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Why is it called 'Pro -choice'??? Those poor babies in the mother's womb didn't choose to die!!!!!!!! So please tell me how killing an inocent baby isn't murder? Can anyone tell me that? It is just like murdering someone off the street, just as bad! So why isn't it ilegal?? Do you think that God approves of killing all those babies? If you are pregant, give him/her up for adoption!! So please tell me, why is it legal to kill an innocent baby?

2007-08-10 06:09:07 · 12 answers · asked by ♥david_archuleta♥ 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

So, 'notashygirl'........the parent has a right to kill her own baby? to murder a human being, just because it's not out of the womb? If she were to kill the baby one second after it was born, that would be considered murder. So why isn't it considered murder when she kills it inside the womb? It's just the same.

2007-08-10 06:15:58 · update #1

to the answer from chiefwatch-something: we actually did try to 2 Years ago, my parents decied that they wanted to adopt a baby boy. i might adopt when i get older and get married. im only 14. So anyhow, we went through all of this stuff to get the baby. i think it took about a few months to a year. we had the baby boy picked out from the start. he was the cutest baby ever. So, my parents went down to Guatamala to get the baby. We had named him Brandon. So, they got down there, and they met him and stuff, and they relized that he was not 'normal'. we had wanted a healthy baby boy bcoz right then we did not have the time to take him to therapy.so anyhow, they brought him to the Dr and he tested him and stuff, and he said that (he was 6months old at the time), and he was functioning at a 2month old level. so my parents had a decision to make. i will finish this story in another details thing, cuz im out of room.......hold on a sec

2007-08-10 08:44:40 · update #2

ok, im back. now, they had a really hard decision to make, as i said before. either take him home and have to bring him to therapy every week or more, or bring him to the U.S. and have another family who has more time and money adopt him. now, they only had three days to decide. they said it was the harded decision they have ever made. now, this might seem mean and stuff, but listen, we wanted a HEALTHY baby with no mental problems. you might say that the people who worked at the orphanage didnt relize that he was sick. but it was so obvious. he wouldnt look at you, he just stared out the window or at lights. he didnt laugh, or make any signs that he heard you. my mom clapped her hands in front of him, and he didnt even respond. he was not healthy. all of his pictures we saw were normal looking and everything. but anyhow, they decied that God didnt want them to take him home.they were thinking of us(me and my siblings)and what it would do to our family.holdon, gotta startanewthingagain

2007-08-10 08:50:34 · update #3

ok, im back again.
so, they flew to texas and gave the baby to the people who work at the orphanage headquaters in the US. my mom was sobbing and stuff. so they flew back to were we live, and life went on. we paid $26,000 to try to adopt him. they only gave us back $5,000. we lost over $20,000. and we never got it back.
Brandon is now living in the U.S. with his adoptive parents. he has a really great life, and im sure he is happy!
so there, there is my story. and dont say that im lying, bcoz i am not. so yeah, we did try to adopt an 'innocent baby'.
and now we are thinking of foster parenting. we are not sure if we will, but we are getting our house approved, just in case.

2007-08-10 08:55:19 · update #4

12 answers

You shouldn't force another to believe as you do. If you're against abortion & feel it's wrong, then don't have an abortion. Leave other mothers who make difficult choices alone, they certianly don't need pious people harrassing them for the choices they make. Good luck. 2D

2007-08-10 06:22:42 · answer #1 · answered by 2D 7 · 1 3

I don't see how an un-born fetus would need a choice seeing as how it's... well, un-born. It's the mother's choice, I just want to make sure you know this.

I don't see how it's the same as murdering a person. A fetus doesn't have a heartbeat for a while so what's wrong with aborting it before then? Hell, you might as well say that masturbating into a tissue is murder since you're killing genetic material that COULD be used to make a child. It's not alive until it's a few weeks old and there are laws that protect fetuses from being aborted after a certain period of time. Go read a book.

2007-08-10 13:14:09 · answer #2 · answered by gallstaff1 3 · 2 2

Because it's the person who is carrying the baby's' choice. You can't pretend to know what it is they are going through (rape, incest) or what decisions they have had to make (child has no chance of living a life outside of the womb or being confined to a bed for the rest of their lives) or what the women is feeling (a pregnancy that may take their own life).

I am against abortion as a means of birth control but I am for it in all other cases.

I'm not seeing Pro Lifers adopting all these kids that are given up when the mother is forced to carry them because someone else decides what their options are for them.

2007-08-10 13:21:10 · answer #3 · answered by Crunchy Sweet 4 · 0 1

An egg and a sperm do not have a "choice". The woman has the choice. A fertilized egg, bacially a bunch of cells multiplying inside of a woman, doesn't have the ability to choose. Or reason. Or think. Therefore, as guardian, it's the womans right to choose.

