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Society & Culture - 10 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Punk rock is about not only anti-establishment, but anarchy.

Christianity is about conformity.

HOW can these two co-exist? Someone give me a valid, near-bulletproof argument, you'll get 10 points.

2007-08-10 06:16:12 · 33 answers · asked by Deke 5 in Religion & Spirituality

… as opposed to adopting a creed or formula developed by some external group of people.

2007-08-10 06:15:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm the emperor formerly known as spaced guy.

2007-08-10 06:14:33 · 24 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I work under a pediatritian's office. Once already this week I was torn to shreds by a Mom (see the question on my profile)

Right now, there is a large executive meeting going on in my office. At the same time, there are four kids in the hall sliding up and down the staircase causing a dreadful racket. I could tell the meeting was being disturbed by the noise, so I went out into the hallway and approached the kids kindly saying "Hey guys, can you try to keep it down a little out here? We have some very importnt work going on." I was very kind and when speaking to them, and they all nodded politely, and the noise stopped...for a second. Then, Mom came out from around the corner, abruptly hung up her cell phone, and tore into me. She was yelling " What gives you the right to reprimand my kids? You know, you should just talk to the parents. You have no right to reprimand MY children!!"

Was I wrong here? Or are these moms just nuts?

2007-08-10 06:10:57 · 14 answers · asked by Rachel-Pit Police-DSMG 6 in Etiquette

I'm pretty sure it's a punk rock christian group, I dont know what it's called but here are the lyrics:

Lets pack up and move to california
She's got lots of friends out there
We'll never get bored 'cuz we can go boarding
Lets let the sunshine take us there

That's the chorus.

The song's about this dud ethat's sick of the midwest, and wnts to move to california. PLEASE!!! I love this song, and i have it ona compilation CD, and my cd started skipping, and i want to buy a new one, because i love this song. WHO SINGS IT???

2007-08-10 06:10:47 · 3 answers · asked by Your hero until you meet Jesus 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Reigan knows what I'm talking about....

2007-08-10 06:10:28 · 10 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Can you reach into Eternity, or do you stay within the 'veil' of time?

2007-08-10 06:10:04 · 5 answers · asked by Blank 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-10 06:09:23 · 15 answers · asked by Fun2010 4 in Religion & Spirituality

The Jefferson Bible, or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth as it is formally titled, was an attempt by Thomas Jefferson to glean the teachings of Jesus from the Christian Gospels. Jefferson wished to extract the doctrine of Jesus by removing sections of the New Testament containing supernatural aspects as well as perceived misinterpretations he believed had been added by the Four Evangelists. In essence, Thomas Jefferson did not believe in Jesus' divinity, the Trinity, resurrection, miracles, or any other supernatural aspect described in the Bible.


That means he distilled the New Testament down to just what Jesus said. Although I'm atheist I am not anti-Jesus. From what I know his teachings were not that bad. He was fairly laid back and, even at his worst, was certainly better than what was around at the time.

2007-08-10 06:09:20 · 4 answers · asked by Peter D 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Why is it called 'Pro -choice'??? Those poor babies in the mother's womb didn't choose to die!!!!!!!! So please tell me how killing an inocent baby isn't murder? Can anyone tell me that? It is just like murdering someone off the street, just as bad! So why isn't it ilegal?? Do you think that God approves of killing all those babies? If you are pregant, give him/her up for adoption!! So please tell me, why is it legal to kill an innocent baby?

2007-08-10 06:09:07 · 12 answers · asked by ♥david_archuleta♥ 3 in Other - Society & Culture

could that indicate that the current forms of christianity have been compromised by ... THE DEVIL?!

2007-08-10 06:07:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Can anyone help me and my sister?

Years ago, before my grandmother died, strange things would hapen in her house such as knocking on the wall (only when me and my sister were in the same room), strong negative feelings, strange & unidentifiable "apparitions", nightmares. To this day, I will not go in the room where all of this occured. What was / is in my grandmothers house?

My sister also thinks her house is "haunted". She called me freaking out b/c she can see something in the mirror, stnading in the hallway in front of her 6 month old daughters room. She said it was a hooded figure, black and shadowy but that she could only see it when she looked in the mirror across the room adn back towards her daughter's room. She had exremely strong negative feelings as well.

What is haunting us? Why are we being followed by horrible feelings and "apparitions"? Are they dangerous? Do they need help? WHY US? Please help!

2007-08-10 06:07:24 · 5 answers · asked by Shelly 3 in Mythology & Folklore

is having trouble again. Look like it is time for me to come up with a better theory or method than this scientists. What do your think.

2007-08-10 06:05:18 · 25 answers · asked by Near of DN 4 in Religion & Spirituality

and I actually know what he has to say. Ive read the bible more than a few times.

