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There is convincing scriptural evidence that moses didn't mean creation took 6 24-hour periods of time, but does that necessarily mean that old earth creationists are right about the earth being millions or billions of years old? Could the earth just be thousands or tens of thousands of years old?

P.S. If you quote that quacky kent hovind, i will not choose you for Best Answer. Thanks.

2007-08-19 05:28:37 · 13 answers · asked by kellyoribine 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

If you read in the Bible (Exodus 20:9-11) where Moses recorded the ten commandments you absoultely get a 7 day week and mention that creation took 6 days of that week. I don't know what reference you are thinking about to have Moses make out a longer periodfor a week than the traditional 7 days.

The added geneologies in the Bible from Adam to Abraham and then to Jesus is about 4,000 yrs. Add about another 2,000 yrs from Jesus to now and you get 6,000 yrs of history from Adam to now. The Bible absolutley makes it very very clear that the world and the heaven were made in 6 weekdays. You have to violate scripture and it's basic meaning to get any other time frame.

Old earth creationists are wrong in accepting the evolutionary time frame of billions of years for the earth. The main support used for millions of years is radiometric dating. The problems with that include; inconsistant dates differing in the results, fossil evidence including human remains found in rock strata that contradicts the evolutionary time line, new evidence that conterdict various radiometric dating using unraium decay rates (billions of yrs supposedly) showing just thousands of yrs have taken place when using helium decay rates (helium being one of the most abundant elements around compared to the more rare uranium), tree remains (the oldest trees live about 4,000 yrs) found in various places growing through several layers of rock strata (supposedly multi millions of years old) disproving old ages of the earth, carbon being found in diamonds (diamonds are traditonally thought to form over millions of years and carbon dates only go back to the 10's of thousands of yrs at the most), the world human population rate (if man had lived on earth for 100,000 yrs there would not be enough space for all of mankind in the planet and probably the whole universe.

2007-08-19 21:48:51 · answer #1 · answered by Ernesto 4 · 0 0

The earth is 4.5 billion years old. I would trust carbon dating (along with every other piece of scientific evidence) over a book some guys wrote 2000 years ago. It's not just carbon dating or some single method being used to determine the age of the earth. Everything that can help us determine our planets age has agreed, it's about 4.54 billion years old.

2014-12-31 10:31:45 · answer #2 · answered by B 1 · 0 0

There is evidence that the earth may be millions of years old. However, does the Bible suggest that creation took that long? I highly doubt that. Is there any reason GOD did not actually mean 6 literal days? Is it impossible for GOD to create the world and its inhabitants in 6 literal days? Perhaps this question needs to be etched in your mind before you accept other peoples ideas and theories.

GOD bless

2007-08-19 05:39:39 · answer #3 · answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6 · 0 1

The Genesis accounts of Creation are written originally in ancient Hebrew.

"Yom" has 3 literal meanings; 1) a day, 2) part of a day, and 3) a long period of time. There were no words for week, month, year, epoch, millenium, etc in ANCIENT Hebrew.

Since the original language had a vocabulary of only 3,000 words context and usage is flexible.

A Creation day could be a long period of time. That "day" could be any period of time... century, millennium, age, epoch, etc.

2007-08-19 05:42:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anthony M 6 · 0 0

I remember reading something a few years ago about this topic. A Christian person was explaining that though it took YHWH six days to create the world, those six days were not consecutive.

Like, Day One happened, then a million years passed, and Day Two happened, then more time, then Day Three...

You get the picture.

2007-08-19 05:48:08 · answer #5 · answered by Bedel 2 · 0 2

There is convincing evidence, and almost all biblical scholars agree, Moses didn't even write the first five books of the Bible.

Ponder that for a few minutes.

2007-08-19 05:39:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Uh, no. The earth is NOT just "thousands or tens of thousands of years old".

2007-08-19 05:36:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The earth is something like 7+billion years old, to my understanding. I won't dispute it.

2007-08-19 05:36:32 · answer #8 · answered by Sick Puppy 7 · 1 3

I don't know of any "convincing evidence" as you speak of. I know that God created all after "their own kind", which obviously makes evolution impossible.

2007-08-19 05:35:28 · answer #9 · answered by CJ 6 · 2 3

scriptural evidence.

think (if you can) for one moment about that two-word phrase.

then smack yourself across the face for being so illogical.

there is "evidence" for NOTHING in a cult book full of mythology and uprovable, superstitious nonsense. please, grow up and get an education!!!

2007-08-19 05:35:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

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