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Can anyone help me and my sister?

Years ago, before my grandmother died, strange things would hapen in her house such as knocking on the wall (only when me and my sister were in the same room), strong negative feelings, strange & unidentifiable "apparitions", nightmares. To this day, I will not go in the room where all of this occured. What was / is in my grandmothers house?

My sister also thinks her house is "haunted". She called me freaking out b/c she can see something in the mirror, stnading in the hallway in front of her 6 month old daughters room. She said it was a hooded figure, black and shadowy but that she could only see it when she looked in the mirror across the room adn back towards her daughter's room. She had exremely strong negative feelings as well.

What is haunting us? Why are we being followed by horrible feelings and "apparitions"? Are they dangerous? Do they need help? WHY US? Please help!

2007-08-10 06:07:24 · 5 answers · asked by Shelly 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

I apologize to anyone who doesn't believe in "ghosts" or the paranormal. However, because mankind has no idea whether or not hundreds of strange things exist or even how they exist, I'd like to think that we have a handle on things. Again, I apologize for anyone who doesn't believe in the paranormal but, not to be rude, this queston does not apply to you.

2007-08-10 06:20:11 · update #1

5 answers

First of all, I need to ask you a question: have you had ANY similar negative things happen without your sister present? I am assuming your answer is no. Second, I think your sister needs to recognize that whatever negative emotions and feelings she has are feeding the things that she sees. It is not unusual for a mother of a young infant to be exhausted and resentful (yes, we all deny it, that doesn't make it not true). If your sister is causing anything or feeding into it, your niece could begin seeing the same things. That would be more than terrifying for an infant. The apparitions that you are describing are not normal for spirits. They fall more under the definition of poltergeists. Is your sister, by chance, still a teenager? Please seek help from a reputable paranormal society in your area and feel free to e-mail me with more information if the answer to my original question was yes. Right now, the answer to the dangerous question is "not yet", but that doesn't mean things won't escalate. If you live close to your sister, spend a day and night or two taking care of your niece so she can get some sleep. Then talk to her about this. Good luck to both of you!

2007-08-10 08:15:18 · answer #1 · answered by swarr2001 5 · 0 0

First, let me say that investigating a case that happened years ago while not entirley impossible is extremely difficult at best.
Second, your sister seems to be experiencing current activity, are you experiencing anything?
Third, I have no idea what you or your sister might be experiencing beyond what you have described, this would require investigation.
Fourth, almost no reported ghosts are dangerous. People are usually injured by their reactions like running down stairs and falling or tripping as they run away.

I am very skeptical of people claiming to have psychic abilities (although to some extent perhaps everyone has them). That said you might look for one with at least a good local reputation.
You might wish to look at http://www.haunted-places.com
they list groups by state that conduct investigations.
Of course their findings and suggestions should only be followed and accepted if you find they make sense and match your belief system.

Many people hold religious beliefs and have their homes blessed by priests or cleansed/saged (usually Wicca or some Native American beliefs). I would say follow your beliefs if this is something you decide to have done.

Feel free to e-mail me if I may be of further assistance.

Michael John Weaver, M.S., Director
New Mexico Anomaly Society

2007-08-10 13:40:42 · answer #2 · answered by psiexploration 7 · 0 0

This question really should be in the Alternative section of Science and Mathematics.

Since the "hauntings" are happening at multiple locations, the only common elements here are you and your sister. You must be among the very small percentage of humans who have "paranormal" experiences. Fantasy-prone personalities are fertile ground for "unexplainable" occurrences stemming from the power of suggestion. "Negative feelings" are internal. Nightmares are common to all human beings.

I used to believe in ghosts, but the more I researched and explored the more I began to realize that, based on evidence and reality, no such things exist.

2007-08-10 13:13:50 · answer #3 · answered by Peter D 7 · 1 1

Most of that is probably explained very simply. Without actually witnessing any of this and simply going by your descriptions, I guess the following:

Noises in house -- Probably due to natural sounds houses make. Things like AC/heating ducts, pests, wind, natural settling of the house, wood expansion.

"negative feelings, nightmares, etc" -- Probably still leftover mental trauma from your grandmother's death. It probably still affects your family more than they think. Even the "apparitions" you're seeing are probably psychosematic (sp?) in nature, meaning that you're creating them in your mind due to stress.

There are no "real psychics". Anyone that claims otherwise is either self-deluded or trying to rip you off.

Do you know that before Harry Houdini died, he gave his wife a secret word that she should have psychics guess after he died. Not a single one guessed it.

2007-08-10 13:15:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Maybe you grandmother did evil things in her past and when she died she left all that bad energy behind or something along those lines.

2007-08-10 13:16:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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