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I am barely pregnant but was wondering what all of those mommies out there thought. My mother didn't have an epidural with me or my sisters, simply because there wasn't time, she had us in like twenty minutes start to finish, but I always thought I would want to go the same way and have no drugs. Now that I am actually pregnant it is much more real and i'm not so sure. Of course I have 37 weeks to go before i have to make a decision i was just wondering what you girls thought.

2007-09-13 14:48:54 · 16 answers · asked by crissy2985 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

16 answers

Totally your call! I can say that I did have an epidural, and didn't have much pain at all. I was kinda scared into it, because the lady in the next room was screaming at the top of her lungs! I told them to help her first, and they said that she was already pushing and didn't have time for an epidural. That truly scared me! I walked in there with the intentions of doing it with no drugs, but that changed my mind - quick. With the epidural I had hardly no pain. But now I do always wonder what it would've been like with out the epidural; if I could have done it and how hard would it have been. Wish you the best! And either way, it will be one of the BEST experiences you'll have (with or without the pain) - the miracle of your son or daughter!

2007-09-13 15:03:20 · answer #1 · answered by AngieWings 2 · 0 0

You should definitely read up on the pros and cons of having an epidural. I didn't have one for either of my two sons since labor for both of them were less than 90 minutes, but towards the end of both I sure wanted it! I am pregnant with my third now and have been reading and I'm struggling with this issue. I was lucky with those first two pregnancies so this one may make up for it and I could be in labor for 36+ hours! You never know. I don't see any reason to be in extreme pain if you don't need to be so that part of me says I should ask for it asap. You gave birth to a child - an epidural would not make you less of a woman or mother, despite some people's opinions. On the other hand, there are some risks involved. It can lower your blood pressure, cause some post-partum back ache, spinal headache, can slow labor, cause an abnormal heart rate in the baby, and of course may make you feel like you're missing out on the full experience. It is not an easy decision to make. You should think it through and let your doctor know before hand what your wishes are. And don't forget, you can always change your mind if you feel the need. Best of luck!

2007-09-13 15:05:00 · answer #2 · answered by Kacey 2 · 0 0

I am only 16 weeks and like you I am thinking about my options in terms of pain relief when it comes to the birth. My mum was a small woman and gave birth to two 9lb babies she was and still is a UK size 6-8, she had a natural labour with no pain relief. In my opinion an epidural is just not for me, when you have it done you are completely numb that you don't even feel the contractions so the medical team need to tell you when to push. This means you are more likely to tear or need an episiotomy also they really push your legs back so they can see the baby better, it doesn't look very pleasant. Epidurals also slow down the labour so what should be only a few hours turns into 18 hours+. Also many women I have known to have an epidural complain of back problems because of nerve damage. I am opting for a water birth at home with my midwife so I will have a natural birth, the water will also ease the pain and soften the perineum so I will be least likely to tear and need stitches. Your midwife will tell you your options nearer to the time so don't worry. You can also opt for gas and air or even pethidine.

2016-05-19 00:30:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had an epidural with my caesar, had pethidine with my first baby and no pain relief with any of the others.

I got to a stage in my third labour (first all natural birth) where I thought I would like some pain relief, but it was too late, the head was crowning. That taught me that the pain wasn't unbearable, and that it is most painful just when the baby is about to be born. The recovery from that birth was just fantastic, I felt so good right afterwards. I gave my baby her first breastfeed within moments of the birth, and was able to get up and have a shower fifteen minutes later, which felt just brilliant (cleaning all that blood and goo off me was great lol).

I ended up going drug free with all my subsequent labours, because each time I'd had drugs, I had a less than happy experience with them (the peth caused respiratory depression, and the epidural left me with a headache, and no feeling or movement below the waist for a few hours). Each drug free labour has been painful, but a really wonderful experience that I was totally happy with.

Make yourself a birth plan that includes pain relief if you end up feeling like you want it, but if you are managing without it, then that's great, don't use any.

