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2007-08-10 05:52:50 · 30 answers · asked by dolphinchic 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

everyone likes to throw in that what if you were raped,, what if you were going to die,, what if something is wrong with the baby, who would take care of your kids ? its not murder because it hasn't been born yet,, Well I hope someday your eyes will be opened,, If something like that was to happen,, I would have faith in My Lord that whatever happened would be his will,, I am sure it would be hard for alot of you to believe but I would not have an abortion,, even if the doctors said I would die,, My life and my baby's life is truely in Gods hand's not the dr's. yes they could save me but only because of the ablilty God gave them..and I have had to make the choice of having an abortion,I could have been crippled for life,, I kept my baby and she is one of the most beauitful, wonderful gifts from God,, And I am not crippled, Thank You Lord...

2007-08-10 09:20:11 · update #1

30 answers

Yes, it's murder.

Those that say it's not really a human being...where do you get your information. Even the Supreme Court could not say it was or was not a human being. The legality of abortion is decided on the fact that a women has a right to privacy and nothing more.

This is why pro-life supporters sometimes shock people with the pictures of the aborted fetus...guess what it looks like...a human being. Fingers, eyes, toes, arms, legs...yup...it's a baby.

At the precise and unique moment of conception, a woman is 'pregnant' with "a new individual ". This is an accurate and informed medical description. It is the same terminology used by Prof. John Dwyer, pre-eminent Australian AIDS expert and researcher, who has described the moment that the sperm enters the ovum as the creation of a "new and unique individual". Well known medical writer, Professor Derek Llewellyn-Jones, author of Everywoman, has also written that when the male genetic material from the sperm joins with the female genetic material in the ovum, " a new individual is formed".

It's a new individual - even in scientific terms.

Most contraceptives used today are not really contraceptives but are abortifacients. They do not always stop ovulation...sometimes fertilization occurs but the embryo cannot implant into the wall of the uterus and it's expelled from the body. Hence an abortion.

The correct term to describe any interference with the pregnancy after conception has occurred is ‘abortifacient’. This is the precise biological description for any drug or device that acts to end a pregnancy once it has begun at conception.

The truth is that pregnancy happens when sex works the way it's supposed to. Our society has gotten the idea that we should be able to have sex without the problem of pregnancy and children. But this goes against nature and against God. Pregnancy is not an accident of sex...it is the purpose of sex. Contraception and abortion has given us the idea that sex is for pleasure and maybe children one day.

I used to be pro-choice...adamantly pro-choice. I thought every woman should have the right to live their lives without unwanted children. I saw this as a way to equalize men and women. Men could have sex and it didn't affect their career or lifestyle...why should women have to be burdened? It makes me sick to think I was that blind.

The point is, that when you have sex...you should always consider pregnancy. It is a natural consequence of sex. So don't have sex if you are not willing to have a child with that person. Don't have sex if you cannot afford to bring a child into the world. Abortion is not the answer...abstinence is.

2007-08-10 06:21:01 · answer #1 · answered by Misty 7 · 2 4

Nobody is -for- abortion. Some of us think it should be allowed under certain circumstances. We don't even agree on the circumstances.

Abortion is one of those issues that's defined by the way we talk about it. Christians, politicians and the media talk about the issue like it was a fence, and everyone was on one side or the other, either 100% pro-life or 100% pro-choice. But in fact it's more like a line between one extreme and another, and most of us are somewhere along that line.

I think most people would reasonably say that a 9-month fetus, one ready to be born, viable outside the mother's body is a -person- and has a right to live. But I think most people would also say that a fertilized egg, one single cell, is NOT a person. The question is 'where does life begin?' It's never really been clear, in fact even Christians (Protestants anyway) argued about this for centuries.

The idea that life begins when the sperm hits the egg is more a political one than a religious one. It's certainly not from the Bible. It was decided in an arbitrary and artificial way to drive a stake in the ground for Christians to rally around. I think many Christians have accepted that idea without really thinking about it.

To me, there is no life without consciousness. What if we considered the beginning of brainwave activity as the start of life? This doesn't happen until about the 12th week. This standard would allow a woman to find out she's pregnant, and give her a couple of weeks to talk it over with her doctor, her minister, her boyfriend or husband, before making a decision.

We consider the -end- of brainwave activity as the end of life, i.e. 'brain death'. Nobody has ever come back from brain death. I think it would be reasonable to consider the start of brainwaves as the other end of life.

But often religious decisions aren't about reasonableness. 8^)

2007-08-10 06:04:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I can see why people would get it in some cases. But I always feel there is the option of adoption not abortion. And with adoption you have the choice of keeping contact with or not. But also have that future chance of the adopted person finding you and that can lead to some awkward times but also could be a hidden blessing in disguise. I would put adoption before abortion. At least the child growing inside will have a chance and not taken away. But the abortion I am completely against is the late-term abortion where they kill the baby in the 7-9 months stages. I say baby because as far as I am concerned they are a baby during those months unlike the fetal months of 1-3 months of it. I feel it is wrong to take a 7month on up old baby and kill them like that. That is almost like the woman giving birth just for the doctor to kill the newborn then.

God acts in mysterious ways, yes, and the ways he acts may not be that of a bright shiny cloud coming from the sky with a scroll pertaining to an outcome. Do not know what kind of wonders the child that was created, willingly or unwillingly, could bring to the world. Could be killing anyone and the world would never see the wonders because of a selfish act of one's decision. But in a world such as today though I see that only one's decision is the best out of a world's. God never said it would be easy and comfortable; he just said always have faith in him and great things will come from it.

2007-08-10 07:39:17 · answer #3 · answered by Fallen 6 · 2 0

Procreation is an ongoing process which can be interrupted at any point, right from not having sex in the first place, through contraception, and drugs which prevent implantation, to abortion anywhere up to the moment of birth.

Somewhere along that process, most people would have a point where they consider it's OK to interfere to prevent the birth of a baby up to that point, but not afterwards - e.g. abstinence is OK, but contraception isn't.... or contraception is OK, but abortion isn't... or abortion is OK but only up to week 20... or whatever. It's simply a matter of conscience where you personally decide to draw the line, and on what basis.

For myself, I cannot accept that an undifferentiated bunch of cells has more rights than the fully grown adults who are responsible for its existence. I also cannot accept that it's right to kill a foetus when it's fully developed and due to be born. Logically then, there has to be a point somewhere in between that I decide, on the basis of conscience, is the point at which abortion becomes unacceptable. I don't know enough about it to have a definite view where that point lies, but it must lie somewhere in the 9 months of pregnancy.

It's in the nature of life that there are no easy answers to this kind of question, as it's a matter of subjective opinion rather than objective fact - and my opinion is that abortion cannot be wrong, per se.

Oh, and it's pointless to argue about whether the embryo is 'human life' or not - Of course it is. That is not the issue. The issue is whether a human life at a stage of being a tiny featureless blob of cells should be protected at the expense of the wishes of the parents - and particularly the woman who would have to give birth to it. I don't think it should.

2007-08-10 05:57:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Know what bugs me? A woman can get an abortion and it's totally legal. I'm not arguing the moral grounds, I'm just stating the fact. But if she is attacked by someone else, say kicked in the abdomen or pushed down the stairs or something and the baby dies from that - the offender can be charged with murder.

How is this consistent? Nevermind the fact that in one she chose it and another she didn't. If it's murder it's murder. If it's not murder before birth, it's not murder before birth.

Sorry. This is kind of its own post. But I was just thinking about that as I read through these responses.

2007-08-10 06:15:13 · answer #5 · answered by boaterbunny 2 · 5 0

I am pro choice. And before you label all pro-choice people murders let me pose this question. What would you do if you were in a happy, secure marriage with a child or children of your own and then one day you are violently raped. The rape results in a pregnancy but due to complications from your previous birth, the doctors have told you the baby will not survive and you will die as well if you try to carry the baby. Would you carry the baby anyway knowing it definitely will not survive and your husband will be alone and your kids without a mom? We are talking absolutely, positively the doctors have said you and the baby will die. What will you do?

2007-08-10 06:29:22 · answer #6 · answered by Elphaba 4 · 2 2

*lol to Deke for pointing that out* Sorry, I just find that sort of thing funny to me.....or perhaps I'm just being mean by laughing at the christians' expense.

Murder is the killing of another human. A fetus is not a human until maybe the last month of pregnancy, or possibly the 8th month?

Yes, I am for abortion. And I've always thought that christians didn't have a hard time with murder......considering the Witch Trial and Crusades, and all the abortion clinic bombings and killing doctors who do abortions.....

And really, a fetus is just a bundle of cells that has the potential to become human, if allowed to continue along its path.

And in following up to the one poster saying he hopes all pro'lifers are vegan........not all pro'lifers are against the death penalty, go figure that one out. Oh, the pure hypocrisy of that one.

2007-08-10 06:03:58 · answer #7 · answered by Humanist 4 · 3 2

it incredibly is purely one hundred% homicide while you're a non secular fundamentalist. while you at the instant are not, you need to use reason to look on the priority in greater intensity. based on the country you reside in, abortion usually isn't homicide if it incredibly is finished interior the 1st 3 months of the being pregnant. interior the united kingdom (my u . s .) it incredibly is completely criminal (ie not homicide) to have an abortion if the being pregnant is under 24 weeks previous. an identical is the case in extraordinarily plenty all western international places i recognize roughly, and that i think south africa is an identical. Any later than that and you is basically not allowed to have one until your person existence is in risk. whilst attempting to % if it incredibly is homicide or not, submit to in concepts that a foetus isn't someone yet, it does not experience soreness or emotion like a newborn or an person. The question is, at what ingredient does a foetus replace into developed sufficient to start feeling soreness and emotion?

2016-12-15 11:15:57 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

That was'nt exactly a question was it??
More of a statement.
I truly believe that for most people, choosing to have an abortion must be one of the most hardest decisions to ever make.There are some people who use it as a form of contraception.Now that,I dissagree with!!
I'm not for or against it.It depends what your circumstances are at the time I suppose.It isnt an easy option and if I ever have to make a decision like that,I sure as hell wont listen to people who try to ram their beliefs down my throat.It would be my decision for what I beleived to the best option for myself and the unborn child.
I'm glad your not 'crippled' [did you know that word can be offensive?]
Good luck with your little'un.

2007-08-12 11:15:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't save babies by calling ppl murderer's. This is spreading "despair" which is the seed of the devil.

If you wanna save babies ... give hope ... hope that the mother can be a mommy ... hope that the father can be a daddy ... hope that a good future will exist with a baby. Let brainstorming & out of the box thinking thirve!

Hope is the seed of God's love.

2007-08-10 06:04:11 · answer #10 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 2 1

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