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Pregnancy - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Can anyone help me find things to classify monkeys? Long nose, short nose, tail, no tail etc. 10 points thanks

2007-09-13 20:12:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends and i have been chatting and have all found that maternity clothes are so expensive for the amount of time you where them for. Where have you got your maternity clothes from and have you been happy to pay the full (expensive) prices for them?? or is there another option??

2007-09-13 20:03:18 · 23 answers · asked by karlienz 1

I just gave birth to my second child 5 and a half months ago. I got the IUD (a month later) because it was the most effective form of birth control. I did NOT want any more children, and still dont.

I had my last period on August 20th. But now I am having all these pregnancy symptoms!!! Nausea w/o vomiting (although its not constant like it was with my other pregnancies). Diarrhea, I spotted a few days ago, and here's the scary one. Im lactating!!! I had to squeeze REALLY hard to get anything to come out, but, it eventually did.

Im freakin out here cus I had first two VERY close together, which means I am very fertile. Does being very fertile throw off the effectiveness of the IUD? And yes I know...go get a pregnancy test....I am doing that tomorrow, its 2 am here so I cant get one now. I would just like to hear of any knowledge one might have about this, and if im not pregnant, is there any reason for lactation?

2007-09-13 20:02:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 38 weeks pregnant and right now i have abdominal and severe backpain. They are 20 min. apart. It is difficult to breathe sometimes. What should i do.

2007-09-13 19:17:06 · 16 answers · asked by shannon d 1

Okay I started spotting on August 16th (early evening) and then started bleeding heavy on August 17th - so which day do I start counting my period from (was actually a miscarriage, but doctor told me my body would consider it a menses and I would ovulate about 2 weeks after).....

So according to my doctor I would most likely ovulate either on the 30th or 31st of August....so my question is - would it be too soon to take a pregnancy test seeing it's September 14th? - would be about 2 weeks past ovulation...test now or wait??....

2007-09-13 19:12:35 · 3 answers · asked by singing_angel_of_the_night 3

is it normal to bleed after having a membrane sweep to try in induce labour,

2007-09-13 18:46:28 · 11 answers · asked by Diamond 7

Hubby and I have been married for 5 years. We began having problems, a lot of fighting, little progress. We even tried to go on a vacation to reconnect, but we just didn't work out. Despite the divorce and the problems, I will probably always love him, because he's a really decent person, always has been.

I'm moving out-of-state for my job. This whole thing had me sick, but I found out that it wasn't stress, and that I'd gotten pregnant on our vacation 3 months ago. My husband found out that I hadn't been feeling well (doesn't know about the baby) through a co-worker of mine and has been leaving me messages that he's just checking on me and to feel better.

We're getting along better since we began proceedings, and I don't want to disrupt that. I don't know what or when to tell my husband about the baby, or if I even should at all. I don't want to complicate this already complicated situation.

The situation is affecting my work, my health, and my sanity. Help!

2007-09-13 18:09:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it normal to want a baby so desperatley after having miscarried at 5 months? It was a year ago, but all I want is a baby. I see people I work with having kids when they're not married and it kind of upsets me because I am married. Am I wrong for feeling like this? Sometimes I feel like it controls my life. I never got to have a normal, full term pregnancy and I yearn to have that experience. Can anyone tell me if I'm wrong for feeling like this?

2007-09-13 18:03:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had some pain pretty bad pain on my right side. I'm 5 weeks pregnant i go to the doctor tomorrow is there anyway to tell if its a tubal pregnancy? do i just tell them im concerned or what?

2007-09-13 17:32:21 · 8 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5

Ive just found out im pregnant at last. Where i work can be quite heavy work sometimes so im going to need to tell my team leader but i dont want to tell anyone else. BUT my mums husband and my partners mum works there as well and i dont want to risk them finding out. But i want to keep if from people untill my first scan, What should i do.

