the bible is quite clear that john the baptist is given this designation because he came in the “spirit and power of elijah” [luke 1:17] – not because he was elijah in a literal sense. john the baptist is the new testament forerunner who points the way to the arrival of the lord, just as elijah filled that role in the old testament
elijah himself appears with moses at Jesus’ transfiguration after john the baptist’s death. this would not have happened if elijah had changed his identity
mark 6:14-16 and 8:28 show that both the people and herod distinguished between john the baptist and elijah. finally, proof that this isn't an instance of reincarnation comes from john the baptist himself. john the baptist identifies himself as the messenger of isaiah 40:3, not as the elijah of malachi 3:1. john the baptist even goes so far as to specifically deny that he was elijah in john 1:19-23
2007-08-19 05:27:03
answer #1
answered by Silver 5
John the baptist is not Elijah but John the baptist has a spirit of Elijah.
Luke 1:17 And he shall go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to walk in the wisdom of the just; to make ready for the Lord a people prepared for him.
2007-08-19 05:37:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
John the Baptist was Isaiah and Moses, and he wrote the Gospel of John and Revelation, Matthew 11:11
2007-08-21 07:27:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
John the Baptist was not Elijah, he was born just before Jesus.
John the Baptist was born first, to go and clear a path for Jesus Christ, and tell every one of His coming. John the Baptist went every were bringing the good new of Jesus Christ and baptizing . He baptized Jesus Christ when they met.
John the Baptist told the people, "I baptize you with water,but there is one coming whom I am not fit to tie His laces,who will baptize you with the Spirit.
2007-08-19 05:37:01
answer #4
answered by Herb E 4
The Baptist came in the place and in spirit of Elijah, according to my understanding. The Jews were waiting for Elijah to precede the coming of the Messiah. And indeed, they inquired to Jesus that if he is the Messiah, where is Elijah.
John the B. was from a affluent family and had the means to influence the Jews to accept Jesus. Instead he got himself embroiled in other matters needlessly and thus lost his head.
2007-08-19 05:33:11
answer #5
answered by Sick Puppy 7
Jesus said "For those who have eyes to see", John the Baptist was Elijah.
2007-08-19 05:29:10
answer #6
answered by Premaholic 7
was john the baptist john the john the apostle the same
2015-02-28 06:08:06
answer #7
answered by John Jones 1
Just because the Bible supports the idea of reincarnation, doesn't make it true. John the Baptist was an ordinary human being at best.
2007-08-19 05:25:28
answer #8
answered by wondermus 5
May I recommend a website with a video sermon which may answer this question?
GOD bless
2007-08-19 05:34:59
answer #9
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
2007-08-19 05:25:15
answer #10
answered by Manny 5