But seriously man, not all, but many of you act like you have no idea what the bible even says. Most of those I see on here are so resemblant of the pharisees jesus preached about that one would be hard pressed to find any difference.
That being said why is it that the followers of christ are the single biggest reason people stay away from the religion? From what I recall isnt that like the ultimate sin? To cause others to stray?

2007-08-10 06:04:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

For the spiritualists out there....
Do all dogs go to heaven?

2007-08-10 06:03:33 · 11 answers · asked by ocean.denis 5 in Mythology & Folklore

having their priests be called Father, when Jesus made it clear to call no man father. This is not in reference to our natural fathers either.

Also, how do they justify passing a collection plate, when it states clearly that alms are to be given in secret?

And how does the Catholic church feel about those versus where Jesus talks about those who wear robes, making prayer a form and boastful speeches as they are full of pride and dead man's bones? So what about the Pope...he wears robes, makes prayer a form and makes boastful speeches about "his" church being the only right way to serve God. Where is the humility in that?

2007-08-10 06:03:09 · 14 answers · asked by Mom of 2 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I was raised one but left at age 19. I was taught that the bible said the earth was 6,000 years old. Has their stance changed on this?

2007-08-10 06:01:51 · 15 answers · asked by Laura 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Is it because of the great commission given by Christ at the end of the book of Matthew?

Or is it a selfish desire to be able to say to ourselves at the end of the day, "Hey.....look what I did"

Salvation belongs to the Lord, not us. We are supposed to be seed planters.

What do you think?

2007-08-10 06:00:45 · 34 answers · asked by primoa1970 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I have a fifteen yr old stepdaughter. I found out a 30 yr old married man, and freind of family bought alcohol for her and tried to get her drunk so he can make sexual advances. Should I murder him, report him to the police, call tell his wife, or do something else. What is the moral thing to do?

2007-08-10 05:59:36 · 16 answers · asked by Jim K 2 in Religion & Spirituality

out drinking all the time to parties, rock festivals even went topless at one in seventies and I have settled down since having kids and decided to go to church, why do people assume you are a boring sort of person who knows nothing about life if your a christian and like to judge others cos i dont, but i know ones who do

2007-08-10 05:57:48 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It's been explained to me here:


That I'm the definition of the word 'ignorant'.

Which, of course, I am. That's a trait I share with the person who made the observation, and with every human being on earth.

The fads we choose to embrace, religions, myths, 'science', patriotism, and our inability to examine our pasts to draw conclusions about the present and our future are our way of illustrating the truth of our ignorance.

Isn't one of the only true statements a human being can make about himself, "I am ignorant?"

I am. And I'm casting no aspersions on you when I assert, you are.

We arrogant humans have that, at least, in common.

Can you deny it?

2007-08-10 05:57:24 · 10 answers · asked by Jack P 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Whenever we go to the supermarket these workers would stare at my daughter and try to strike up a conversation with her. They also seem to follow her wherever she goes in the store. My daughter has been extremely bothered by their attention, and now she refuses to go shopping with me. She doesn't dress at all in a provocative manner and does nothing to lead those men on. Should I speak to their manager about this?

2007-08-10 05:55:41 · 9 answers · asked by nancy 1 in Etiquette

When U.S. commanders and U.S. soldiers pray before going out into the field of battle, they sometimes pray for victory in the battlefield and for safety of the troops.

When the enemies pray, he prays for the same thing against us.

Tell me, are we (The US and the enemy) praying to the same GOD?

If yes, then who does GOD favor, us or them?
If we pray to different GODS, then why not leave the humans out of it, and let the GODS square up and fight once and for all, and decide who is the better GOD.

It will certainly save millions of lives lost through conflict.

2007-08-10 05:53:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-10 05:52:50 · 30 answers · asked by dolphinchic 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm asking this question here because I want to know what people think will happen to my child in social situations, or will she face rudeness in the future.
My wife and I are picking out names for our new child. Our last name is Jones, and we want an unusual first name for the child. My brother is against the names below, and is trying to persuade me to name them a so-called "normal" name. Let us know what you think of the names and if you feel these names are obnoxious. We like:

Boy names:


Girl names:


2007-08-10 05:52:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I mean come on people. Why do you have to ask such (I'm sorry to sound judgmental) stupid questions. I really got on this forum to LEARN new things but it seems to me that people are just trying to beat each other's beliefs up.

Why can't we just live and let live and ask questions that we genuinely want to know the answers to? What is the purpose of bashing each other with our mean spirited questions?

2007-08-10 05:51:35 · 13 answers · asked by Monchichi 3 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers