an older trailer...Help !!!
Any/All answers appreciated.

2007-08-19 05:04:10 · 1 answers · asked by aredsailjunk 4 in Community Service

2007-08-19 05:03:17 · 33 answers · asked by foxfoxcar 1 in Religion & Spirituality

would u still want fame

2007-08-19 05:02:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Royalty

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