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Psychology - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2006-09-11 04:16:19 · 8 answers · asked by Curious about Bob 1

2006-09-11 04:11:44 · 9 answers · asked by Bvlgari_gurl 1

After several years of suggesting my wife see professional help she has finally agreed (when thing got too much for her). I have seen therapist in the past and have always been mindful that they are only getting one side of the story so I tend to be nicer about the people around me then they sometimes deserve.
My wife is very social and is liked by everyone she meets but those who know her more personally know she can be a major *****.
I am afraid that my wife is going to start blasting me in her sessions (ex. my wife says I am lazy and I say I am never given any time to finish projects because of the kids) and the therapist is going to start giving my wife advice based on my wife's views of our situation.
I am being supportive and letting my wife know I care but I am not going to pry on what she went over in her sessions. I am hoping that the therapist invites me to a session or suggests couple counseling. Are my fears valid?

2006-09-11 04:10:10 · 12 answers · asked by butnozzle 2

a. emotions
b. physiological drives, such as hunger
c. reflexes
d. movements such as walking

2006-09-11 04:03:56 · 4 answers · asked by marcelluswallace 2

So we were talking about freud in high school. And i think he might be right about the oedipus complex? Boys do often seem to defend their moms a lot more when insulted, atleast more than when their fathers get insulted. And daughters don't seem to care or get mad over momma cracks as guys do. Also there are a lot of MILF porn out there. Kinda disturbs me, could freud be right?

2006-09-11 04:00:10 · 4 answers · asked by Siggy 1

I'm not talking about purposeful defense mechanisms here... I'm talking about the general mindset of society.

When I ask people how their day was they respond with 'it was okay.' I literally have to pry with three more questions until I get to a meaningful answer.

And it's not that they do it on purpose... it's just that people are taught not to open up.

Why? Why must we as a society be afraid to open up to our friends?

I have a policy with my friends (and even strangers) that I will answer any question that doesn't violate my right to safety or someone else's rights to privacy. You ask me a question, I will answer it, no matter what the topic.

What really surprises me is how people are about their sex life. Countless times people will bring the subject up, as if to brag a little... and then when I actually ask what they did... they clam up.

Not that I am some pervert trying to imagine them doing stuff... it's just that I expect people to be honest and open.

2006-09-11 03:45:05 · 9 answers · asked by kenny_the_bomb 3

or should it just be accepted?

2006-09-11 03:40:31 · 27 answers · asked by Hello 2


actually she is my roommate, she is the best student in my class.
lot of my friends told me that she only be friend when we have some benefit that she can take from us.
but last semester she always told me that no one wont be her friends she cried...you know what thats all lied.. she make a fool on me... why she do that things to me??? i know she is the best student why dont she help me to be good too.. she always makes me feel so bad.. so down... she never try to help me in my studies, what all my friends said was true.. she only be nice to get something.. and from me the note, reference book that given by my seniour... i can't stand with her.. why she doing this to me while i am being so nice with her..??? why she love to turn me down.!! why what is my false?? i always follow what she asked me,seems like a stupid girl that follow her tails...

2006-09-11 03:39:43 · 7 answers · asked by awish 1

When people talk about World Peace, Communism or some other form of World Unity, there is usually a comment on how it is against human nature. If there was one thing we could wipe out of our human nature to make the world better (whatever your belief of a better world is) what should it be? Lust, greed, fear?

2006-09-11 03:29:55 · 11 answers · asked by thebuffettour 2

I saw on a programme once that when you have been decapatated (head cut off) apparantly you are still able to see for several secounds afterwards. How would they know this?? and what do u think??

2006-09-11 03:23:14 · 22 answers · asked by dancing darlings 3

2006-09-11 02:59:32 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

give me reasons to back up your explanation. I dont want crap comments like ... "he a fake..."

2006-09-11 02:42:48 · 14 answers · asked by Gareth G 2

It is the fear of failure that "usually" hinders us from achieving our goals in life! We must learn to overcome our fears because there will always be obstacles. There is no progess without opposition.

