It's been explained to me here:;_ylt=Akp6It2SAyHjwBXUn1txu.3sy6IX?qid=20070810092425AAptCOr
That I'm the definition of the word 'ignorant'.
Which, of course, I am. That's a trait I share with the person who made the observation, and with every human being on earth.
The fads we choose to embrace, religions, myths, 'science', patriotism, and our inability to examine our pasts to draw conclusions about the present and our future are our way of illustrating the truth of our ignorance.
Isn't one of the only true statements a human being can make about himself, "I am ignorant?"
I am. And I'm casting no aspersions on you when I assert, you are.
We arrogant humans have that, at least, in common.
Can you deny it?
10 answers
asked by
Jack P
Religion & Spirituality