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Pregnancy - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

With your first baby, do you usually due earlier or usually late? I am just 2 weeks away. Been told some usually arrives earlier.

2007-10-16 02:43:23 · 6 answers · asked by Bun#2 in the oven 2

2007-10-16 02:38:17 · 10 answers · asked by keishla r 1

2007-10-16 02:36:32 · 23 answers · asked by keishla r 1

I know that its not heartburn, but I have no idea what it could be.

2007-10-16 02:11:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wierdest thing is happening, I just got my teeth cleaned 2 months ago, no cavities, no issues but since Ive become pregnant, I cannot brush my teeth enough, HORRIBLE breath? Anyone else get this or maybe I have a cold or something that hasnt shown itself yet?

2007-10-16 02:09:22 · 10 answers · asked by Mommyof3 BGB 5

I am 7 weeks pregnant, and last night I have SEVERE constipation, it hurts really really bad! Followed by diarrhea (I kno tmi), I just wanted to know can soooo much straining hurt the baby??? My next doc appt. is thursday, I am gonna talk to him then, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this??Thanks!!!

2007-10-16 01:56:44 · 8 answers · asked by *me* 2

Should I feel my baby move/kick in one spot or all across my belly?

2007-10-16 01:56:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just started taking my prenatal vitamins which my first one was taken at 614am this morning and well it said to take medication on an empty stomach 1hr before or 2-3hrs after a meal... well now i feel like crap like Im seriously gonna throw up... everytime i berp it tastes like tar or something like that... how do i get rid of the disgusting taste? I cant even eat... please help... my doctor perscribed me prenate elite... Please advice anyone? I bought the flinestones vitamins just in case but my husband insits on me taking these... What do I do?

2007-10-16 01:53:17 · 13 answers · asked by marriedgirl@19 2

2007-10-16 01:36:40 · 45 answers · asked by Eyeshield E 1

they send sonagrephy .in that thir is no fatal pole is observed repeat test after 2weeks .so what can i do. iam healthy prignent please advise

2007-10-16 01:13:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

with low placenta and the hospital said if it doesnt move then i'll have to have a c-section, is this always the case or does it move? I'm really worried

2007-10-16 01:10:36 · 12 answers · asked by sunshine05 1

wort sinals you look four a man to be pregnant
if she do it all the time

2007-10-16 01:05:35 · 13 answers · asked by mark platt 1

I ovulated on the 27th came on 13dpo. light bleeding then went to the heavyest i have ever had. Had a super tampon in and it leaked every hour badly and lots and lots of pain. Well i came off yesterday and had sex with BF and started bleeding straight after. i just thought it was the rest coming out. But this morning i started bleeding heavy again with lots of pain and i have just passed a really dark red clot about 2 inches long and about a centemeter thick. Now if that was a misscarrige then why did i have AF 13dpo. Was this just a heavy period with a big clot. did any one pass a clot this big and was just a period. Thanks

2007-10-15 21:42:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I come from the Philippines, so I would prefer answers according to Philippine law. =)

2007-10-15 21:10:40 · 9 answers · asked by HaN 1

She's 1 month pregnant. This will be our first time so I am a rookie. I just dont know what to expect.

2007-10-15 18:57:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've made a doctor's appt. yes i understand that colds and viruses are going around. im just asking for advice. i didn't start stressing over it until my period didnt show this month.maybe i didnt clarify enough, i just wanted a little advice that's all..

2007-10-15 18:48:53 · 3 answers · asked by shantij 1

negative..what in the world and im still having all these crazy symptoms and i still have not seen a period.im going nuts....everything hurts, im having stomach pains, i can only sleep on my side, all i want to do is sleep...its soo much! help ladies, especially those who have been pregnant!