[didnt know how to categorize this question]

2006-09-11 02:34:33 · 10 answers · asked by jojo 2

Yesterday, I really didn't do much besides watch TV. After dinner I took my two girls for a walk and then when my son got home, I watch and played with them outside. I thought to myself how much I enjoy being with my kids like that and was frustrated that I had wasted the day watching television.
I started to think about all the other times I watch television instead of doing something else and wonder what keeps me from turning it off. It seems that in almost every other instance I do what is most enjoyable at the time (ex. Sitting in a plush chair instead of a hard one) but what is it about Television that is different?
Is it a form of functional sleeping or resting? Is it because it is something the whole family can do (since we are different ages) or is it because it is easy to do? Or is it something sinister?

2006-09-11 02:27:58 · 11 answers · asked by thebuffettour 2

can someone tell me if taurus and pisces people match each other?

2006-09-11 02:13:39 · 8 answers · asked by ashley r 1

I have a tendancy to just say (or type) the things I am thinking....
I need to better filter out the rubbish....does anyone else have this problem?

2006-09-11 01:51:40 · 8 answers · asked by jonny_nowhere 2

Race? Intelegent?Any others factors?

2006-09-11 01:50:14 · 8 answers · asked by JAMES 4

I'd like to know if any of you would stay in touch with someone to whom you wouldn't intend to open up. If yes, why? If no, why not? Also, if you met someone who would want to stay in touch but had no intention to open up, how would you react and do? Thanks for sharing.

2006-09-11 01:38:57 · 9 answers · asked by CRT 3

can someone help me how can i release my tension.....
i need some help... i want to be good in my study but there someone always turn me down.... always make me feel so down... im realy2xxxxxx worried about my study right now... it becomes a big problem to me.... i'm scared please help me....

2006-09-11 01:37:34 · 6 answers · asked by awish 1

2006-09-11 01:36:44 · 20 answers · asked by JITHU 2

We all know how chatoic, uncontrollable and convoluted our dreams are. From analyzing my dreams over the years, I can detect they're primarily a complex, atemporal conflation (mixture) of various experiences. Dreams are usually the anti-reality of my reality.

The girls of my dreams, on the other hand, are always perfect! They are beautiful, flawless, intelligent, funny, kind, sweet, etc. How does the brain consistently recreate the perfect woman? Where does it get the template from?

I don't want to believe that dream girls are an anti-reality!

2006-09-11 01:13:34 · 15 answers · asked by ideogenetic 7

2006-09-11 01:12:38 · 6 answers · asked by sueet2b 4

whats a good website or book to read where they explain to you in details how to read someone's face aspects?

2006-09-11 01:11:35 · 5 answers · asked by sueet2b 4

Don't they like peace?

Why do they choose to torment other people, again and again, instead of taking care of their own lives?

Thank you for your anwer and have a wonderful week! :)

2006-09-11 00:58:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i worry about the environment, when i see an animal that doesnt look like it'sbeing cared for, i worry and get depressed. it can't be healthy i know, but i cannot keep from thinking. it's like i feel guilty if i don't worry because it seems like i don't care. i worry about so many things and about so many creatures i cannot even tell which part of my thoughts is legitimate worry and which part is imagined. i need help. someone please tell me what to do!

2006-09-11 00:54:37 · 17 answers · asked by mia w 1

2006-09-11 00:46:45 · 6 answers · asked by adorable 4

I get extremely hurt over the least bit thing.

2006-09-11 00:16:48 · 11 answers · asked by Say It Like You Mean It 4

I've got two autistic kids, I would sooner have all my teeth pulled than take them shopping because they always have tantrums and people always stare

2006-09-11 00:06:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

why there is so much child abuse going on these days i see parents spanking the hell outta there kids will this ever going to end i see some parents who dont love their kids and never even give them a lil hug is this abusive atmosphere in USA ever going to end about 75% parents belive in beating kids for dicipling will it going to end i gotta write a artical about it and i also feel that this is not the way to treat kids what do you think??

2006-09-10 23:58:36 · 20 answers · asked by cool k 2

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