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Society & Culture - 7 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I've seen people from all beliefs, religions, non-beliefs, etc. be super judgemental, but not only that...

Also, steyotypical. It's like some on here enjoy being the steryotype. But then complain when they are steryotyped...Hmmm...? Doesn't make sense to me, but whatever!

Just interesting how some Christians & Believers are so mean and ugly to non-believers, and how some Non-believers & Atheists really hate that about Christians, but step into that role at times too?...

Proves we are all NOWHERE NEAR perfect, huh?

2007-08-07 11:00:16 · 12 answers · asked by TRV 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Bingo, slot machines,knitting, going to church,baby sitting, or fishing, like may seem to think? Or are you embarking on some whole new life adventures?

2007-08-07 10:59:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Is it possible to be punished for doing spell work by the goddess? or, does she ask for something in return when you do spell work? I remember hearing about that a long time ago, and it's been haunting me every since.
When I was in high school I could do some serious love casting, and I did....often. (after the first 1 or 2 times i learned that I should always say "if it's what is good and right", not just my will) It always worked (well) but gradually bad things starting happening in my love life, and it ended very badly. Since then my love magic backfired and I eventually stopped casting.
So, then in college I had a really evil roommate, so I tried to bind her, thinking it was the best for her and everyone around. But then she vanished from school, and none of us have heard from her since. Do you think that these things are a coincidence? I haven't casted in 5 years, and now I have a baby and want her to experience the goddess, but I'm so afraid. Is it the 3 fold law? Help!

2007-08-07 10:59:19 · 13 answers · asked by JessieFreak 1 in Religion & Spirituality

According to Christianity, Satan is constantly lying and trying to trick us into turning away from God, and the punishment is Hell.

If Satan really has that kind of power and is the ruler of Hell, why can't he just make Hell fun?

Then he would win instantly because it would be easy to get into Hell, while it's hard work to get into Heaven.

2007-08-07 10:58:52 · 19 answers · asked by Daisy Indigo 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I love surprises & today I got such a sweet surprise from my fiance. He ran some errands & when he came home, he put a greeting card where I would see it when I came out of the bathroom. I saw the card & stood with my mouth open. Now mind you, it's not he first time he has ever surprised me, but still, as I opened the card & read the verse, tears welled up inside my eyes. It was a "no special occasion" card but it had such a sweet message inside. It really made my day & I wanted to share it with you. :)

2007-08-07 10:58:46 · 9 answers · asked by Shortstuff13 7 in Senior Citizens

The satanic staff of YA has deleted my account once again. I don't know who I am anymore...Im so confused...who am I?

2007-08-07 10:56:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If anyone can help me with these answers, it will be greatly appreciated.
1. Where in the Bible is the date July 23?
2.Where in the Bible is reference to a woman making cooking oil?
3.Where in the Bible is there just a hand writing on the wall?
Thanks again and God bless you!!

2007-08-07 10:55:06 · 5 answers · asked by altruistic 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Let's all sit here and congregate [wait for the question] and ask ourselves if we can honestly show proof that a higher power, evolution or (insert more beliefs) exist? I mean, cold hard facts and evidence.

That's what i thought.

So, the question "Why do atheists exist?" by A.Marie1 really hit a nerve. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ask1qDG.mrK7K4j21.NdmOnd7BR.?qid=20070807134254AATZHeP&r=w&pa=FZptHWf.BGRX3OFMiTJQUkHm3qe.IBZdgS1id1CGRVX85SHtDA--&paid=answered&cp=2&tp=2&tnu=34#all-answers

Why do people like her of religious belief or not feel the need to shove their own in everybody else's face?

I am agnostic and a believer in evolution. I was raised catholic but denounced it at 11 because I found it, well...let's not go there.

2007-08-07 10:53:07 · 20 answers · asked by Liar. 3 in Religion & Spirituality


is there anyone who will help me with my understanding of wicca

2007-08-07 10:52:32 · 12 answers · asked by chucky2cuzintear 1 in Religion & Spirituality

i just don't why people who are the same try to make unnecessary divisions b/w themselves.

ex: everyday there is a question on here about being a light skinned black person and how they are superior. but i don't think these people realize that no matter what dark, light, or in the middle you are all black.

there are so many people doing this and i am just so annoyed, becuase whether you like it or not you are the same and other people don't care. there are small differences, but you are still the same.

i a friend from somalia, who thinks that becuase her tribe is the tribe that is mixed w/ arab that somehow they are better than the rest. but no one cares and to everyone else there are all the same.
why do people insist on making divisions in their own race to show superiority? in the overall scheme of things they are all the same to outside people. so i just don't get why anyone would want to isolate their own people, when other people are already discrimanting against you

2007-08-07 10:50:15 · 16 answers · asked by Nadine 5 in Other - Cultures & Groups

coresponding that to the actual powers of the world makes it very interesting. Such as first one like a lion. Babylon
Second like bear would be medo-persia
third like a leopard with 4 wings or 4 heads would be Alexander the Great. His kingdom was divided between 4 of his generals.
4th was like Iron, unusually strong, in another place it is Rome.
Devoring and crushing.
In all his visions that is where it ends. The giant image ends in Rome as the last world power. Daniel 2:44
Says in that day God will set up a kingdom. Jesus came in that day.
Since England was once part of the roman empire and so then would be the USA. wouldn't that be saying this is the last world power?
They look at this myan calendar but to me this prophecy has a lot of meaning. What was Daniel trying to tell us?