2007-09-13 17:28:59 · 8 answers · asked by stacey 3

I took a urine pregnancy test and got a positive 2 times so I decided to take a blood test and got a call saying I "MIGHT" be pregnant. She said my HCG level was 14 but it's too soon to tell to wait 10 more days. Well the waiting game is killing me. Today I was supposed to get my period and I didn't get it, no signs of it but I do have cramps. My OBGYN said he saw water in my uterus just 3 days ago. I have been trying for 6 years and I'm very excited but at the same time I might get a NO. What are my chances? Do I have to wait that long?

2007-09-13 17:04:07 · 14 answers · asked by ani2525 3

The last time I went to the doctor, he said I would be seeing a slight decrease because the baby's room is not as big as it used to be. But right now, and all day, I've felt him here and there..No kicks..Sometimes a little movement like he's turning. but nothing big at all. I hate to be the woman calling the doctors office 1000x but I do want to be sure this is not a cause for alarm. Any suggestions before I call?

Oh I did a kick count and laid there for about 45 minutes and felt 3 distinctive moves.

2007-09-13 17:03:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a lot of back problems so i go to the chiropractor 2-3 times weekly. Part of it is i lay on my tummy so he can adjust my back. I am about a month and 1/2 now so how long until I cant lay on my tummy anymore??

2007-09-13 17:00:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am barely pregnant but was wondering what all of those mommies out there thought. My mother didn't have an epidural with me or my sisters, simply because there wasn't time, she had us in like twenty minutes start to finish, but I always thought I would want to go the same way and have no drugs. Now that I am actually pregnant it is much more real and i'm not so sure. Of course I have 37 weeks to go before i have to make a decision i was just wondering what you girls thought.

2007-09-13 14:48:54 · 16 answers · asked by crissy2985 2

I was this listed in a baby gender question and I have no idea what it is or how its done

2007-09-13 14:37:15 · 13 answers · asked by firebunny6 2

i am 23 weeks pregnant and i was just wondering why they tell you not to take asprin and especially not in your 3rd trimester.......

2007-09-13 14:32:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

At 9 weeks I bleed really really bad. I thought I peed myself until I went to the bathroom and saw blood everywhere! I was gushing blood every time I moved. I just had my appointment today and my doctor discussed the ultrasound I had done at the er. She said there is a blood clot behind my uterus. I might miscarry but there is nothing they can do until 25 weeks when the pregnancy becomes viable. I won't have another ultrasound done until 20 weeks. Has anyone ever gone threw the same thing? I think the doctor should do a follow up ultrasound a little sooner and would like to know more about this subject. Of course I'm goint to take it easy I have a 11 month old so I can't go on bedrest and my doctor doesn't think I should either since I"m so early in the pregnancy.

2007-09-13 14:26:05 · 4 answers · asked by Mommytoasonpregnantagain 1

I have 2 boys and both my pregnancies i had to have c-sections. My 1st was an emergency i was put to sleep and had to go in by myself. My second was a need to get him out now and i got to be awake for that one, and my husband was in there with me. im not pregnant yet, but willl be trying in march and was just wondering if they would let me try a natural delivery, as i feel that i really missed out on something so special and important. has anyone got to have a vbac after 2 previous c-section?? thanks for your answeres

2007-09-13 14:15:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 5 weeks pregnant with my second child. With my first pregnancy, my boobs hurt SO bad from the moment I found out. (and earlier, in fact) I had some soreness last week, but I really don't feel any pain now. I breastfed my 2 year old daughter for 15 months. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, especially after breastfeeding. I don't want to worry that something my be wrong...
Thank you!

2007-09-13 13:47:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is 5 weeks pregnant, and today the doctor said that the past week the baby didn't develop, still the same statistics as before. He said to wait till next week to see what happens. But I think is to early to know the development of a fetus (and is not yet a fetus).