Young children don't have the same rights as their mothers, do they? Don't have the right to quit school, vote, drive, etc. Their parents do, and have the final say so when it comes to what they do.

As the guardian of a ball of cells, it's up to that guardian to make the decision. Just like as a mother to a living child, the decision about what and where that child goes is up to the guardian of that child.

No, it isn't the same. Third trimester abortions and first trimester abortions are not the same thing....don't base an argument on the concept that they are.

2007-08-10 13:13:28 · answer #4 · answered by nottashygirl 6 · 2 2

Most assuredly I can tell you. Pro-Choice means the MOTHER has the choice. Let's deal with this from an unemotional stand point. Let us say you get raped. You get impregnated and are going to have a baby. Are you telling me, you have a baby that was concieved in that way? If you read my profile, you'll see one of my mantras is "You make choices, you live with consequences" The statement stands on its own merit. if you made the choice to have an abortion, then you live with the consequences of that action. Just as you would with anything else. It is legal because of how the pregancy came about. It is legal because people make mistakes. It is legal because of Roe V Wade. It is legal because, unfortunately, people do stupid things and regret it later. Your idea has merit to a point, but, as long as people don't use protection, and rape is a crime, abortion will be around. and tell me this. Let us say abortion is outlawed. Do you not think they will go somewhere to get it done in a not so safe environment that could cost them and the baby their lives? It is the lesser of 2 evils. That's the way i see it. take it as you will.

2007-08-10 13:16:47 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Cellophane 6 · 2 1

No, it isn't the same as murdering someone off the street, or murdering a baby once it's born. A fetus until a certain point in the pregnancy could not survive on it's own (no developed organs, brain, heart, etc.). While I condone abortion when the fetus is in the early stages, I do believe that the third trimester abortions are wrong.

2007-08-10 13:25:29 · answer #6 · answered by Goddess 5 · 1 2

The following was taken from:
go there for the full article.

Pro-choice describes the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete control over her fertility and pregnancy. This entails the guarantee of reproductive rights, which includes access to sexual education; access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and fertility treatments; and legal protection from forced abortion. Individuals and organizations who support these positions make up the pro-choice movement.

People who are pro-choice believe that women should have access to safe and legal abortion and, equally, that women should be protected from forced abortions. Some see abortion as a last resort, and focus on a number of situations where they feel abortion is a necessary option. Among these situations are those where the woman was raped, her health or life (or that of the fetus) is at risk, contraception was used but failed, or she feels unable to raise a child. Some pro-choice moderates, who would otherwise be willing to accept certain restrictions on abortion, feel that political pragmatism compels them to oppose any such restrictions, as they could be used to form a slippery slope against all abortions.[1]

Pro-choice activists frequently oppose legislative measures that would require abortion providers to make certain statements (some of which are factually disputed) to patients, because they argue that these measures are intended to make obtaining abortions more difficult. These measures fall under the rubric of abortion-specific "informed consent" or "right to know" laws.[2]

On the issue of abortion, pro-choice campaigners are opposed by pro-life campaigners who argue that the central issue is a completely different set of rights. The pro-life view considers human fetuses and embryos to have the full legal rights of a human being; thus, the right to life of a developing fetus or embryo trumps the woman's right to bodily autonomy.

Myself I think "pro" is meant to be used as "for" a choice. This choice belongs to the woman. By your using the term "mother's womb", I'd guess you feel the being pregnant means that qualifys as being a mother. I'd like to think it takes far more than being just pregnant to be a mom. Just as its more than just a act of sex to be a father.
There is no way to ask the unborn on what they want, the only fair way is through the person it is inside of. In fairness did the "baby" really choose to come alive on its own? The mother chooses to carry it for 9 months on average.
If you speak with God and he should answer you, do me the favor of asking why God accepts the world as it is. I have prayed myself to hoarseness.
No where did I read that you are or have adopted any one of these innocent babies.

If you need I have answered another simular questions here


2007-08-10 14:07:50 · answer #7 · answered by Chief Whachusa 6 · 1 0

im against abortion but pro copice would probably argue

it isnt murder because its just a ball of cells and you cant cill something that isn't living. pregnant women form attatchment to their baby and find it hard to give up a kid for adoption after so much suffering but find it better to abort as they arent read for a kid etc.

2007-08-10 13:13:57 · answer #8 · answered by *~Rux~* 5 · 0 3

Because the decision is in reference to the woman carrying the fetus, it's not a total democracy for all involved.

Oh, I don't give a flying fig what god thinks about it.

2007-08-10 13:11:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

It is innocent lawfully speaking, but morally speaking it isn't innocent. Fact is an innocent baby is getting killed and some day they will come face to face with that decision.

2007-08-10 13:11:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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