2007-10-15 18:29:32 · 7 answers · asked by shantij 1

First off I should start by saying I am late for my menstrual cycle and lately I have been experiencing rib pains and last night very sharp pains starting from my "bikini" line and going all the way down into my vaginal area. Before the pains I have noticed that my body has produced a lot more clear milky fluid than ever before. So I'm asking are these early signs of pregnancy? Or am I just overreacting? Please any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
P.S. Today I took a test and it showed up negative but those tests aren't always 100% accurate, right?

2007-10-15 18:26:43 · 8 answers · asked by Lindsey 1

i know there is a posibility if the semen leaks but how high is it..??

2007-10-15 17:30:36 · 19 answers · asked by fer 2

i am planning to have a natural birth. i do have a small vagina however. and i am small as well, also i am separated from my boyfriend at the momment so i am pretty much celibate right now, probably adding to the problem. will this make giving birth much more painful or difficult then it would be normally? has anyone given natural birth with same circumstances and what happened?

2007-10-15 17:21:14 · 15 answers · asked by pilar 3

I know you should wait one cycle, but Im wanting to know HOW long after your miscarriage did you concieve?

2007-10-15 16:11:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-15 15:28:33 · 11 answers · asked by lilshawty73505 1

At 14 weeks I got electrocuted, which led me to get an U.S. I was told that there was something wrong with the baby and I should terminate..

Before this I was very Pro-Life and couldn't imagine what medical need could justify an abortion. I refused and decided to wait a week to see If anything would change. They told me that I HAD to terminate and that my life was in danger. It was a partial molar pregnancy. That's where placenta is cancerous. It was already in my lungs and presented long before the U.S. as an URI.
So there I was 4 days before my wedding killing my baby. After the Termination the dr told me that the baby was almot completely consumed with the cancer and I wouldn't have made it much father.

25 years ago I would have just died or waited until the baby started to miscarry before getting a D&C.

I now see that there is a NEED for abortion to be legal, but for reasons where the mothers life is truely at risk.
How do you feel about this?

2007-10-15 15:23:24 · 12 answers · asked by in COGNITO * 4

i want him there for support so im hoping its a yes or i might just skip out on that..
and also...i've never had an IV...i've heard it hurts more than getting your blood drawn, but can you feel it once its in?
Also, do you get a catheter to go to the bathroom while in labor...and does that hurt(im really scared of that)?

*I know everyone is going to say that the IV pain is going to be the least of my worrys when im in labor...but i really dont like needles so i just want to know what to expect.

2007-10-15 15:04:54 · 22 answers · asked by ♥Kristen♥ 3

My husband and I found out that we are expecting twins which came to us as a big surprise! I'm 18 weeks along now and I'm getting a lot of round ligament pain, shortness of breath and I'm always tired and feeling useless. I'm also getting Braxton Hicks contractions already and there are times when I feel "pressure down there" and I feel if that I stand too long it gets worse. I know it's not labor (this is pregnancy #5) but I'm just wondering what to expect for the remainder of my pregnancy? I'm worried about having to go on bed rest. Can anyone offer me any advice or help as to what to expect? Thanks!

2007-10-15 14:34:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering how many women have bled during the early stages of their pregnancy and went on to have a healthy baby?

I have started to bleed and I am 9 weeks pregnant. It isn't much, more so when I go to the toilet and wipe. It is old looking blood. It started Sunday, eased Monday and started again this morning.

I have been to the doctor and had an ultrasound and everything is still progressing well, strong heartbeat and still growing rapidly and the radiographer said everything looks thing.

I just want to hear of other womens experiences as this is our first and it is all very worrying?

2007-10-15 14:30:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-15 14:28:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 31and a half weeks pregnant and i was sitting down and i coughed and this stuff came out of me and when i stood up i was till coming out, it wasnt like a big gush but it was there, when i went to the toilet it was clear-white and had no smell really and it wasnt pee, for the last few days i have had alot of presher down there and alot of back pain and not sleepig well. Could this be me water starting to break.

2007-10-15 14:24:15 · 16 answers · asked by <3 my four sweet angles 3

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