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Pregnancy - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Okay so, since saturday I have been having contractions. Saturday night i had 2 that were back to back and they were awful they brought tears to my eyes! They let up so, i fell asleep and slept thru the night. Sunday I woke up and was alright. Then I started having them again but not regular. Well last night It was around 7 when they started becoming 10m-1/2 hr apart. My back is KILLING me! My urine is sooo clear but it has a funny smell to it. I lost a little piece of my plug last wednesday. Just looked like a lilttle booger. Nothing red, pink or brown yet. I dont want to go to the hospital if its "false" labor ya know. Today, i have had just a few but my back is hurting BAD and I have awful pressure in my butt and down below. I am just not sure what to do.
What does everyone think??

Im 36 weeks & 4 days

2007-10-15 04:31:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just had an ultrasound and the soc said the baby is breech with its head on the right side below my ribs. i have a fibroid on the left side lower abdomen.
the doc said it ok, there is still a lot of time for the baby to turn around.
i found some articles that say that babies with congental diseases tend to breech at birth, beacause their heads are not heavy enough to cause the turn around.
i am not very worried right now, but i want your opinion on this issue, if anyone had been in a similar situation, please share your experiences.
and is there any exercise i can do to cause the baby to turn around ?
thank you all !

2007-10-15 04:31:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was just wondering when you told your other children you was pregnant? i am 10 wks pregnant, i have told my oldest child who is 12 years old but i have not told my other 3, my son is autisic and im not sure he will fully get what im trying to tell him untell i show and he has something he can say "look mummy's having a baby" my daughter is 5 and if i tell her she is going to exspect it over night just like when you talk about xmas or birthdays she thinks it will be tomorow, and my youngest is 2, i really dont think he will understand at all but hes my baby and i need to prapare him for this.
Any advice would be great, Thanx.

2007-10-15 04:24:19 · 14 answers · asked by Baby Dee 3

I was raped on May 5 by my best friends boyfriend I hav'nt told my husband because at the time we were seperated we got back together on the May 8 then I found out I was pregnant on June 15 I had sex many times with my husband after I asked my Doctor she said it's my husbands but the guy who raped me is african-american what if at birth it's not my hubbys is there anyway I could be 100% sure it's my hubsbands

2007-10-15 04:18:41 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 38 weeks and dying to have this baby out, I've started to dilate they said I was at 1 centimeter that was about 2 days ago. I was just going to let it all happen on its own but now that I've developed PUPPP on my belly I can't take it :/

I'm doing all the walking and drinking plenty of water.
I'm even thinking of having sex but, I want that as a last resort because well 9 months pregnant and puppp on my belly doesn't have me feeling very 'sexy'

2007-10-15 04:12:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wasmissing my period for a month or so. i was really stressed about everything in my life. i took a test and everything came back that i was not pregnant. i finally got my period but i know some people that are saying that you can still get your period while your pregnant. i was just wondering if stress was a possibble reason why iwas missing my period.

2007-10-15 04:11:28 · 11 answers · asked by tiine 1

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and living in China, I was just told today that the umbilical cord has wrapped around the baby's neck and I'm totally freaking out. I just lost my last baby at 36 weeks in April to the same thing. What can I do to either reverse it or survive this pregnancy without going mental. I can't lose this one too...I don't think I could stand losing two babies in one year. Where can I get some information about the umbilical cord wrapping around the neck...I need make sure that what they are doing for me is right. So far they have done nothing, and the last time they told me it was nothing to worry about. "It happens all the time and is no more dangerous then it wrapping around a arm or leg" is what they told me...2 days later my Violet was gone. Should I start looking into early delivery or is there other options. I just don't know what to do and I'm so afraid.

2007-10-15 04:09:52 · 8 answers · asked by Shiningami_Gurl 6

I really thought I was pregnant this time although first pg test was negative. Had sore nipples, nausae (morning, noon and night!!), slight cramps, headaches and total mood swings and crying spells. But now I feel like Af is definitely on it's way as the cramps have been for most of today. As I am very irregular and have come only jsut come off the pill completely, I don't know when I am meant to come on! Could this be AF or could is there still a chance that I am pregnant?

2007-10-15 04:08:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think about the idea of a pro circumcision website? Why did you circumcise? Feel free to comment or to join.


2007-10-15 03:54:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay heres the situation,,,,my period started on the 13th of august (lasted 5 days) i have a normal 28day cycle--- i had a one night stand on the 21st- then slept with husband on 23, 25th 26 and 27th (ovulation on 26th) i am now pregnant and ultrasound confirms conception closely to the 27th. although i was not ovulating at the time i cheated could it be possible the one nighter is the father?? he said he didnt ejaculate (he was intoxicated) and if he did thru pre-*** could it stay viable for 6 whole days in the body? ive heard that it could for up to 5 days, and then ive heard it could for only 48 hours,, please help,,,, not one to cheat,, please dont judge,, just need some sound advice

2007-10-15 03:52:36 · 46 answers · asked by kelly l 2

Ok everyone, please be real. Is sex different after vaginal birth? Just be honest i really need to know

2007-10-15 03:52:07 · 9 answers · asked by ash 3

your cycles are longer than 28 days long? Mine are all messed up. Sometimes I have 28 day cycles and sometimes 40 day cycles. How would they figure my due date then? I do track my temps and cervical mucus so I know when I ovulate. We aren't trying for baby #2 until December!

2007-10-15 03:46:24 · 10 answers · asked by blank 4

so i took some tests this weekend and it was positive,,i got to the doc today to confirm it. My question is for all those ladies with unplanned babies waht did you do/think when you found out . I have thoughts of both having and not having it .. i have no friends to relate that have been in the situation.. thoughts??