2007-08-07 10:47:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

That was cool, huh. Even though popes say they can't be wrong, they are incorrect. This is only one example. Do you understand, or do you really think everything orbits Earth?

2007-08-07 10:46:11 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Time and time again, i always hear people blaming Jews for the death of Jesus Christ.

But, it was the Italian Romans that whipped him to death!!

And the Italians let a Criminal go free (Barrabus) in return for the imprisonment and eventual killing of a man who preached nothing but PEACE!! (Jesus Christ)

Whats up with that Garbage?

(Before you folks respond to me with Matthew 27:15 - Heres a REAL Clarification of it for you to read - http://www.levitt.com/essays/bloodlibel.html)

Also, why are Jews always portrayed as being money hungry devils, yet in REALITY the Italians have the mafia who do HEINOUS things and murder people and wear crucifixes on their necks to top it all off all in the name of - MONEY!!

2007-08-07 10:44:15 · 20 answers · asked by Mike V 2 in Religion & Spirituality

hispanic & latino
african american
asian & pacific islander,islander
american indian,native american
native hawwian somoan
alaskan native
or all and all others mixed

2007-08-07 10:42:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I will be asking my professors for a letter of recommendation, just wanted to know what I should do when asking and also after I get it. Thanks in advance. :)

2007-08-07 10:41:58 · 6 answers · asked by Dumbo 2 in Etiquette

If I gave you a day to live, and I were to offer you immortality in the form of eternal youth. Which would you choose? To forget you're ideals, responsabileties, goals by dying a painless death or to choose immortality and live for all eternity in this world, even after the leaves wither away and life from this world becomes forgoten? ( The immortality I offer is one where you no longer need to eat or drink to live)

2007-08-07 10:41:14 · 14 answers · asked by Faust 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I have been waiting quite awhile for the next question. This room is not exactly fast paced is it?

2007-08-07 10:41:04 · 9 answers · asked by Ruth 7 in Senior Citizens

2007-08-07 10:39:09 · 20 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-07 10:38:15 · 23 answers · asked by Stu 1 in Other - Society & Culture

The Bible says "A man shall not lie with another man as he lies with a woman".

Well, what if 2 women do it? Is it still a sin?


2007-08-07 10:33:41 · 29 answers · asked by DEPRESSED™ 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I just recently sold an item on ebay, and have been awaiting payment from the buyer. Its been a week and the buyer sends me the following message:


can somebody please translate this?

2007-08-07 10:33:15 · 9 answers · asked by johnny d 2 in Languages

Why is it that in the King James Version of the Bible, the Greek word πνεῦμα (pneuma) is sometimes translated to "Spirit", and other times translated to "Ghost"?

For example, look at Matthew. In Matthew 1:18, it's translated to "Ghost", but in Matthew 3:16, it's translated to "Spirit"? I guess in Matthew it looks to me like it is translated to "Ghost" only when the word "Holy" is before it.
But why is that?

And in other cases, like Luke 11:13, the word "Holy" is before it, but it is translated to "Spirit".

Why is this?!

2007-08-07 10:33:06 · 14 answers · asked by jamie68117 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-07 10:32:25 · 3 answers · asked by vincenthml 1 in Languages

I took the subway home earlier this afternoon and packed a lunch from home to eat. But I wasn't sure if it would be bad manners to eat while on the subway, so I just ate it when I got home.

2007-08-07 10:32:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

i dont work at a fast food joint, i have when i was younger, but why do ppl think its ok to make fun of them, like somebody asked a question about how useless school was, and someone told them to drop out and go to mc'ds, is really ok to make fun of ppl just cuz theyre not as smart, many ppl are just born to not be as intelligent as others, so why do you make fun of them, when that could just as easily be you, and another thing is not all ppl that work at fast food places are morons, they have a good head on their shoulders, these are the ppl we should be making fun of, cuz theyre capable of much more, but theyre just to much of a pathetic loser

2007-08-07 10:32:18 · 17 answers · asked by bigjacka55 3 in Other - Society & Culture

I was raised to be a christian, but as a teen and twenty something I back slid. Now at 30 something there have been times I wanted to be saved and asked for God's forgiveness, and really meant it. Do you not feel different once saved? Is there no kind of sign? I do not expect a burning bush or anything, but I do sort of expect to feel differently. I now have small children and want to bring them up the right way. Please do not be too harsh as I asked a earlier question in this catergory and received some harsh remarks.

2007-08-07 10:32:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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