That doesn't mean that something is going wrong right??? Can everything be fine, is it normal??? What can prevent it??? After a natural abortion can something bad happen to my girlfriend???

PLEASE I'm so scared, worried and I want to have a baby, Does anyone knows about this or have any experience???

2007-09-13 13:45:31 · 10 answers · asked by Yulien 2

im a teen parent and things in my life actually got better after i had my son know i take school alittle more serious my boyfriend and ihave never been closer he loves having a son so its not like im a single mother, i my mom who helps me take care of him 24/7 if i want to know my boyfriend and i are thinking of getting married weve been together for a couple of years ,financially i dont need any money because my parents support me and my boyfriend is soon getting a job. so i have more than enough money to buy things for my son so why do people think being a teen parent is so bad it makes me mad that everyone assumes is like that for all teen parent but not for me. thanks

2007-09-13 13:41:16 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

White odorless discharge?

**never get it while close to my period
**never get during ovulation

what does it mean?

2007-09-13 13:10:24 · 5 answers · asked by laura 1

ok well here's my story.
Around Aug.19 i started my period and on Sept.5 i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. He did c*u*m inside me. I've been trying to take HPTs but they all come back negative. i dont know if its because its to early to detect if im pregnant or if it just means im not. lately for like 4 days straight i had something like cramps in my stomach for mostly all day and i hardly ever get cramps when i'm bout to get my period. (im supposed to get my period in like a wk). Also i noticed today that i had some white discharge(i never get this when im ovulating or when im in my period) and it didnt have an odor. Just today ive been kind of moody and thats weird coming from me. Also i also feel tired like all day and most of the time if i lift something i get tired fast and i sometimes run out of breath, besides at some times i feel hot then cold. im so confused can someone help me

2007-09-13 12:32:54 · 6 answers · asked by laura 1

I had heard that it can bring on contractions. Where do I buy it at? I went to 2 grocery stores and could only find rasberry tea. It was just either white or green tea with rasberry flavoring or bits of rasberries in it. Where can I find the leaf tea?

2007-09-13 11:57:03 · 4 answers · asked by angel l 3

i really would like to hear from people that have had success and i dont wanna hear the baby will come out when its ready.. i am 38 wks and just found out my grandfather has leukimia, he got relle emotional when he found out he will have to be in a hospital for 6 wks and wont be able to see the baby when she is born :( this is why i am tryin to jumpstart labor hoping he will then be able to see the baby and make him feel a little better about everything !!

2007-09-13 11:52:48 · 5 answers · asked by cswtqt24 1

I have never had a baby, nor am I pregnant, but when I do have a baby, I cannot imagine putting myself through all that pain.
Why would someone deliberately put themselves through all that pain when they can have the baby without pain?
I am just curious to know.

2007-09-13 11:33:47 · 24 answers · asked by ♥FABULOUS♥ 2

i need some boy and girl spanish names that are good, im only 6 wks preg but i am curious what other names are out there

2007-09-13 11:11:26 · 14 answers · asked by *Baby Number 2 On The Way* 2

And we took a home pregnancy test that came out positive so we went to the health department to get a more accurate test and that came out positive and the date of my last period would make me three months now, but we had intercorse only two days before the health department test, could it be possible that the test came out positive do to sperm that was inside of me???

2007-09-13 11:05:10 · 17 answers · asked by pinky17 1

I need to know what to pack when going to the hospital and when to start packing. What kind of stuff do i need to bring with me?

2007-09-13 10:56:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I am 23 weeks pregnant and about 3 weeks ago I started this job at the bank. I feel so confused because I dont know how to tell my boss about my pregnancy. I dont know if I should give 2 weeks notice when I am close to delivery or just ask them if they would excuse my absence and be able to keep my job. I just be feeling so tired in the morning lately that I cant get up and its so hard to get to work on time. When I get up in the morning I feel awful which may have given them a bad impression.

2007-09-13 10:56:41 · 13 answers · asked by Ally R 1

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