2007-10-15 03:37:35 · 23 answers · asked by girl 1

Just curious if anyone just went to the hospital when they were in labor without having had much or any prenatal care? If so what did you tell them at the hospital?

2007-10-15 03:37:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 19 and I want a baby very badly. I have been dating my b/f for almost 4 years. He is the love of my life. He is 22. We live together and both have good jobs. We could financially support a baby I know we could. I know its hard work and it would change my life forever. And as for us being at work I have 3 sisters that would be more than willing to watch my baby. In which 2 of them don't work cuz they are stay at home mothers. NO im not married but we will be someday I don't think a piece of paper has anything to do with this cuz if we were married he could leave me then to but I know he wouldn't leave me. He wants a baby with me hes told me so just not right now but he is 22 isn't that a decent age for him to have one? I am a very mature person Ive never been the one to go party and neither is he. I do believe we are capable responsible and financially stable to have one. I need advice on how to convince him to have one with me. Please no rude comments I don't need them thanks

2007-10-15 03:34:47 · 34 answers · asked by Samantha 1

Please all have you say about this matter!

I have been suffering pretty bad lately with my tiredness and sickness (im 6 weeks pregnant) its my first pregnancy and im not used to it.
However, my boss who is male, just keeps having more and more time off, leaving me in charge of the office with one other male member of staff...working 8.30 till 5.30 every day sometimes without a full hour break

They are so inconsiderate and i have to keep reminding him to make sure he is in on 01.11.2007 as its my first midwifery appointment.

I am so mad!

Anyone else experienced this?

2007-10-15 03:31:16 · 11 answers · asked by babydust1982 1

and if my due date is feb 11 when will they do my c section ?

2007-10-15 03:29:18 · 3 answers · asked by Ashley L 1

If you have Gestational diabetes does that mean that the baby will come early? I am 32 weeks had and ultrasound last week they said her head was down and I was messureing. almost 34 weeks.

2007-10-15 03:18:04 · 10 answers · asked by Summer 1

I am 36 weeks 4 days and I have had a slow fluid like discharge sense last night, I have had this a few times before and went in and it was nothing, but sense last night it has a scent to it that is pretty strong on and off - it smells like maple syrup almost, like that sweet syrup smell. ???
My doc. is out of town on her vacation and will not be back for 3 more days so if I call in for something I have to call the oncall at the hospital.... Is it worth calling due to the new scent or is it nothing again ??

2007-10-15 03:13:14 · 6 answers · asked by Brandi 3


hi, i just wanted to know how soon can you have sex after having a baby.


2007-10-15 02:52:08 · 7 answers · asked by allielea 2

Think of the person that you love the most. How would you feel if that person ceased to exist? Isnt that what abortion does to the future - it removes precious people from life?

2007-10-15 02:19:02 · 23 answers · asked by pete the pirate 5

I've had two boys and with them i had no symptoms what so ever all thru each pregnancy, lucky me i know ;)

My last period was around the 20th Sept and that was 2 weeks early for some reason, it lasted 3 days an was very light. The last time we had sex was on the 27th as he left to go overseas.

Two weeks later i was getting very mild groin pain for 2 days, my nipples went into over drive tingling for about 4 days then it stopped. My mouth became very dry for a few days, then that changed and i had a wicked thirst on for about a day an half.

Now the last few days my boobs have become rather tender and i have this dry mouth thing back again.

I never normally get any period pains, sore boobs or anything like that when I'm due.. I know sometimes women can have all these symptoms when you really want to be pregnant but aren't.

Do you think I'm pregnant or is my body playing games with me? I'm going out later to get a test i think as its really starting to bug me

2007-10-15 02:16:46 · 11 answers · asked by pookie_baer 1

I was wondering if I can still get pregnant anytime of the month? Or just during my peak fertility days? I know there are two days in the cycle that are the best times to get pregnant, but can women still get pregnant anytime their cycle?

2007-10-15 02:01:47 · 6 answers · asked by Carrie P 3

I am 30 weeks pregnant and I have started to find that I am finding it very hard to get aroused or have normal sensation "down there". At first I thought I might have some sort of infection but I don't seem to have any other symptoms, has anyone had this and does it go away after the pregnancy. I am too embarrassed to ask anyone about it and dread the thought that I might have to talk to the doctor or something. I am sorry if this question seems very personal or offensive.

2007-10-15 01:42:18 · 7 answers · asked by wendyad3 2

I had my piercings out for 3 years now (they were pierced for 6 months) What are the chances that I won't be able to nurse with this baby?

2007-10-15 01:41:42 · 3 answers · asked by Queen 5

1 - Married
2 - Pregnant?

2007-10-15 01:21:03 · 49 answers · asked by mmmb 2

he lp i want to know pls!!!!!

2007-10-15 01:03:31 · 7 answers · asked by I come for you better run fools! 1

2007-10-15 00:39:44 · 10 answers · asked by just me 1

I am 38 weeks pregnant and when I went for an ultrasound last
Thursday, I was told that my amniotic fluid was on the low side of normal. I was told to drink a lot of water and return in 7 - 10 days for another ultrasound. So I have been drinking alot of water and urinating like crazy. Recently I have noticed what feels like urine leaking. When I sit down and get up and walk around I can feel it on my leg. I have had to change my panties like 5 times a day. I am now worried that I could be leaking amniotic fluid. What should I do? What precedure do they use at the hospital to see if it is amniotic fluid or urine. This is so embarrasing.

2007-10-15 00:29:23 · 7 answers · asked by Julia 2

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