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One of my best friends is in desperate need of a new small home.She has spinal bifida, but is not in a wheel chair yet, but having it handicapped designed would be wonderful.
Her income is limited; was just approved for her Social Security and SSI. She would have land for the house.
Also because she is such a wonderful , kind and caring person,and does so much for others- many of her friends and family and members of the community would be more than willing to put in a lot of sweat equity hours for her.
We are in SE Okla, and I have checked around this county and in this part of state and came up empty so far.
What other orgazinations/foundations can I contact to try to make this happen?
Her housing right now is very sub- standard, but liveable but not worth putting a lot of money in because of shape of floors, roof, walls- it`s an older trailer...Help !!!
Any/All answers appreciated.

2007-08-19 05:04:10 · 1 answers · asked by aredsailjunk 4 in Society & Culture Community Service

1 answers

Contact the Okla State Office of Handicapped Concerns at the link below

2007-08-22 09:47:57 · answer #1 · answered by Yarnlady_needsyarn 7 · 0 0

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