One of my family members has had CT quite a while ago. The problem is not the incident itself, but what happened afterwards: while there was not much physical or mental damage, it would be OK withlots of exercises and healthy food. So we tried to be very supportive and put our own work aside to help the family member with whatever the doctors and specialists ordered us to do, changed eating habits, etc. But despite all the efforts, refusal kicks in. Exercises have come to a complete stop, nothing seems interesting any more. Everything is boring/asks too much effort, quiting/running away from it (going to sleep) is the solution. We keep pouring energy in it, it's frustrating, but what I hate the most is the plain arrogance and egoism that... the member started developing a deep habit of "me me me, all for me!" and "you do it!". Teaching, saying how you feel, asking to listen/to keep focused, etc. is useless because is BORING...
How do I keep coping with this???
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