Im currently 29weeks pregnant, i have a big bump and find it uncomfortable at times, of course theres some mood swings too but my baby doesnt kick me that hard it hurts, or my boobs arent that terribly sore that i have to curse this pregnancy,,
I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT, i dont wish it would all end or hate it at all, its a wonderful life changing experience that OF COURSE has some ups & downs but nothing to get to upset about?
WHY is it that some women make out that pregnancy is such a horrible thing and that they go through so much pain & horrible experiences while their baby is growing healthy inside them for 9 months?
they more a less say theres nothing worse than pregnancy? WHY do they become pregnant in the first place? its like they think its a disability & dont even have one ounce of respect for their unborn baby?. is pregnancy really that bad? or do i just have any easy pregnancy?. there are some women out there who would give anything to be pregnant!!.. its not that bad
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