2007-09-13 15:22:56 · answer #4 · answered by KooriGirl 5 · 0 0

I had my first one no drugs didn't really bother me. My second I think it was psychological like I knew the pain was coming so I asked for the epidural and it never worked so I took it as a sign that I shouldn't get another one LOL. Maybe you should try go in there and see how far you can take it. And once you cant bear the pain anymore go for the epidural but I would recommend asking your doctor about the risks of an epidural before going into labour to help you make your decision

2007-09-13 15:06:42 · answer #5 · answered by goodmommy22 3 · 0 0

You do not get any medals for having a drug free delivery. I went from 7am to 6pm with no drugs during my labor and had back labor (which is very very uncomfortable to say the least) I never had any stomach pains- just pain in my back. I opted for an epidural and it was the greatest most welcomed experience of my labor. (I ended up having a c section 6 hrs. later so I would have had to have one anyway, I just got 6 hrs of pain free labor.) Everyone is different, and has different pain tolerences. I suggest you do not go into delivery with any expectations. You may need pain management, and you may suprise yourself and be able to do it with naturally. Just see where the experience takes you. The beauty of childbirth these days is that it doesn't have to be some horrible experience. Science and medicine has made it possible for women to experience childbirth as comfortably as they want to.
You will know what you can handle when the time comes, and no, you are not failing as a women if you ask (or beg) for relief. If you do want an epidural, my only advice is to ask for it about a half hour before you think you need it because that is about how long it will take for the anasthesiologist to get to your room to administer it. Good luck and have fun with your pregnancy!

2007-09-13 15:37:34 · answer #6 · answered by trouperstar 3 · 0 0

I have three kids, and with each one I went in with the mindset that I would go as long as I could on my own, and when I couldn't take it anymore I'd ask for an epidural. My first two children were transverse lies, and I was in labor FOREVER. I ended up with epidurals. My third was such a quick labor - a few hours, that although the pain was intense, it was quick enough I could do it naturally.

Honestly, there are no awards in the hereafter for having a natural birth. There is no reason to suffer! That said though, I felt FANTASTIC after a natural delivery. I could get right up, etc. and didn't have the after effects of an epidural. I wish you the best of luck!

2007-09-13 14:57:31 · answer #7 · answered by Mom 6 · 1 0

I have 3 kids. The first one I had an epidural and it was awful. I couldn't feel to push and he ended up destressed and they had to use forcepts. The 2nd and 3rd I had no drugs and I will say it hurt but you kind of go numb and your endorphins take over. It was over much more quickly and you are on a natural high afterwards. With the 2nd and 3rd I got up and walked to the bathroom with in 5 minutes of birth and I felt like a million +. I truly felt great. I know the last boy was big and I did scream, but who cares. They see that all the time.

2007-09-13 15:37:03 · answer #8 · answered by Amy P 2 · 0 0

I had an epidural. I am glad I did. It didn't affect my baby- he is very intelligent and hitting all the milestones early. Let's put it this way...he was almost ten pounds and giving birth to him ripped my body open to shreds..and I didn't feel anything at all. Nothing. It was a great experience!

2007-09-13 14:58:18 · answer #9 · answered by Sweet Valley High 2 · 0 0

i had one with my first. she weight almost 10 pounds and i felt the contractions at the end because they turned my epi off so i would feel pain to push through. (because she was so big) i didn't have anything with my next 2 pregnancies. i hated having to lay there with a catheter that bothered me alot when i had epi. (the nurses kept saying oh you shouldn't be feeling pain from it- what did they know?) when it got to the end and the pain was EXCRUCIATING and it was too late to call for anest. i was thinking why didn't i just get the epi? this is unbearable. but it didn't last forever, and i was up moving around a lot better and sooner then when i had epi. i had a friend who got epi and they had to wake her to push, she slept through whole labor. whatever you decide- good luck!

2007-09-13 15:25:42 · answer #10 · answered by carly sue 5 · 0 0

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