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Social Science - 17 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

Is it possible to determine with 100% certainty that two people have produced exactly the same quality and quantity of work?

Even in sales or factory work people may be judged subjectively on factors such as teamwork, management effectiveness, and initiative.

When that is the case, how is it possible to determine with certainty that two “unequal” people have produced exactly the same quantity and quality of work?

And should, therefore, be paid exactly the same amount of money.

Lastly, who should be responsible for ensuring that t workers that occupy the same position (and ostensibly perform at the same level) are paid the same?

The company, the worker, or the government?

2007-03-17 07:46:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Ok so this girl I really like went to a movie tonight with me and a friend. A few days ago out of no where we kinda started hugging/cuddling, and there was a bit of making out. I asked her if it ment anything the next day and she said that for the moment no and she wasn't sure if it would and that she didnt want to lead me on. So today when we went I felt like she was totally leading me on... we held hands for about half the movie she had her head on my shoulder a couple times. However there were a few times where she kinda took her hand away when I reached out for it, when she got near my hand. On the way home she asked how long I liked her, I told her, then I thought Id clarify what happened and asked if anythings changed since we last talked about how for the moment she didnt see me like that. She said not really?! But it was a more quiet and mellow and took her a while to answer. So Im totally confused. Her actions say one thing but her words say another...

2007-03-17 07:44:28 · 4 answers · asked by teh_masta_of_all 2 in Psychology

How do you narmally feel when all your exspectation are not coming to pass?
For me i normally take it easy, i feel life is like that, some times sweet some bitter. but my friend said is a wrong idea to feel that way that it will not make you move forward to tacle the propblem, so what's your own feeling.or what did you see to my own way of taking things or feeling?

2007-03-17 07:37:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Or are they LESS likely?

2007-03-17 07:37:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I have recently stopped caring about anything. I don’t care about work, my responsibilities, a higher power or sad to say, even my family. I feel the entire world is moronic, loves it and doesn’t want to change and I’m forced to live thru this hell.

I feel everyone is living in a mirage created by their own minds giving them a twisted view of a perceptive reality that is thrown upon all others who happen to be in the way. Society is nothing else then a reflection of what our minds conjure up through what is viewed, heard and spoken. Radio, TV and our air headed youth are perfect demonstrations of that.

Originality is dead and moronic clones are our future. Because of this view, I have a "Who Cares about anything since nothing makes sense and nothing truly matters”, attitude.

I just want to sleep all day and watch moronic TV while I crunch my teeth and criticize everything I see. I have tried to stop but I fall back in to it sooner then later. Is this depression?

2007-03-17 07:34:31 · 5 answers · asked by Perspective 1 in Psychology

i had a dream..i was in my car i have now driving down a very familiar road and then slammed on brakes cuz i saw an accident ahead (semi and cars) and i couldn't stop i just kept sliding. it was in color and i didn't see any faces of people.the truck was red and my car is burgandy. i woke up before i hit the semi.

2007-03-17 07:28:14 · 5 answers · asked by thunderchyken 1 in Psychology

I have a degree in Anthropology plus some graduate coursework in Humanities. However, I am no longer a graduate student. I am looking to make a career change and would really love to work in either of these fields. Could I find a decent paying job doing something in one of these fields if I've never worked in this industry before? I have operation management skills and have worked in the property mangement field for the last six years.

2007-03-17 07:26:22 · 5 answers · asked by UrbanMonk 1 in Other - Social Science

will it be higher, lower, or about the same

2007-03-17 07:25:18 · 3 answers · asked by jshanty2000 1 in Economics

which ones do you prefer?

2007-03-17 07:25:02 · 8 answers · asked by faniente2006 3 in Gender Studies

I am looking for research studies on how many questions the human brain asks on average per second/minute/day. I need to find some sort of extinmated answer for a school project.

