I think when most people take the time to compare the mythology of jesus & the bible to the myths of any other religion that has ever existed in the world, you have to realize that it's just one of many characters in a long list of mythological beings invented by people to explain the world around us and control the masses, with a little bit of just plain old literary creativity thrown in for fun.
2007-08-19 05:18:02
answer #1
answered by daisy mcpoo 5
I believe that God had to make everything complex as proof of his existence. The more we solve the mysteries of science the more other possibilities open up to us.
If you're having trouble believing all of the "mumbo jumbo" that goes with the Bible than try believing in Jesus as a great person. There is historical proof that Jesus Christ existed and mankind changed it's way of counting the years to begin at the time of Jesus's birth. Based on what is known about Him Jesus is pretty much the coolest person ever, right?
You can still be a Christian by just following the teachings of Jesus Christ on how to live your life. You need not believe anything else. Despite what most Christian denominations will say I will accept you.
God Bless!
2007-08-19 12:30:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous A.D. 3
The Bible says the Jesus story seems silly and foolishness to those who are perishing.
For what you call a crazy myth or fairy tale, you need to learn all you can about it. Every word spoken by any prophet in it has come true and is still coming true this very day. The Bible has never been proven wrong. And you know it is the most contested book ever written because you yourself are contesting the Word of God. For every word you speak you will be held accountable to God for your words and so will I.
2007-08-19 12:25:45
answer #3
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
I understand that perspective.
I also disagree, I think there is no greater love story than the story of Jesus dying for mankind to "bridge us" to our God. He is the light and the way ~ to me anyways.
Now to respond real quick to the "difficult riddle" part, I would like to insert a quote that descibes it all:
"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy;
if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, REJOICE! For your soul is alive!"~ Elenore Duse
2007-08-19 12:33:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God created all we know, angels first. After a bit he wanted something to worship him freely and not cause He designed it too. So he created human spirits, created the earth and put us here.
But to do so, he had to create freewill. To create that, He had to create evil. So He asked His most high angel, Lucifer to fall, to create freewill.
Lucifer being the most high took the job as he wanted to please God. But God warned him, when you fall, you will forget me but Lucifer didn't believe that.
So Lucifer fell to create freewill. But since he fell and he too had freewill now and fact he was 2nd in charge, he wanted to be 1st in charge, at least here on earth.
So he tempted Eve, Adam and that whole story. Then God had to fix this error as he wanted a clean being to worship him freely. This is where the part of "i put enmity between your seed and the serpents" comes in. God was saying, I'm not happy Lucifer so I will create a wall between you and humans.
So now God is up there going, ok, how can I fix what Lucifer has done. So he asked another angel, Michael to come down and save us. So Michael came and became Jesus better known as Yahushua. He did some teachings and died the way he did to remove the error Lucifer created.
And now here we are... today.
2007-08-19 12:29:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps that is because it is a tale. Sadly it is almost unknown that Jesus was a Gnostic who told us why we are here. He said we are here to make a choice between "Love" or "Power" in its many forms. "Heaven and Hell", "Good and Bad", "Holy and Evil", all just myths. "Love" or "Power" ............... think where we are right now.
2007-08-19 12:31:44
answer #6
answered by John J Bonner 2
The Jesus story was plagiarized from many older myths of 'crucified saviors born on Dec 25, virgin birth" ones. They all are telling about the event in earth's history that formed the moon, which is truly the 'Christ'.
2007-08-19 12:20:09
answer #7
answered by American Spirit 7
You are wise. Your heart (which is in tune with GOD) is telling you that something isn't right with what is being taught. You need to continue to follow your heart (which again, is in tune with GOD) as it will lead you into the truth.
2007-08-19 12:54:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think the thing we need to take into consideration is, "Why would god want to retard our learning and education in order to be one of his followers?"
Is it right for muslim men to keep their wives from learning in order to keep them oppressed and in the dark, in order to keep women in "their place" and keep from standing up for what's right... Since the only right and wrong they know is what they're being told by the men
2007-08-20 11:01:51
answer #9
answered by Mr. Cool 4
A benevolent god cannot be omnipotent and omniscient. Its followers may claim that it is; it might claim to be. It might even believe that it is. It cannot.
The Creator/Universe is neutral.
2007-08-19 12:40:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous