"An unknown visitor is usually required to produce a dues card or other documentation of membership in addition to demonstrating knowledge of the Masonic signs, grips and passwords......Freemasons use signs (gestures), grips or tokens (handshakes) and words to gain admission to meetings and identify legitimate visitors." -Freemason literature
Hmmmmm. Does this sound familiar to any of you Mormons? I myself have gone through the Salt Lake City temple, and it certainly rings some bells for me. My father went through the temple for the first time in the 1960's, and it was the last LDS function/institution he ever visited again. He told me they made him take an oath of self-mutilation if the secrets of the temple were ever to leave his lips. When I went though the temple, I asked about this, and I was told that this has not been practiced for 20+ years in the temples anymore because some people thought it was too "graphic". It is odd that the Masons had this ritual as well huh?
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Religion & Spirituality