2007-03-17 07:25:01 · 4 answers · asked by Kasandras 2 in Psychology

2007-03-17 07:24:56 · 15 answers · asked by poshnosh 2 in Gender Studies

2007-03-17 07:23:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-17 07:23:22 · 10 answers · asked by alyssaw244 2 in Psychology

2007-03-17 07:23:08 · 3 answers · asked by jshanty2000 1 in Economics

2007-03-17 07:21:52 · 5 answers · asked by jshanty2000 1 in Economics

I work in a problem solving and solution finding environment and have been given some feedback that I should use my own initiative.

2007-03-17 07:21:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

They must know everything about your life , and they will "consider " a person a B*tch or a jerk if you don't share your business with them ?

2007-03-17 07:08:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I'm currently 14. In school I have probably 3 very close friends who I am very extroverted with, I can say anything and arent afraid to say anything to them. Then I have 7 or 8 friends in school who I can partly be myself around, but sometimes I'm a little shy. It takes me a long time to truly open up to people and show them my very extroverted side. Also, with new people or people I barely know I try to be extroverted so they'll think I'm approachale, etc, but I usually just end up being quiet or feeling awkward. However when I'm around my friends with new people, I'm extroverted around anyone. It's like they give me confidence. Would you classify me as more Extroverted or Introverted? What can I do to open up to new people more without my friends' help? Please answer, Thank you!

2007-03-17 07:07:47 · 5 answers · asked by Colette B. 2 in Psychology

what do you believe makes a woman a real woman.
And with that I mean nothing physical.....

2007-03-17 07:05:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Just wondering is it turn off for the female if the guy is still a virgin?

2007-03-17 06:59:09 · 7 answers · asked by john t 1 in Gender Studies

I need to come up with a name for a health clinic that treats patients with schizophrenia for my psychology project. Any ideas?

2007-03-17 06:58:54 · 4 answers · asked by oriolesfan2323 4 in Psychology

Post u're sugestions...

2007-03-17 06:55:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

2007-03-17 06:47:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

ok i like this guy and i've known him for four years we get along great and the beginning of my 8th grade year(this year) and anyway i kinda told him how i felt and now his ignoring me well anyway he appears in my dreams and we the perfect couple and i kinda hope these are like visions instead of some fantasy
please help me

2007-03-17 06:46:02 · 10 answers · asked by i_luv_jack_sparrow_190 1 in Psychology

I've been let down by many people in my life. I just don't think I can trust anyone anymore. I only feel like I can trust my immediate family and that is it. I'm honest with people and then they will lie to me. I do what I say I will, but they never seem to do their part. I don't feel like I have any friends that I can trust because the second something happens, they aren't there. It has always been like this. I've found new friends but I could never trust them either. I've been in relationships with guys that ended up breaking my trust. Whenever I let someone in, they let me down. I make the mistake of getting emotionally attached and then get left torn and in the cold. I want to trust people, but how can I when I am let down so much?

2007-03-17 06:44:48 · 8 answers · asked by confused soul 2 in Psychology

I seem to be attracted to people who are about as attractive as I am, but I seem not to be attracted to people who are significantly better looking (Except from a purely aesthetic standpoint) or less good looking than I am. In the real world, most couples I see are more or less equally attractive. Do people most often have crushes and fall in love within their own "league" so to speak, or do they "settle"?

2007-03-17 06:43:54 · 4 answers · asked by Cybele 1 in Psychology

can people feel another person looking at them

2007-03-17 06:40:43 · 7 answers · asked by William B 1 in Psychology

We were really fighting for survival insteat of fighting to be successful? If we lived in a time where we had to hunt for our food everyday. If we lived when the threat of being eaten alive by a wild animal was a common reality. Where men and women actually depended on each other to perform certain jobs to ensure the survival of the community.

2007-03-17 06:40:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

I asked him and his friend out (as a group),but he said hes got a lot of work to do and hes got to hang out at his friends party.

should i be more direct?
or not ruin the frienship?

2007-03-17 06:38:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

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